In Down to Earth Chapter 165-174, Zay moves out again once Suzy’s back. However, everyone notices her odd behavior and grow more and more worried about her. Meanwhile, the gang decides to throw her a party which peaks the interest of uninvited Stace. In order to make up for his absence, he takes Zay out for dinner. Without further ado, let’s get into Down to Earth Chapter 165-174.
Suzy | Birthday Party
Down to Earth Chapter 165: Suzy Returns!

In Down to Earth Chapter 165, Zay wakes up to find Kade watching her sleep. He immediately denies when she asks and as he talks, she cups his cheeks and thanks him for worrying and assures she’s fine. He says he has to worry since she’s acting odd and, hesitant, she admit she’s been thinking about their kiss. At that, Kade plops his head onto the pillow and says, “Same here”, making Zay giggle. She touches her lips and then his, saying she misses him. That makes Kade’s evil side yell at him, asking why he tortures them so. He then asks about her dream and she brushes it off, saying its all fuzzy now. Deciding to get up, he offers her breakfast and she perks up at the thought of pancakes.
The two go to Suzy’s apartment with Ethan following. He hugs them all, saying he had missed them a lot. He almost slips up about the theme park but quickly covers it up. They order Chinese and catch each other up on their lives. Suzy asks Zay about her hiatus at which she replies she needed time for art, surprising both Suzy and Ethan. Zay quickly changes the topic and Ethan says he went to a birthday party. When Zay asks, they all realize she hasn’t had one yet. Shocked, Ethan slams the table and gets up, announcing he would throw her a birthday party, concluding Down to Earth Chapter 165.
Chapter 166: Girl Advice

Down to Earth Chapter 166 opens with the girls painting their nails. Suzy asks about Kade and Zay’s relationship, making the other girl blush and turn away. She asks if its that obvious and the other girl says they reeked of tension last night what with their bumping of shoulders and sly glances. Zay admits to wanting her advice and tells her she’s in love with him. Suzy blanks out at that, and, comprehending, she asks if she’s sure. When Zay confirms it, Suzy sighs and says, “Kade of all people”.
She tells her he’s a pervert and how could she like him. Zay laughs at that and says she enjoys that to an extent. Unnerved, Suzy says they would be a great match since they are both pervs. She then says she’s happy for them and asks her to explain more in order to give advice. At that Zay leans over and touches their foreheads, showing her the skyline moment. Once she’s seen it all, Suzy tells her its surprising to find Kade be mature. She explains he’s doing this for both of them and assures her he feels the same way she does. She complains about the wait and Suzy chides her, saying she shouldn’t get her heart broken.
The girls then set to the work Ethan assigned them- making a guest list for the birthday party. As she tells the list, she includes Stace, surprising Suzy. Pausing, she asks if there’s something she missed, concluding Down to Earth Chapter 166.
Down to Earth Chapter 167: A Small Party

In Down to Earth Chapter 167, Suzy asks if Zay and Stace have grown that close. At that Zay says he had wanted to be friends and that she thinks he means well. Suzy recalls the two going for lunch and how it had bothered Kade. She then looks at Zay’s long list of guests and tells her she’s going to get a lot of attention. The other girl panics at that and quickly cuts down the list to just the four of them. As she awkwardly explains, she suddenly hears someone thinking, “Huh, that’s odd”. Shocked, she realizes she just heard Suzy’s thoughts.
As she panics, Suzy thinks if she is ok and Zay quickly responds aloud she’s fine, surprising the other girl. She dashes off to the bathroom and, tired, sits on the floor. Calling Kade, she admits to missing him a lot and Kade, concerned, asks why she sounds awfully down. He assures her she can come by anytime and that its her home too. Zay asks if Kade would still accept her if she were a monster, concluding Down to Earth Chapter 167.
Chapter 168: “My Zay”

Down to Earth Chapter 168 opens with Kade, panicking, hearing Zay crying. She says she feels different and she hates hiding herself from people. She admits to feeling lonely despite having him and their friends. Kade says he cannot imagine how she feels and admires her bubbly and social attitude. He assures her there are earthlings who feel different and struggle to fit in too and that she’s not alone. He then says, “If you are Zay, then you are MY ZAY”.
Blushing hard, she falls off the bed. Taking the phone, she quickly thanks Kade, saying she feels way better, and hangs up, leaving Kade wondering what just happened. Suzy, hearing the fall, finds her all red and wrapped in a blanket on the floor.
The next day, Suzy and Kade are at work, discussing about Zay’s birthday party. Just as they discuss her odd behavior, his mother calls, and he goes off to attend it. He takes the call to his mom’s overly sweet greeting. Exasperated, he asks if she got dumped again and is not surprised to hear her confirmation. She then changes the topic to Zay and he starts blushing, and tells her about the birthday party. He asks his mum for advice on what to get her and jumps at her squealing. Meanwhile, outside the employee door, Stace overhears their conversation. Down to Earth Chapter 168 ends with Stace finding out about the party.
Down to Earth Chapter 169: Stace’s Invitation

In Down to Earth Chapter 169, Kade, done with the call, goes over to Suzy. They talk about going shopping after work and Kade looks over to find Stace, clearly pretending to be working. He warns her to be more quiet, saying he could have overheard them. Meanwhile, Stace feels bummed out at not being invited. He thinks about Zay and wonders if he’s too late to make a move. Certain Kade and Zaida would be a thing if he doesn’t act, he makes up his mind.
At Suzy’s home, Zay is watching the two points in her forehead grow more pointed, when Suzy knocks. She asks if the other girl wants to join her for a walk and, much to her surprise, she declines. Suzy then asks if she wants to join her night facemask routine and Zay, apologizing, says she’s sleepy and hugs her, wishing her good night.
As Zay goes to bed, she gets a call from Stace. He’s surprised she picked up and says he heard about her birthday. Hesitating, he says he wants to do something for her birthday and asks if he could take her out for dinner this weekend, just the two of them, concluding Down to Earth Chapter 169.
Chapter 170: “Bell”

Down to Earth Chapter 170 opens with Zay accepting his offer cheerfully, surprising him. He then wishes her goodnight, calling her ‘Bell’. She remembers that its her nickname and doodles (google) the meaning. Upon finding it means ‘beautiful’, she wonders if he thinks that way of her.
The next day, the two girls go out for a walk and Zay asks if they can keep it short. Suzy agrees and asks if she’s ok and she responds with, “I have tummy issues”. While walking they run into Cherri, who admires Zay’s cat hat. She asks to borrow it and Zay says its too chilly, when Cherri presses, Suzy chides her and tells her to leave the hat alone. They catch up and Cherri suggests going for bubble tea. Zay perks up at that but Suzy reminds her of her tummy issues. Zay unleashes her puppy eyes and says its fine for bubble tea and the three girls go off.
As they have their bubble tea, Zaida reveals Stace had asked her out on her birthday, making the two spit their tea. Cherri notes how he doesn’t usually do these things. Upon asking, she reveals Stace is her cousin and that he’s a workaholic. Down to Earth Chapter 170 ends with Zay realizing him taking her out for dinner means its a date.
Down to Earth Chapter 171: Something Special

In Down to Earth Chapter 171, Suzy and Cherri warn Zay and tells her to go only if she trusts him. They tell her he might have an ulterior motive and determines that he is asking her out. Zaida, uncertain, wonders what to do and Suzy tells her she can go if she wants to. Just as Zay gets a message from him asking her favorite color. Assuming its for a gift, she says red. She says she will be honest with him if he plans on asking her out.
Meanwhile, at Kade’s home, he is stressing over what to get her. Ethan says it will be easy since Zaida is the type to love anything she is given. Kade whines that it has to be something special and glares at Ethan when he gives him a look. He throws a pillow at him when he says, “It’s cuuute”. Ethan, remembering, asks if he has something nice to wear and chides him for not thinking of it. Getting up, Kade tells him to drop everything and join him for shopping, concluding Down to Earth Chapter 171.
Chapter 172: Dress To Impress

Down to Earth Chapter 172 ends with Kade and Ethan trying multiple stores and not finding the right outfit. Ethan takes him to a store Kade’s unsure of but ends up liking a shirt and buying the same shirt in different colors. They bump into Dustin and, upon knowing the occasion, reminds him to get some perfume too. He thanks him and Dustin teases him for trying to impress.
The two head to a fancy perfume store looking for cologne. Kade finds one and turns around to see no sign of Ethan. As he looks around, he accidentally bumps into someone. Looking up he finds Stace, his hair dyed red. Down to Earth Chapter 172 ends with Kade noting the oddness amusedly.
Down to Earth Chapter 173: Competition

In Down to Earth Chapter 173, Stace asks if he shops here often and Kade, looking away, replies with a non-committal yes. Stace smirks and thinks to himself Kade’s just trying to impress a woman on her birthday. Kade asks him the same and he smirks and gloats that he’s going out for a date. The other guy laughs at that and teases him for coloring his hair for a date. Blushing, Stace turns away and yells at him, walking off. Ethan comes back and finds Kade in deep thought. He wonders if Stace was so cocky because his date was Zaida and then brushes off the thought. Ethan asks him about gifts for her and the two go off to the next store.
Meanwhile Stace wonders if he isn’t trying hard enough and, makes a decision. At home, Zay is worrying about her party and if she will be judged by Kade, Ethan and Suzy. Suzy sees her distracted and asks about it when suddenly Zay gets a text. Down to Earth Chapter 173 ends with Stace’s text, asking to prepone their dinner to that night.
Chapter 174: A Date?

In Down to Earth Chapter 174, Suzy is annoyed at Stace. Zay on the other hand accepts it and decides the sooner it gets over the better. Suzy agrees but insists that she will join them and watch from afar. She puts on a wig, effectively disguising herself, and the two set off. However, Suzy is stumped when they reach the boujee restaurant. She panics and wonders how to get in without a reservation when Stace appears. She turns away while Zay greets him and is startled that he changed his hair color for her.
As Stace takes her inside the restaurant, Zaida can hear his nervous thoughts and feels anxious. Meanwhile, Suzy bumps into a pretty girl who recognizes her as Spender’s model. Suddenly, the girl invites her to dinner with her, concluding Down to Earth Chapter 174.
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