Previously, we covered some of the most fascinating Refund High School chapters from the field trip to hell to Gunn winning the Ghostagram Star Award. The last few chapters revealed many secrets about Reincarnation High and shockingly the history teacher. We discovered the history teacher, in reality, is a Grim Reaper and now Aru has one more secret to keep. Later in the story, he announces to leave the school having served his 50 years, upsetting the students. I’m all set to find out what more is about to happen in Reincarnation High.
Refund High School Chapter 57: Mari’s Karma

Refund High School Chapter 57 begins with the girls flaunting their new uniforms. As the class begins the students are wondering who their new history teacher might be. And to everyone’s surprise, it’s the history teacher again. The students are really excited and all smiles.
In the next scene, while talking about Mari, King Yemma says, “I can’t believe I made such a big mistake, I will have to eraser memory and set everything right. Bring Mari Kim to me.” Hearing this, the history teacher replies, “My lord, please give her two more Underworld years. I will use the token of the grim reaper on her!” She replies, “The token of the grim reaper? You mean the evil star?! Are you sure about this?” “Yes!”

Dicarius is now discussing with the history teacher if he plans to make Mari his successor. He replies, “Of course not! But I am sure she can erase the token in two Underworld years.” Dicarius warns, “Wake up. You can’t change human nature that easily.” “Yes, I can. I am going to make her change!”
Class President Aru Kim

Now it’s time to choose the new class president and suddenly the students decide Aru Kim is the right person. Although everyone is excited, Aru is scared she won’t be able to do it. However, the history teacher tells her if she becomes the class president, she will obtain additional points for reincarnation. Additionally, when he mentions how she might not find her dream man next life, she agrees to become the class president.
Mook congratulates Aru Kim for becoming the class president and hands her the list of things that are important for the position. He also mentions that sophomores have to attend student counselling meetings. In the end, he hands her a beautiful purple colour bottle saying, “I got this as a prize from the track meet before but I don’t need this so I want you to have it.” Aru says, “This is so pretty, what is it for?” and Mook replies, “Apparently, it makes you brave!”
Refund High School Chapter 58: Mari’s Yarn Is Finally Untangled

Refund High School Chapter 58 begins with the history teacher catching Aru Kim sleeping during school hours. Then he announces Stretch Nam is the vice president. In the next scene, we have the ethics teacher with a bundle of yarn in her hands. She mentions the new task of the students for this session is to knit something with the yarn.
On the other hand, the history teacher comes to Mari, taps on her untangled yarn, and all of it is untied now. Mari is shocked and he says, “For the next two Underworld years for each knot I just undid for you, you have to do as many good deeds as you can for the others. The stars on your arm are the token of this promise.” She thanks him for untangling the yarn.

Aru then walks into the history teacher’s office to take away the box for their gardening assignment. Later goes into the class to keep the heavy box of seeds. She finally feels a sense of relief but she is forgetting something – Yes!! The student council meeting. Rushing off to the auditorium and there he is, standing tall, leaning on the door, “Late on your first day, huh!” Welcome, Refund High School’s student president Jun Seo!
Refund High School Chapter 59: Student Council

Refund High School Chapter 59 begins with the student president introducing himself to the council meeting. He introduces the reincarnation point policy – it will be applied under the supervision of the Thousand Spirits Assembly. According to this policy, when a student does something that can set an example, they get bonus points and when they do something against the school policy, they will get penalty points.

Aru Kim collects her badge from Fairy Kim, but in reality, it’s her sister, Beauty Kim. After collecting her badge she encounters Gang Ho. He is from Class 3 and recently had a glow-up. However, we can safely say he was cute in the previous years too. She asks Gang, “How is Mook? He is in your class, right? Are you both close?” Gang Ho replies, “You know what they say, Dragons and tigers can never get along!”

In the next scene, Aru meets Mari and Sehui and they love her badge. Aru then reveals the bonus and penalty points written in the reincarnation policy. While talking about the council, she brings out Mook’s gift and says, “It’s an Ampoule that helps with anxiety.” They reply, “Mook? It looks valuable, I think he likes you.” To which Aru replies, “Mook? No, it’s nothing like that. We are just friends. ‘A secret friend’. He just gave it to me because I kept his secret.”
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Refund High School Chapter 60: Gardening Assignment
Refund High School Chapter 60 begins with the students talking about the seeds. For the gardening activity, they fall into a deep pit – the garden of death. The history teacher explains, “We have moved the real grounds of creatures that died of mysterious diseases from the upper world. These poor creatures all died here without knowing why. To furnish and bring the warmth of the life back into this forsaken land with your seeds, that is the mission of your sophomore gardening lesson. you can start levelling the ground. Any questions?”

Furthermore, he explains how every seed is different just like the different personalities of all the students. In the next scene, Aru sees Jun and greets him. Now everyone is back to work and Mari notices that there are lots of bones in her part of the ground. She believes it might be her karma so she has to do it anyway, but Mari being Mari, eventually gives up. Refund High School Chapter 60 finishes with the scene ending with the history teacher asking Dicarius about the weather as he is concerned about Mook. However, Dicarius is on patrolling work and doesn’t care about Mook.
Refund High School Chapter 61: Mook’s Secret Is Almost Out!

Refund High School Chapter 61 begins with Jun pointing at Aru’s badge, saying it is broken and she doesn’t have to wear it daily. In the next scene, everyone is in the gardening area for their project, and Aru announces that the teacher won’t be able to make it as he has some urgent work, so they have to plant the seeds by themselves. She then realizes that she forgot the kettle. However, it’s too heavy for her and Stretch, then Mook arrives to help them out,.
Seeing the sudden rain, Aru turns her head towards Mook and realizes he is turning into a dragon. All the students start trembling in fear. Sua mentions that she has read in the underworld encyclopedia that there was once a sea serpent who couldn’t turn into Dragon and ate ‘Souls!’. Meanwhile, Aru tries to defend Mook and tells everyone that he is harmless. On the other hand, Gunn takes a sickle to attack him. The chapter ends with Mook releasing his superpowers and lightning on the ground.
Refund High School Chapter 62: The Reaper Will Always Protect Mook

Refund High School Chapter 62 continues with the fight between the students and Mook, and Aru is defending Mook. As Gunn is ready to charge the sea serpent, the Grim Reaper arrives. The students can’t believe their eyes but seeing a magic scythe and a black cape, they realize the history teacher is the Grim Reaper. Mook is finally calm now, and he also realizes it was his teacher that day.

The students are now asking Aru why she was defending the sea serpent. She says that she was afraid that the students might agitate him it could have been even worse. She then sees a weird devil-like student and she wonders who is it. The devil smiles to himself thinking, “A grim reaper and a human girl defending a sea serpent, that is priceless! The red eclipse is going to be so much more interesting.”

In the next scene, the history teacher and Mook discuss what happened in the hell field trip. The teacher further talks about his past life as the Reaper. “Before I came here, I used to bring dead souls from the land of the living. That is my real job – A Grim Reaper. Watching mortals die was a routine for me so it did not bother me in the slightest, I never felt pity or sympathy towards anyone until I saw that child! The chapter ends with Grim Reaper staring at a patient on the hospital bed.
Refund High School Chapter 63: The Reaper And Hwankee

Refund High School Chapter 63 starts with a flashback of the Grim Reaper. We see him in a hospital waiting to take 16-year-old Hwankee. The young boy asks if he is here to take him and to the Reaper’s surprise, he can see him. Hwankee is the first human who can see him. After almost going into a coma, when the doctors save him through electric shock, Hwanhee is disappointed to realize he’s still alive. He tells the Grim Reaper to take his life as it’s not worth living. (I mean how worse things must be for him to say these words, but we can’t judge a person until we’re in their shoes, can we?)
In the next scene, we see Hwankee’s grandma requesting the hospital staff to give her some more time to clear the hospital bills. Watching this misery, the patient tells the Grim Reaper to take him away as he can’t see his grandmother suffer anymore.

Later we see Dicarius advising Grim Reaper not to bring emotions into the situation because his job is to take the spirits mentioned in the list. Anything beyond that should be none of his concerns. Refund High School Chapter 63 ends with the Reaper repeating, “Do not interfere between death and life!” And on the other hand, he takes out the oxygen mask out of Hwankee’s mouth. BEEP! The sound continues…
Refund High School Chapter 64: Origin of Reincarnation High

Refund High School Chapter 64 begins with the boy smiling ear to ear as he is now a free soul. Suddenly, there’s chaos in hell and Dicarius is now on his way to catch the Grim Reaper. Furious King Yemma proceeds to shout, “You have disturbed the very order of the living world and the underworld! I have told you countless times not to get involved in life and death! Take him away!”
Meanwhile, the boy cries out loud and tells her that it is not the Grim Reaper’s fault. Looking back at the boy’s life, King Yemma said she might have done the same thing if she were the Grim Reaper. She gives him an option, “So do you recall the project I have been planning for a while? I think it’s time we work on it!

It’s the Reincarnation High project. “I will build a school and you will be a teacher for 50 Underworld years and guide these young souls to reincarnation!” Shocked by this, he replies, “You want me to become a teacher? I can’t! I watch them die with my own eyes how could I!” King Yemma commands, “You have broken the most important rule in the Underworld. Did I not tell you that no one can interfere with the life and death of mortals? So, your punishment for taking the wrong lives is 50 years of reincarnation high as the history teacher who will teach life and death to its students!”
Refund High School Chapter 64 concludes with the history teacher revealing the above-mentioned story to Mook.
We can very clearly see Refund High School is a well-written webtoon. It is very lovable, especially the part where they discuss the history and past life characters and how they became what they’ve become. Not only the writing, but the storyline is also top-tier.
What do you think is going to happen next? (Comment below)