Your Throne Chapter 155-164 is becoming increasingly intriguing and visually captivating. Medea recognizes the danger and cunning of Eros as she plans to expose his assassination plot against the Emperor. Tensions rise between her and the Empress, leading to a fallout that forces Medea to pursue the case on her own, without full support from the Queen. Amidst all the drama, Medea has also come to realize her feelings for Helio, resulting in a mutual confession of love between them. With this backdrop, let’s dive into Your Throne Chapter 155-164.
Your Throne Chapter 155-164: One-Way Love
Your Throne Chapter 155: Another Warning

Your Throne Chapter 155 opens with Eros asking Medea about her purity. They begin to make love, but Medea asks him to stop since they are in a temple. Eros obliges, inquiring if she is okay with intimacy outside the temple. Later, Medea explains a ritual involving bird’s blood that tests a woman’s purity; if the blood pools cleanly on her arm, she is pure, but if it streams down, she is not. When she meets her mother, her mother questions her about the beauty that stirs dark desires, but she isn’t interested in arguing right after their reunion. She heads to Eros, waiting for her.
As Eros tries to seduce her, Medea reflects on the bird’s blood ritual. She understands it as a test of the psyche, where those hiding something might panic and cause a spill. Determined not to be afraid of Eros, Medea unexpectedly thinks of Helio during their intimacy. In a surprising moment, she tells him that she loves him, catching him off guard. He responds by saying he trusts her, and the scene concludes there.
In the next scene, Medea struggles with an infected ear. While her maids suggest using the ointment sent by Helio, she insists on applying the one Eros provided. Medea then writes a letter to the queen of Othilei, asking for a favor, and instructs her maid to contact Bertie about coming on the next boat. Meanwhile, Pell has a troubling nightmare of the Empress taking her life and wonders if he can change that future. Your Throne Chapter 155 concludes with Seira, wishing something fun would happen while she goes about her chores.
Chapter 156: Regret

Following Your Throne Chapter 155, Chapter 156 begins with Pell washing up, revealing that he has a new eye. Meanwhile, Medea and Eros have spent the night together, but Eros becomes slightly frustrated as Medea keeps discussing work. Eros confesses to Medea that he craves absolute power.
Later, after work, Medea finds her mother awake and creating chaos. Medea orders the servants to leave, but her mother commands them to stay, even throwing a utensil at one of the maids. With a sigh, she apologizes calmly, instructing the maid to get treated and to use the ointment she provided. She then closes the door, only to have her mother resume the insults.
Medea laughs when her mother claims her achievements are solely due to her teachings. Curious, she asks if her mother is afraid of her. In response, her mother slaps her, denying any fear and insisting that she should be the one afraid of ruining her plans. She threatens to tarnish Medea’s reputation and demands respect. She agrees but indirectly suggests her mother spend less, leading to another slap, though this time she stops her.
Medea apologizes but asserts that she won’t let her mother slap her on her injury. This surprises Medea’s mother, prompting her to question if Medea really is her daughter, as she seems changed. Medea retorts by asking when her mother ever truly knew her. When her mother wonders why she gave birth to her, she replies that it was not by choice. Your Throne Chapter 156 concludes with a scene of the Empress sitting beside the Emperor, discussing whether she regrets giving birth to Eros. The Empress admits she doesn’t know how to feel, while Eros eavesdrops at the door.
Your Throne Chapter 157: Seira’s Delusion

Your Throne Chapter 157 opens with Medea’s mother stating she never wanted to give birth to her. This triggers a brief flashback of her mother in happier times before her pregnancy, but she quickly shifts her tone, claiming she did want Medea after all, and asks about her father. Medea realizes her mother has become mentally unstable and decides to leave her be. As she exits the room, she recalls her mother’s words but finds that she feels surprisingly indifferent—not hurt at all.
In the next scene, Medea visits the Pope to uncover the temple’s secrets, per Eros’s request. She mentions that Eros is curious if she and Psyche can swap bodies and wonders why the Pope is assisting Eros. The Pope responds that Psyche defies divine providence in many ways. Medea presents him with a gift, indicating she may seek his assistance in the future. The Pope accepts it but informs her that the information she seeks isn’t available at the temple, handing her a riddle to solve instead.
As Medea leaves the temple, Pell unexpectedly pulls her aside. Annoyed by his roughness, she soon learns he has something important to share. Pell recounts a nightmare he had where the Empress hangs herself, urging her to prevent it from happening. She understands the gravity of this information, especially since it came from a cardinal with special powers. Meanwhile, Pell notices the marks Eros has left on Medea and warns her that she’ll regret it. The chapter ends with a revelation that Seira has been kicked out of her family, and Your Throne Chapter 157 concludes with Eros seducing her.
Chapter 158: Gullible

Your Throne Chapter 158 opens with Seira, feeling a mix of embarrassment and excitement, asking Eros if he intends to marry her. Eros whispers that she would make a lovely bride, deepening her blush. Meanwhile, Psyche meets Medea at the flower shop secretly. Medea urges Psyche to be cautious, advising her to avoid actions that could make Eros frame her.
Upset by Medea’s lack of trust, Psyche insists they should be united in their fight against the danger. Medea acquiesces and shares a recent oracle’s prophecy suggesting that Eros may bring prosperity to the continent. The possibility of a new war scares Psyche, who fears for their fragile peace. Despite her fear, she expresses her determination to play the villain if it means saving the people. Medea admires Psyche’s bravery, saying she appreciates her resolve.
The scene shifts to the palace, where Medea arrives to see the Empress. She learns that Eros is walking with her mother in the garden. During their stroll, Eros presents the Empress with a bouquet, promising to be a good son and make her happy. The Empress, unaware of Eros’s deceit, is genuinely pleased.
Afterward, Medea waits in the Empress’s parlor, visibly frustrated that the Empress is being deceived. Medea implores the Empress to be less trusting of her son, which leads to a furious outburst. The Empress slaps Medea hard, injuring her cheek, and demands to know what she knows about Eros. Angered, she insists that Medea cannot understand her love for her son, as she has never experienced parental love herself. Medea responds coldly, suggesting that the Empress will only grasp the truth when Eros betrays her. Your Throne Chapter 158 ends with Medea reflecting that the Empress’s slap stung more than the wounds from her own mother.
Your Throne Chapter 159: One-way Love

Your Throne Chapter 159 opens with Eros on his way to meet Medea, but he hesitates when he hears a commotion coming from the parlor. Inside, Medea tells the Empress that their alliance is over and that she will no longer assist her. The Empress, shocked and desperate, pleads with Medea not to abandon her at such a crucial time. Medea counters that it is the Empress who has abandoned her, gently kissing the Empress’s head as she expresses her desire to see how long the Empress can love her son unconditionally.
As she opens the door to leave, Eros enters and immediately notices Medea’s bleeding cheek and the blood on the Empress’s ring. The Empress claims that Medea is insolent, necessitating a reprimand, but Eros sees through that excuse; he doesn’t believe Medea would provoke his mother. Ignoring the Empress, he focuses on Medea. The Empress realizes that Medea had allowed her to hit her, knowing that Eros would soon arrive.
Eros tends to Medea’s injury and kisses her passionately, but Medea perceives that he remains indifferent to his mother’s tears. He then questions her about her feelings for the Empress, asking why she got slapped and whether she wants him to kill her mother. Recognizing this as a test, Medea defiantly refuses but counters with a question of her own, catching him off guard. Your Throne Chapter 159 concludes with Eros, intrigued by the challenge, suggesting that he could have the Empress hang herself, displaying a mix of excitement and darkness in his demeanor.
Chapter 160: New Mission

Your Throne Chapter 160 opens with Eros confronting Medea, asking if she would want him to kill the Empress. He believes he knows her better than anyone, thinking she is perfect when she’s alone and should only care for him, not his mother. Medea snaps him out of his delusion by suggesting he can indeed kill the Empress if he wishes. Eros, surprised yet pleased by her boldness, relishes her response. She understands how twisted he can be and knows he would have killed the Empress had she asked him to spare her. As she prepares to leave, Eros tells her not to care for others.
In the next scene, Dekis treats Medea’s injuries, and she reflects on how many people she must protect. The following morning, she visits Pell, who is amused to see her again covered in wounds. After she recounts the events, Pell reveals that the Empress did not die in his dream last night; instead, all he saw was a noose and a dagger on the floor. He warns Medea not to let her guard down. Intrigued, she contemplates what kind of person Pell is and what his relationship with God might be.
Realizing she only wanted to scare the Empress into being cautious, Medea decides to return to her. Meanwhile, Pell asks if it’s time to infiltrate the temple, naming their next mission “Blue Hawk Hunting.” In a parallel scene at the Callista manor, Psyche reads a book and shares her newfound knowledge about God with Lira. Your Throne Chapter 160 concludes with Medea opening her balcony doors to find Helio sitting on a tree branch. Determined, she resolves to speak her mind and strengthen her resolve.
Your Throne Chapter 161: Love Confession

Your Throne Chapter 161 begins with Medea meeting Helio, who enters the room but keeps a distance that annoys her. When he asks if she needs more ointment, she shows him her bruised wrist and requests his help to heal it. They share a kiss and begin to deepen their connection. Medea feels different around Helio, noting that she never wakes up with bruises when she’s next to him. Frustrated by her situation and Helio’s inability to pick up on her hints, she becomes increasingly irritated.
Helio is taken aback and confused by her behavior and tears up. Medea, noticing his tears, hugs him to offer comfort. During this moment, she realizes how much she loves him and desires his strength to help her become stronger. She expresses a wish to be his refuge. Helio is shocked to hear this, as he has always known Medea to be strong and resilient, never bowing to anyone. He urges her not to abandon him and expresses his desire for her to achieve victory.
They share a tender moment of comfort and peace. In the next scene, Helio is outside, reflecting on the pressure he feels to marry, but he knows he cannot go through with it, even for appearances. Meanwhile, in another scene, Medea has reconciled with the Empress and has set conditions for her to ensure better outcomes moving forward, concluding Your Throne Chapter 161.
Chapter 162: Seira Tupiz

Your Throne Chapter 162 begins with Medea experiencing an unsettling dream where she feels trapped by Eros. Determined, she sets out to find evidence of Eros’s plan to assassinate the Emperor. She meticulously searches the Emperor’s quarters, examining everything and everyone closely. During her investigation, Medea notices that the Empress appears relieved, thinking Medea has found no incriminating evidence against her son.
Meanwhile, Pell and Psyche are conducting their investigations. Frustrated by her lack of progress, Medea is disheartened when her maid lights the candles, prompting her to suspect something might be amiss. Upon inspecting the candles, she discovers the name “Seira Tupiz” engraved on the bottom, recalling Pell’s mention of Eros flirting with a noble lady. Connecting the dots, she formulates a plan to take action. Your Throne Chapter 162 concludes with Medea’s guards capturing Seira, and Medea addresses her as the future Empress, signaling a significant turn in her investigation.
Your Throne Chapter 163: Manipulation

In Your Throne Chapter 163, Seira Tupiz, the count’s once-favored daughter, struggles as she helps the sick, yearning for the attention she has lost after being cast out by her family. Medea, aware of Seira’s vulnerabilities, sees an opportunity for manipulation, particularly as Seira becomes increasingly entranced by Eros. Medea’s goal is to protect Seira from being misled.
Medea confronts Seira and points out that Eros is deceiving her. However, Seira, stubborn and defensive, believes that Medea is simply envious of her. Undeterred, Medea uses soothing words and gestures to gain Seira’s trust, expressing her genuine concern for Seira’s well-being. She gifts her a set of clean clothes, which had been soiled during a recent kidnapping incident. This act of kindness brightens her spirits, especially when the head priest of the temple commends her for her hard work.
In the meantime, Medea is back at her manor, feeling frustrated that the empress is uncooperative with her ongoing investigation. In the palace, the emperor inquires about her, and the empress dismisses her involvement, labeling her pursuits as unimportant. Your Throne Chapter 163 closes with the emperor expressing a desire to meet with Medea on his own.
Chapter 164: Meeting The Emperor

In Your Throne Chapter 164, Medea prepares for her visit with the emperor, who is pleased to see her as the Duchess of Solon Dukedom. She admires the emperor’s confidence and power, wishing to emulate him. She feels that the emperor appreciates her competence as a Solon, unlike Eros, who ridicules her. The Emperor reveals that the empress was responsible for introducing Seira to Eros. Emphasizing their connection, the emperor asks Medea to approach him with important matters and urges her not to harbor hatred for the empress, cautioning that this could reflect Medea’s own future as empress.
A flashback shows the emperor’s first meeting with the empress, which was anything but joyful. She endured blame for every misfortune in the empire, and only the birth of Eros brought her hope. This background helps explain why she struggles to accept Eros’s darker side. Medea is surprised by the emperor’s willingness to share such sensitive information.
The emperor reminds Medea that despite being the ruler of Vasilios, he is just a man and that Eros is not a divine being. The Emperor holds her hand and reassures her that she doesn’t need to marry Eros or become empress. He sees reflections of the empress’s life in Medea and encourages her to remain strong and unbroken. As the conversation unfolds, the emperor unexpectedly coughs up blood but insists that he fully supports her. Your Throne Chapter 164 ends with Medea expressing her concern for the emperor, urging him to stay alive and govern the empire rather than allowing Eros to take control.
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