Refund High School webtoon revolves around Aru Kim, a high schooler who is preparing for the SATs. Following the theme of reincarnation, by the end of the first chapter, she gets hit by a car and dies. And, this is where the story begins. After her car accident, she finds herself in Reincarnation High. Now to find out what happens in this popular reincarnation school, stay tuned with us. Previously, we covered chapters 11 to 15 and saw how the bond between Aru and Gunn is taking a positive turn. Now let’s see what happens in the next chapters. Will Aru and Gunn get together? Is Mook the potential hero of the Refund High School webtoon?
Refund High School Chapter 16: Proposal Time

Refund High School Chapter 16 begins with the proposal event, where everyone is searching for their to confess their feelings. Sehui and Mari end up getting one invitation each, but Sehui likes it, as it was by a thoughtful guy who liked her performance. On the other hand, Mari whooshes away her proposal from the long-neck creature.
Meanwhile, Aru Kim is bombarded with proposals but the only thing she is thinking about is how she would confess her feelings while the letter is gone. In Refund High School Chapter 15, we saw that her letter fell due to a large crowd rush and was then picked up by Mook. The crow catches the letter before Mook and flies away but Mook takes it back.

Aru gets upset, turns her head, and starts to walk off but she meets Gunn on her way and starts wondering, “Should I confess to him? How should I do it, I don’t even have the letter. What will I say?” Through this buzz, she finally decides to speak her feelings out and surprisingly conveys everything that was written in the letter. This scene is followed by a cute moment between the “History teacher” and the “Ethics teacher” where she asks him if he has ever liked anyone. He replies, “It’s been so long, I can’t even remember if I have ever liked anyone.”

Refund High School Chapter 16 ends with Aru and Gunn standing near the firecrackers with their light and sound overshadowing their voices. And, the scene closes with Gunn leaning towards Aru’s ears to confess something. (What did he say? Argh!)
Refund High School Chapter 17: Couples Everywhere

Refund High School Chapter 17 begins with Aru’s homegirls waiting for her to come and give all the gossip about her proposal. Aru finally arrives and tells how her day went, finishing the discussion by saying, “We decided to date!” And the girls jump off their beds and start screaming and teasing Aru.

The next day, Aru and Gunn walk in holding hands and everyone in the class is amazed by how beautiful they look together. However, of course, there were some jealous eyes, but can we do anything about it? No. Aru decides to pass a small paper to Gunn telling him that they can go for a walk if he is feeling sleepy, to which Gunn agrees. Later, Aru and her girl gang along with Gunn enjoy ice cream in the school arena where they spot the first couple of Reincarnation High- ‘A Human and a Monster!’
And trust me, they did look so pretty individually and really complimented each other; Aru and her friends felt the same about them too. The chapter ends with Mook wondering where Aru, her girl gang, and Gunn go in the middle of the class.
Refund High School Chapter 18: Melon Buns

Refund High School Chapter 18 begins with the ethics class in the middle of which, Gunn tells Aru that he is going to buy ‘Melon Buns’, to which Aru blushes and says, “You and your Melon Buns.” Aru proceeds to ask her teacher whether she ever liked someone. The teacher replies even if she did, she didn’t have as much courage as Aru to confess. Aru explains how important it is to tell someone how you feel about them because we never know when they will go away. This scene was written so perfectly, I mean a student half the age, explaining to her teacher about expressing feelings.
Now it’s raining, (Sun shower, according to the teacher) and Aru asks her why they call it ‘Fox rain?’ The teacher then explains the reason behind it by narrating a cute little story of ‘A Cloud and a Fox’. The cloud loved the fox but when the fox married the tiger, the cloud burst into tears, which we now call ‘Fox Rain.’

Aru then notices Mook and he hands over the letter to her by saying, “I found it on the ground!” She is now finally happy being back with Gunn. He waves off Aru and decides to head towards the cafeteria but gets interrupted by nosy people commenting how he is cocky and doesn’t deserve Aru. Gunn now gets into the self-blaming, never-ending spiral of overthinking, and is now questioning whether he is really cocky and if he even deserves Aru.
Refund High School Chapter 19: GHOSTAGRAM!

Refund High School Chapter 19 starts with Aru meeting Gunn and seeing him upset. Aru out of concern asks him, “Did you sleep properly? Are you fine?” Gunn replied lowly, “Yeah…” Gunn’s gloomy face makes Aru sad, and she refuses to get melon buns, which is rare because those are her favourites. While in the shop, Sehui overhears people talking about Gunn saying the same hateful stuff about being corny and undeserving. Sehui gets infuriated gives them an angry look and decides to leave the shop.

After learning the reason behind Gunn’s sadness, Aru tries to mend things with him which eventually uplifts his mood. Later, Gunn suddenly notices something that reminds him of his past life – A longboard! (Are you thinking the same thing?) Then he starts riding the longboard like a hero and impresses Aru all over again with his skill and looks. He then offers Aru to ride it and we all know what happens next, Aru slips and falls in the arms of Gunn. And suddenly love is in the air all back again!

We now have a new section in the popular Refund High School – Ghostagram! (Yeah, it resembled Instagram from head to toe, but we’ll give the points to the creator for the conceptual idea.) This is where people get to introduce themselves and it is kind of a self-promotion thing. There are words about a female musical group becoming famous through Ghostagram. And, this gave bonus popularity points that applied in their next life. Hearing this, Gunn gets excited and decides that he has to win this. And by winning this he will shut down all the hateful comments and gain popularity points.
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Refund High School Chapter 20: Between Fame And Personal Life

Refund High School Chapter 20 continues the buzz around Ghostagram and people, especially Gunn, are now excited to paste their pictures on the board. Aru informs Gunn how it’ll be super cute if he posts their couple pictures together, and then they can also post pictures of them wearing cute matching couple outfits. (Yeah, you heard that right, the clingy but cute stuff again!) On the other hand, Gunn is thinking about how he is going to upload his pictures on the longboard.

Gunn then goes to the Ghostagram board and decides to post his longboard picture and the second one is him with Aru. Although Aru gets sad initially but later appreciates him. Gradually, the leaves increase and Gunn is now on the top three posts on the Ghostagram board. However, what catches his eye in the third position is a picture of a class representative cooking in a slim and sleek black shirt. The picture even leaves our Aru Kim in awe.

The next moment, we see Gunn waving off Aru, telling her that he is going to develop his picture for the Ghostagram (All by himself!) Aru is now a little bit sad and this is where we see the particular pattern of a fame seeker, ignoring their personal life. Later, when Aru catches Gunn she asks Gunn to show her the developed pictures. He hands over the photo to her, and now what we see is not surprising but rather IRONIC! All of their pictures together are cropped out, leaving Aru out of the frame. I mean, I saw that coming, the usual fame tactics but this fast? This leaves Aru doubtful about their relationship.
Refund High School Chapter 21: Mook And Mari

Refund High School Chapter 21 starts with the never-ending buzz of the Ghostagram and whose picture ends up on the top three this time? Seeing what happened yesterday, Aru is really unhappy regarding the pictures and Gunn is now explaining to her it’s not a big deal. (Oh the gaslighting never misses!) She eventually gets convinced and gives it a thought that Gunn is just trying to do what he likes. And, to help Gunn, Aru also decides to promote his pictures. The efforts are worth appreciating here.
The Ghostagram now updates their top three and guess who still maintained the streak? Our Gunn of course! However, what’s surprising is that the student president hasn’t updated their pictures yet he is still leading the charts with his photo in the second position. Impressive.

The Ghostagram buzz is now making its way to people’s heads and Aru doesn’t seem to like it. Gunn doesn’t seem to care much whether he and Aru are doing the ethics class assignment or when they are in the cafeteria and eating their lunch. All that matters to him is clicking pictures of him in every situation, whether anybody likes it or not.
Refund High School Chapter 21 ends with Mook doing all the work given by the history teacher. He then picks up the projector and thinks to himself about checking out the pictures he clicked earlier. He then moves to a different class and starts the projector to watch the pictures. Then he suddenly pauses at a picture of Aru on the camera and there she is standing behind him.
Refund High School Chapter 16-18 continues the story of Aru and Gunn, showing various aspects of their relationship. I feel that this arc shouldn’t be this exaggerated showing mainly the Aru-Gunn bond. By the end of Refund High School Chapter 17, the creator should have explored different storylines of the webtoon. Also, do you think something is going to happen between Mook and Aru? Let’s see how the webtoon progresses because the Refund High School is getting more and more fascinating with each chapter.
Do we align with our opinions about the plot? Or do you feel that the scenes about the Aru-Gunn bond were much needed to stretch the character’s story enhancement? Would you continue reading the Refund High School webtoon? How do you feel about the current pace with which the story is going? Stay tuned with us for more insightful reviews and popular manhwa recommendations!