Osora Chapter 1-10 follows Prince Osora leading a life filled with expectations and illusions from the Calaveras realm. Raised to inherit the kingdom of Calaveras, Osora faces the affirmation of an identity by others. This latest fantasy webtoon explores issues of sexuality, gender, and social bias and lays the groundwork for a complex narrative of courage, love, and self-definition. We will get to know more about Prince Osora and Arias’s budding relationship as we continue reading the rich narrative of ToniRenea.
Osora And Arias | Sergos’s Attack
Osora Chapter 1: Osora Vs Arias

Osora Chapter 1 begins in the vast Kingdom of Calaveras, where the royal realm buzzes with anticipation. The heirs to the throne, Prince Osora and Arias Arguitrez, are set to showcase their skills in a big-stakes race. The royals are also present to see the combat – Osora’s father, King Antonio Calaveras, and Osora’s sister Princess Celia. The king’s guests are the King of Galino and his daughter Princess Catalina. They are all here to watch Prince Osora’s combat skills.
Arias smiles as he exudes confidence and teases Osora portraying he is close to the prince. He impresses both the kings and King Antonio believes Arias will make a great lead-rank soldier. The combat begins with thunder from the crowd. Arias takes the lead early, and her powerful leg leaves Osora in his wake. Tension builds as seconds pass, and whispers erupt in the audience—could Arias really defeat the king’s chosen heir?
Meanwhile, there is a very interesting chemistry visible between the two princesses. Do you think something might happen between these two or is it just a mere sisterly bond? Osora Chapter 1 ends with Osora closing the gap with a sudden burst of speed, his pace precise and relentless. The cheers of the crowd are deafening as he surges forward, claiming victory. The crowd applauds and Catalina’s eyes light up in appreciation. But why did Arias let him win? The king informs his son that he will marry Princess Catalina. Wow, the webtoon sounds tragic already!
Chapter 2: Osora’s Fiance

Osora Chapter 2 begins with the post-race atmosphere which is still electric as the crowd disperses to celebrate. Queen Catalina rushes to Osora, her face beaming with pride. Overwhelmed by his performance, she claps her hands together. Ecstatic to meet him, she embraces him and compliments his beauty. She confirms she will be here for his birthday celebration. Standing nearby, Arias and Cella watch the interaction. Arias maintains a steady expression, and Celia raises her eyebrows.
As the celebration continues, Osora apologizes to Catalina’s eager company and drags Arias to a corner. His emotions are strong as he confronts about the combat asking why he failed volunteerly. Arias meets her eyes, something unreadable flashing in her eyes. He tries to avoid the question and soon they get interrupted. Osora Chapter 2 ends with Osora’s uncle tapping both young men on the shoulder. He asks both of them to relax and have dinner with the family.
Osora Chapter 3: Osora is Getting Married?

Osora Chapter 3 begins with the titular character being torn between duty and desire. The idea of marrying Empress Catalina feels foreign to him, and her advances makes him cold and uncertain. This time, his father the king makes his decision clear—Osora must marry Catalina and secure the future of the Calaveras kingdom. This interaction reveals he can’t bear a child.
That evening, Osora seeks solace in the company of Arias. In the dimly lit rooms of the palace, the two have a quiet conversation, stories peppered with unspeakable truths. Arias tries to comfort him and suggests they should run away, making the prince blush. But their goofy yet sad conversation gets interrupted by the sudden presence of the Sergos, the enemies of the kingdom. Osora Chapter 3 ends with the Sergos trying climbing the palace walls.
Chapter 4: Osora Loves Arias?

Osora Chapter 4 begins with chaos as the terrifying creatures enter the palace, their roar echoing through the halls. Arias reacts first, drawing his sword and rushing toward the beasts. The prince hesitates for a moment, fear flashing in his eyes, but then grabs the sword from the wall. The creature leans against Arias, its claws cutting through the air. “Osora, stand back!” Arias shouts, but Osora refuses to back down. In a sudden burst of courage, he charges, slicing off parts of the creature. The monster screams in pain, leaving Arias open for a powerful strike.
Before they can finish, the king arrives at the spot. “Good son,” he states, pride evident in his voice as he surveys the situation. Osora takes a deep breath and feels warm at her father’s rare praise. Osora Chapter 4 ends with Osora lying on his bed, mesmerized by Arias—the way he fights, the way he looks at him, and the unspoken connection between them. Meanwhile, the monster, Apollo retreats into their kingdom where their king awaits his presence. “Osora,” he murmured, malice dripping from his voice.
Osora Chapter 5: Arias Is A Target

Osora Chapter 5 begins in the dark cave, the wounded monster kneels before the tall Emperor. The Emperor’s bright eyes narrow as the creature describes his failed attack and the bond between Oros and Arias. A mischievous grin spreads across his face as he orders his minions to prepare for their next move – abduct Arias! Two demon women, Sunni and Amaris are sent to investigate the kingdom of Calavera. Under the cover of night, they venture into the bustling city, blending seamlessly with the crowd. Their keen eyes search for their target in the barracks and soon, they stumble upon an interesting sight.
In a secluded corner, Arias stands with a young noblewoman, her laughter wafting slightly in the breeze. Osora Chapter 5 ends with the royal appearing in the barracks.
Chapter 6: Princess Celia In The Barracks

Osora Chapter 6 begins with Osora and Celia chatting. He is clueless as to why his sister is in the barracks. On the other hand, Princess Celia is flaunting her stunning outfits and flirting with the soldiers. The king knocks on Arias’s door trying to learn about his well-being after the fight with the Sergos. At that moment that girl runs out, making Kign Antonio chuckle and pissing off the siblings. Arias is clueless as to why Oros looks so mad at him.
The story shifts to Princess Catalina, who is about to spend some quality time at the Calaveras kingdom. King Antonio tries to comfort her saying guards men will always be with her, which makes her rather uncomfortable. Her parents assure her that Rocky will be in their kingdom soon to guard her. Who is Rocky? While the guardsmen are showing her the palace, one of them puts his hand on her shoulder making her flinch. Meanwhile, Princess Celia is stepping down the stairs wondering why Arias doesn’t pay any heed to her but to random girls of the kingdom. Seeing Princess Catalina in distress she takes her away from the soldiers to the ladies’ room. She informs Princess Catalina that she needs to at least act confident in this kingdom.
Oroas Chapter 7: Princess Catalina’s Trauma

Osora Chapter 7 begins with Princess Celia asking Princess Catalina if someone caused her any discomfort. She denies saying they are just doing their job, but she can’t wait for her guard to arrive. This sparks interest in Princess Celia who asks about her guard and she reveals that her guard is not a man, but A TIGER. At first, she thinks, Catalina is joking but soon realizes she is serious and remarks that a person would be better. Princess Catalina quickly declares that she won’t repeat that mistake. She gradually opens up about the time when she was sexually assaulted by her guard, making Princess Celia furious.
Princess Catalina starts talking about how Osora is perfect for her and him not being able to bear a child is not a concern. Princess Celia wonders how oblivious she is to Osora, who doesn’t like her at all and is absolutely not interested in marriage. She also shares her interest in women and when she was young she wanted to marry a girl but her parents said it was illegal. Princess Celia finds her more amusing after this revelation and asks her what’s her type when the guards knock on the bathroom door, making her grab Princess Catalina’s hand and hide in a corner.
Chapter 8: Unknown Jealousy

Osora Chapter 8 begins with the guards calling for Princess Celia and Princess Catalina in the bathroom. Meanwhile, they are hiding behind the curtains in close proximity. Upon asking the reason behind this, Princess Celia says she wants to complete the conversation. After the guards leave, she says she likes girls with soft skin, and long hair, wears makeup, is outgoing, and is kind. This makes Princess Celia chuckle and she says, “Doesn’t sound much like Osora now, does it?” She says she will accompany her till her tiger guard arrives, making Princess Catalina happy.
The scene shifts to Osora and Arias who are training and the coach suggests hand-in-hand combat. During the fight Arias is playful but Osora is still pissed with him, clearly because he saw that girl coming out of Arias’s room. His dismissive kick confuses Arias. Trying to calm himself down Oros gets out of there and immediately a group of guards asks him to not go anywhere alone.
While on the bridge, they see the two Sergos who were caught during the attack getting dragged and he learns that they are homosexuals and would likely get executed. This alarms him and he thinks to himself that he needs to get hold of his emotions. Suddenly, Arias appears and asks him why he left so suddenly. In response, he informs that he will go early as he feels unwell. When he suggests that he should walk him, Oros swats his hands away.
Osora Chapter 9: Prince Osora To The Rescue

Osora Chapter 9 begins with Osora sitting alone and wondering about Arais and how it’s natural for him to have a girlfriend. He is confused as to why he is annoyed about all this and realizes that he shouldn’t have expressed his anger like that. So, he decides to meet him and apologize.
The scene shifts to Arias who is also thinking about Osora’s dismissive behavior and decides to practice some more. In the meantime, Sunni and Amaris appear to fulfill their mission. The moment Amaris attacks him, Osora appears and saves Arias. They are always there for each other no matter what! Arias apologizes to them for attacking women but in this case, he doesn’t have much choice but to fight them.
Chapter 10: Damsel In Distress

Osora Chapter 10 begins with Osora deciding to fight Amaris, to which Arias says, “Guess that leaves me with the annoying one (indicating at Sunni).” After a chaotic battle, the demon girls finally accept their defeat and decide to deal with them some other day. Creating a very heartwarming moment, Arias says to Osora, “Let me see your neck.” This makes both of them blush and he confirms it doesn’t look too bad.
As Arias is about to get up to get the prince’s guards, he grabs Arias’s arm rests his head on his shoulder, and sighs saying he is tired. He also apologizes for his behavior earlier. In response, he ruffles his hair saying it’s alright, and also thanks Osora for rescuing him. He says Osora is just a like prince in a fairy tale, to which he replies, that makes Arias a damsel in distress. Osora Chapter 10 ends with the boys being unaware that Apollo is watching their adorable interaction with suspicion in his eyes.
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