Fans of Rachel Smythe’s Lore Olympus are familiar with this masterpiece, a modern retelling of the Greek myth where Hades seeks to marry Persephone. The illustrations and storytelling create a captivating universe where gods and goddesses explore romance, authority, and relationships.
Everyone Is Looking for Persephone
As we read Lore Olympus Chapter 116 to 123, the readers experience a roller coaster of emotions, witnessing arguments and tension among the deities and their feelings and relationships. The plot moves forward with additional complexities emerging in the characters’ dynamics and their bids to defy their destinies.
The story continues directly after that of Lore Olympus chapter 115. In the flashback, Persephone’s hatred scars her soul, relieving the awful demolishing done by the humans to her most prized possessions: her garden. Minthe, Thetis, and Thanatos frame this event as a dangerous act to Zeus. Troubled by their accusations, Zeus hints at the serious consequences she may face, setting the stage for a tense future.
Lore Olympus Chapter 116: Demeter in Artemis’s House

In Lore Olympus Chapter 116, Artemis reflects on a letter from Persephone, claiming she’s with her mother, Demeter, in the mortal realm. However, confusion arises when Demeter arrives, questioning her daughter’s whereabouts. Artemis is off guard, covering for her and claiming they’re in a study group. However, tension lingers as she worries about her friend’s location.
Apollo’s unexpected arrival adds to the tension during Demeter’s business trip. She reacts coldly, warning him to stay away from her daughter. The scene shifts to Eros, who’s talking with his parents when Artemis arrives. She urgently announces Persephone’s disappearance, highlighting her growing anxiety.
Meanwhile, Hades struggles with his own worries, obsessively reviewing a video he believes holds clues to Persephone’s actions. She puzzles him with her desire to bring mortals back from the Underworld, and he’s distressed that her phone is unreachable, conveying his growing fear. The Lore Olympus Chapter 116 ends with a sense of danger as Hades hears a sudden crash, leaving readers on a cliffhanger filled with foreboding.
Chapter 117: Artemis And Eros Breaking Into Hades’s House

In Lore Olympus Chapter 117, Hades is startled by a commotion and finds Artemis and Eros trying to break into his house, convinced he’s hiding Persephone. She accuses him of brainwashing her friend and demands to know her location. Hades explains that Persephone visited him earlier but left for errands. Despite his calm demeanor, Artemis remains suspicious and searches his house, finding no sign of her friend.
Artemis reveals that she discovered a note at her home, claiming Persephone was with her mother, Demeter. However, Demeter is currently in Olympus, and she recognizes the note as false. This revelation alarms Hades, who recalls Persephone mentioning she felt unwell. Yet, she struggles to believe it, insisting her friend was happy.
A pivotal moment occurs when Hades confronts Artemis about her failure to notice Persephone’s struggles with her mental health. This realization deeply affects her, leading her to reflect on her oversight and feel ashamed. The chapter ends with a plan to find Persephone—Hades will search the Underworld, while Artemis and Eros focus on Olympus and the mortal realm.
Lore Olympus Chapter 118: Ampelus Is Mortal

In Lore Olympus Chapter 118, Ampelus offers her support to Hades, only for him to reveal that he can recognize her as a mortal, surprising her as she thought her nature was hidden. Ampelus then expresses doubts about Eros noticing her, but Hades reassures her, hinting at Eros’s deeper nature. This exchange showcases Hades’s observant nature and Ampelus’s vulnerability.
The scene shifts to Artemis and Eros, who are searching for Persephone. Eros suggests Artemis should support Persephone more, prompting her to explain her desire to respect Persephone’s need for space. This moment reveals Artemis’s internal struggle between support and boundaries.
Meanwhile, Zeus faces his frustrations over being unaware of events in the human world. He resents the pressure from others to discuss the matter with Hades, revealing his strained relationship with his responsibilities. He finds Hebe upset about her brother’s absence. Adding humor to her dramatic declaration of being “destined for a life of solitude.” The Lore Olympus chapter 118 reaches a turning point when Zeus overhears Hera describing him as arrogant on the phone, which angers him.
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Chapter 119: Hera Impersonating Persephone

In Lore Olympus, Chapter 119 opens with Artemis contacting Hera, explaining that they need her help but emphasizing that she must keep Zeus in the dark about the situation. Hera agrees to help, signaling the beginning of a more serious intervention in Persephone’s situation. The scene shifts to the following day, with Hera arriving at Artemis’ home. Her demeanor shows her discomfort with the deception they are about to undertake, particularly when it comes to keeping Demeter in the dark about her daughter’s whereabouts.
Hera acknowledges Demeter’s overprotective nature and warns that if she finds out that Persephone is missing, it could lead to severe consequences. Potentially stripping away any semblance of freedom that Persephone has left.
Hera then lays down a condition for Artemis and Eros, insisting that if Persephone remains missing for a few more days, they will have to come clean about everything to Demeter. This condition highlights the weight of the situation and the risks involved in their actions. Artemis and Eros agree, showing their awareness of the seriousness of their decisions. In a surprising twist, Hera uses her powers to suddenly shift into Persephone’s form. Lore Olympus Chapter 119 concludes on this note, leaving a sense of urgency and anticipation for what comes next.
Lore Olympus Chapter 120: The Lunch Date

In Lore Olympus Chapter 120, tensions rise as secrets unfold. The chapter opens with Hera impersonating Persephone during a lunch with Demeter. Despite her efforts to mimic Persephone’s demeanor, her anxiety is palpable, raising Demeter’s suspicions. Their conversation remains light until Demeter brings up “the accident.” Unfamiliar with this event, Hera improvises, claiming she needs rest. Puzzled but reassured, Demeter believes her daughter is in a better mental state.
Meanwhile, Apollo is briefly shown getting his lyre repaired. Back with Hera and Demeter, their lunch ends, and as Hera departs, she contemplates the mysterious “accident.” Her thoughts are interrupted by Apollo’s sudden arrival. Sensing an opportunity, Hera engages with him, subtly probing for information. Apollo, noticing something amiss, asks if she’s spoken to Artemis or Daphne. Hera dismisses him, challenging his intrusion. The tension escalates when Apollo touches her hand, only to be burned by the contact. Realizing he’s been speaking to Hera, not Persephone, the Lore Olympus Chapter 120 ends on a cliffhanger.
Chapter 121: Searching The Pawn Shops

Lore Olympus Chapter 121, a tense encounter unfolds between Apollo and Hera. Apollo, startled to see her, nervously asks why she’s there. She retorts with a question of her own, leaving Apollo unsettled before flying away. Departing, Hera reflects on her justified suspicions of Apollo’s involvement with Persephone.
The focus shifts to Hades, who urgently informs Hecate that Persephone is missing. He asks if she mentioned anything unusual, but Hecate can’t recall anything. Seeking clarity, they decide to take a drive. During the drive, Hades and Hecate speculate on Persephone’s whereabouts, concluding she might visit a pawnshop due to financial struggles. Since there are no pawnshops in Olympus, they suspect she’s somewhere in the Underworld, which has seven and a half pawnshops.
Minthe interrupts their search when she calls Hades from Persephone’s desk, assuming she’s been dismissed. Irritated, Hades corrects her and orders her to leave Persephone’s belongings alone. Frustrated, Minthe updates Thanatos, realizing their plan has failed, and then calls Thetis, who heads to Zeus for help.
Lore Olympus Chapter 122: Zeus’s Search For Answers

In Lore Olympus Chapter 122, Zeus is interrupted by Thetis, who arrives with a seductive demeanor. She attempts to manipulate Zeus into informing Hades about the Persephone situation, which triggers his frustration. Zeus confronts her, questioning her motives and asserting his authority as the God of Thunder. Angered, he decides to investigate the situation himself. He heads to the human realm, interrogating nymphs about Persephone’s rumored destructive behavior. When he asks if they witnessed her causing chaos, the nymphs dismiss it as gossip. Frustrated, he finds no clear answers but remains determined to uncover the truth.
Meanwhile, Hades and Hecate search for traces of Persephone in pawn shops. He reveals that he recovered memory from the Fates, yet it only led to more questions, especially about Persephone’s interest in releasing souls from the Underworld. He also asks Hecate about why she gave him the letter, adding to the mystery. Their investigation takes a turn when they encounter a woman carrying the same comb Hades once gifted Persephone. This sighting brings a sudden realization to Hades, heightening the urgency of their search. The Lore Olympus Chapter 122 ends with tension, leaving readers eager to learn more about this new clue.
Chapter 123: Persephone’s Comb

Lore Olympus Chapter 123 opens with Hecate questioning the comb bearer about the origins of the comb, which soon leads them to the “Half Pawn Shop.” When they confront the shop owner about Persephone’s comb, the owner’s insistence on a “privacy policy” adds an extra layer of tension. In his desperation to find Persephone, Hades threatens to bulldoze the establishment. The owner’s subsequent compliance and reveal of a flashback offer a glimpse into Persephone’s recent visit.
The flashback paints a vivid scene of Persephone’s troubled state. The owner shows interest only in her jewelry after she attempts to sell one of her books and, later, her laptop. Her comb—ultimately giving her 2,000 drachma for it. This brief encounter highlights the gravity of Persephone’s situation, hinting at her desperation and the extent of her disorientation.
The chapter then shifts back to the present, where Hades, softened by worry, reveals to the owner that his friend is missing. He shows a picture of Persephone, prompting the owner to reflect on her hurried demeanor during the visit. The owner recalls a telling moment when she asked Persephone why someone like her would be in the Underworld. Persephone cryptically responded, “The sun never touches the Underworld. It’s the perfect place.” This line lingers as Lore Olympus Chapter 123 ends, leaving readers with a chilling sense of Persephone’s emotional turmoil.
Personal Response
The tumultuous encounters of Lore Olympus Chapter 116 to 123 enhance the understanding of Persephone’s world with more engaging conflict and internal monologue. A question remains: what will be the consequences of Persephone’s actions, and how will Persephone be able to redeem herself? What do you think will happen next? Please leave your opinions in the comments below and look out for more critiques on this amazing plot, as well as other insights!
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