In Down to Earth Chapter 175-184, Zay runs off in the middle of dinner with Stace, having revealed herself. The gang panics and searches for her in a frenzy. Meanwhile, Zay contemplates leaving Earth, having lost all hope of fitting in. Without further ado, let’s get into Down to Earth Chapter 175-184.
Where is Zay?
Down to Earth Chapter 175: Zay Confronts Stace

In Down to Earth Chapter 175, Suzy, flabbergasted, accepts the girl’s invitation, making sure she’s fine with it. Meanwhile Zay and Stace settle into their seats and she notes how the place is intimidating. Stace gives her a gift, wishing her, and she thanks him. He lets her order and says its on him. On the other hand, Suzy and the girl talk. She apologizes, saying she had accepted the invite to watch over her friend and the girl says she had done so because Suzy is a cool person.
As they eat, Stace thinks to himself how Zay even eats cutely. She overhears that thought and chokes on her food. Recovering, she asks if he had an ulterior motive in bringing her here. At that he admits he has one more gift for her, concluding Down to Earth Chapter 175.
Chapter 176: Rejected!

Following Down to Earth Chapter 175, Chapter 176 opens with Suzy keeping an eye on Zay and, confused, her date asks why she’s stalking them. She explains her reason and the girl says she has seen Zay’s modelling too. She then asks about her hair and upon knowing its a wig, notes she takes stalking very seriously. As they talk, the girl notes that Suzy’s friend and her date disappeared and Suzy turns around, shocked to find it true.
Stace takes Zay out towards a reserved table on the balconies. There, a cake awaits them on a table surrounded by candles. As she has the cake, she tells him she knows he didn’t do all this just for her birthday. She says she wants him to hang out with everyone and not just her and that he and Kade would make great friends. Stace covers his face and says how he is so bad at it that he got rejected before he asked. He gets up and goes near the balcony, lighting a cigarette. He says she’s the first person to get his attention in a romantic way and that he thought if he could have her he would win.
Zay, confused, asks what he means by that. Stace apologizes for treating her as something he could use to get back at Kade. Just then she feels a blinding pain on her head. Holding it, she cries out, shocking Stace. He goes near her, then sees her horns poking out. Shocked to his core, he steps back, tripping and falling off the balcony, concluding Down to Earth Chapter 176.
Down to Earth Chapter 177: Power Outage

Down to Earth Chapter 177 opens with Kade texting Suzy, saying Zay is not picking his calls and asking if she’s fine. Suzy tries to respond but finds that she has no network. Just then the power is cut down and she worries about Zay. Meanwhile on the balcony, Zay uses her powers and tries to lift Stace. He lands on the balcony, terrified, and asks her what she is. Just then the power comes back and her horns are shown clear. Upon finding out she’s an alien he connects all the dots and says that’s why she had a fake ID. Shocked he knew that, Zay demands why he gave her the job. Scared, he steps back and thinks she looks kind of horrifying, which she hears.
Inside, Suzy excuses herself and looks around for Zay. She bumps into Stace and demands to know what happened to Zaida. Still in shock, he says she flew off. Suzy dashes outside to see a shadow of her flying off, concluding Down to Earth Chapter 177.
Chapter 178: Where’s Zay

Down to Earth Chapter 178 opens with Suzy yelling at Stace. He explains he freaked out after falling to his death and seeing her grow horns. Shocked, she realizes that’s why she was acting odd. On the other hand, as Zay flies over the city, she thinks of what Stace thought of her and wonders what the others will think. Crying, she thinks to herself she should hide.
Back at Kade’s home, he opens the door to an anxious Stace, Suzy and Ethan. He demands to know what happened and asks if something happened to Zay. He then sees Stace and asks why he’s here and he says he knows about her. Meekly, Suzy says she went missing. Kade explodes at that and yells at them. Upon knowing what happened, he yells at them for not calling him first. He then decides to look around his place and the gang searches the woods. He is relieved to find her ship still there. Glaring at Stace, he says he knows all this is his fault, concluding Down to Earth Chapter 178.
Down to Earth Chapter 179: Search Party

In Down to Earth Chapter 178, Kade grabs Stace by the collar and demands to know what happened. He runs Kade through what happened before Zay flew off. He says she would not have flown off for no reason and asks him what he said. When Stace says he doesn’t remember, Kade yanks his collar hard, face darkening, and threatens him. Suzy and Ethan quickly interferes and tells him they have to find her. Releasing Stace, he orders him to find Zaida. Meanwhile, Zay flies over the city and realizes she has to land soon as she’s losing energy. She goes to a park and huddles in the tunnel. Closing her eyes, she recalls Zodia.
Kid Zay is in her room when another child appears at the window. The kid asks why she never comes out to play and Zay, panicking, warns the kid away, saying she will get caught. The kid assures her no one’s around and Zay says she is not allowed outside since she’s different. Confused, the kid asks how so, and Zaida removes her hood to reveal a long horn. Shocked, the kid asks what she is. Just then her caretaker comes in and glares at the kid, who quickly disappears. Zay begs her to spare the stranger and the Zodian warns her and tells her the stranger found her horrifying. The Zodian asks if she understands now how different she is. Down to Earth Chapter 179 ends with Zay crying, remembering how the caretaker had said she would be alone if it weren’t for her.
Chapter 180: A Tooth Fairy?

Down to Earth Chapter 180 opens with Suzy suggesting they should take a break. Kade sees that the sun is almost up and reluctantly agrees. He tells Suzy to let him know immediately if Zay shows up at her place. Meanwhile at the park, Zay wakes up to a child asking her if she’s the tooth fairy. Surprised, she asks why the kid is not afraid of her and points to her long horns. The girl says they look weird but since Zay is not mean to her its fine. She then asks if she’s the tooth fairy and she plays along and tells the kid to not tell anyone that she saw her. The girl then says she’s the most beautiful fairy she’s seen, making her glow. Just then the kid’s mother calls out to her and she turns away. When she turns back, Zay’s nowhere to be seen.
Zay covers her head and walks away into the woods. As she walks she thinks how majority of the people would react to her horns. In that moment, she hears the cracking of a branch and quickly hides. She slowly peeks to find a deer. Right behind the deer she sees a stag with long beautiful antler, and so Down to Earth Chapter 180 concludes.
Down to Earth Chapter 181: Zay Tries To Flee

In Down to Earth Chapter 181, watching the stag, Zay wonders if it feels lonely and different from others. She walks closer, hoping to read its thoughts. Suddenly she hears gunshots and the animals bolt. Hiding, she realizes that stags are hunted down for their horns. She flies to Kade’s home and upon finding his car there, knows he is probably worried. As she goes to the backyard, she is shocked to find Kade sleeping outside, near her ship. Just then Kade wakes up and, up on finding Zay, beams brightly. Panicking, Zay flies off into the house, holding her jacket tight over her head. Kade bolts after her just to have the bedroom door slammed on his face.
He puts his head against the door and says he knows she’s too scared to tell him what’s going on. He assures her she doesn’t have to talk about it if she doesn’t want to but begs to be in the same room as her. At her silence, he says he’ll make them some breakfast. As he makes pancakes, he thinks of her trying to get to her ship. He thinks himself to be useless, unable to help her when she is clearly hurting. Inside, Zay listens to his thoughts and hates how she is burdening him.
Setting the table, Kade texts the gang, saying Zay’s with him. Just then he hears the bedroom door open and by the time he looks up, Zay flies out the main door. He dashes after her and grabs her hand as she flies over the porch railing. Holding on to her arm, he asks if she’s just gonna leave with no goodbyes or explanation. Down to Earth Chapter 181 ends with Kade asking what she’s hiding from him.
Chapter 182: Stay

In Down to Earth Chapter 182, Kade begs her to talk to him. Zay pauses and sits on the railing. She asks him what he would do if she were a monster. He asks her if she remembers what he said the last time she asked that. Hesitating, she repeats what he said and Kade promises that nothing changes. He then asks if its something to do with her head. Zay holds the jacket close to her head and he admits he assumed that much. Looking away, he says the fact that she wouldn’t talk to him hurt the most.
Zay takes a deep breath at that and slowly takes off the jacket. Kade sees her white horns and says everything makes sense now. Frustrated, she says how she can never fit in on Earth since she becomes more and more of a monster every passing day. He assures her he’s with her now, and she doesn’t have to be self-conscious. However she cries that she cannot be with him or their friends anymore and that she will have to find another planet. She says that he has to be with another earthling and she is just a hideous burden.
Kade, holding her arms, stops her and tells her just how much he means to her. Cupping her face, he says she could never be hideous to him and that he doesn’t care whether she is an earthling or a Zodian, she is his Zay. He says that she is home and she is safe and that’s all he cares about. Closing the distance, the two kiss desperately, holding onto each other as though their lives depended on it, concluding Down to Earth Chapter 182.
Down to Earth Chapter 183: Revelations

In Down to Earth Chapter 183, Zay and Kade talk over breakfast. He says how her odd behavior makes sense now and that she should have trusted her friends more. She says she knew she could but when the time came to confess she backed out. She apologizes for not confiding in him and, seeing him still upset, flies over to him and hugs him tight. Clasping her hand, he asks her what to do to be there for her. He says he has even more questions now and asks her to tell him more about herself when she’s ready.
She says her people referred to it as a crown and whenever she asked about it they would say she is not old enough to know. She was asked to study everything about her planet but nothing about herself. Pointing to the small gems in her horns, she explains that her people said Zodia survived on those Zodianites. Trembling, she says for years they have been extracting the zodianite from her horns. He reaches over and holds her hand, assuring her she is safe now. The two move to the couch and she says how her “family” sometimes got their stories mixed up. Kade says he is glad she left Zodia. He thinks to himself how she was robbed of her childhood and feels awful. Down to Earth Chapter 183 ends with Zay asking him if he wants to see her last day on Zodia.
Chapter 184: Zodianite

Down to Earth Chapter 184 opens with Zay showing Kade her last day on Zodia. That day, her people had extracted the gems from her horns and she was resting. A Zodian comes in and tells her she can remove the devices connected to her head. The Zodian then notices a couple of gems on the floor and begs her to let her have them. Zay asks why and she says it would bring luck to her family. Confused, she says the version she heard was that it was needed for the planet. Flustered, the Zodian says that no many people know of it and that she too has to keep it a secret. Seeing her beg for the gems, she lets her do as she pleases. The Zodian praises her and goes off, telling her to rest well.
A while later, Zara (her “family”) collects the gems and notes how less it is. Demanding, she asks if she’s hiding it or if her medic stole it. Turning her head, she claims to have seen nothing and Zara is about to walk off. Zay asks if she can finally learn to fly since she is old enough now. Zara glares at her and says, “Give it seven more days”. When she protests Zara yells at her and walks off. In her wake, she realizes her entire existence is for Zodia. She wonders how, if she is so important, she is treated like a prisoner. Deciding she has to do something, Zay gets up, concluding Down to Earth Chapter 184.
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