Get ready for another exciting chapter review of our beloved webtoon, Your Throne! The tension is rising as the trial day approaches, bringing some of the most captivating moments yet. Medea boldly accuses her father and his allies of human trafficking, demanding justice be served. We also catch glimpses of a different time when Medea and Dekis shared a bond as loving siblings before fate took a turn. Without further ado, Let’s dive into Your Throne Chapter 73-80.
Your Throne Chapter 73-80: Judgement Day
Your Throne Chapter 73: Returning Back

Your Throne Chapter 73 opens with Eros and Psyche-in-Medea riding in a luxurious carriage toward the palace. Eros whispers sweet nothings to Psyche-in-Medea, who grows increasingly irritated by his affections. Meanwhile, at the Callista manor, a servant of Eros ensures that Medea-in-Psyche does not see the assassin’s body, maneuvering her away.
Once in her room, Medea dismisses everyone except for her maid, Lynn. Lynn quickly notices the bloodstains on Medea-in-Psyche’s clothes and recognizes the need to handle the situation discreetly. Happy, Medea-in-Psyche rewards Lynn with a precious jewel.
In a flashback, we learn that Eros orchestrated the assassination attempt on Psyche by secretly injecting a sacred relic into the assassin’s mouth. Back in the present, the servant confirms that the relic remains undamaged after the assassin’s death and gives orders to dispose of the body before heading to the palace.
At the palace, Eros offers Psyche-in-Medea a room adorned in luxury, but he hurriedly leaves for a pressing matter. Utilizing this time, Psyche-in-Medea writes a letter detailing the situation and successfully switches back to her own body.
Medea then visits Countess Gott, who is imprisoned, and persuades her to testify at the upcoming trial. However, just as Medea is about to leave, Eros enters the prison to speak with Countess Gott, closing Your Throne Chapter 73 on a tense note.
Chapter 74: Trial Begins
Your Throne Chapter 74 begins with someone calling Countess Gott to eat her meal, only to find her wasted away. Meanwhile, Psyche prepares a dress for the trial. Though it is indeed a trial, the atmosphere resembles that of a festival, with chatter about the proceedings echoing everywhere. People are divided in their opinions; many rally behind Medea, fueled by the public’s growing awareness of Thesion’s atrocities. The reformists, a faction of young nobles eager to seize power, await their opportunity. One of them plans to expose Medea as the real perpetrator, but before she can voice her thoughts, Pell makes his grand entrance. He urges those present to hold their judgments against Medea. The nobles are taken aback by his arrival as Pell introduces himself as the cardinal of the empire.
Back at the palace, Eros and Medea engage in light conversation. She asks for his support of the reformists, suggesting they could serve the imperial family’s interests. Medea pretends to align herself with Eros’s expectations as they await the trial’s commencement. On the day of the trial, excitement fills the air, with the streets crowded as everyone eagerly anticipates the outcome. Pell grows irritated by rumors of his relationship with Medea but is shocked when he sees her enter the courtroom in full extravagance, leaving him suspicious of her true intentions as Your Throne Chapter 74 concludes.
Your Throne Chapter 75: Landmark
Your Throne Chapter 75 opens with the trial’s commencement. Seeing her father, Medea feels a sense of satisfaction. She eagerly waits for the moment to obliterate Thesion. The judge prompts her to state her complaint, and Medea steps forward, declaring that the rumor of her killing her father and bringing the empire to ruin is a falsehood that shocks the audience. She reveals the true oracle, and Pell sighs with relief. He is glad that the genuine oracle has come to light. He reminds himself to eliminate the corrupted nobles within the empire once he officially assumes his role as the cardinal.
Medea skillfully frames her father and his accomplices, responsible for the empire’s downfall, and accuses them of spreading the false oracle and orchestrating her kidnapping. Meanwhile, she acts devastated at the thought of people believing she would kill her father, but her performance manages to melt the hearts of many. Marquess Horen tries to blame her, but the jury dismisses his claims. It is then that Helio raises his hand and questions Medea, asking if, being Thesion’s daughter, she can truly be blameless. The question takes them aback. Psyche begins to rise, but Eros stops her, reminding her they had orchestrated this together.
In the present, Eros watches Medea closely, curious to see how she will navigate this challenge to determine if she remains fit to be his empress. Medea swiftly counterattacks to Helio’s question, arguing it is unjust to hold her responsible due to her lineage. She emotionally manipulates the audience, claiming that her guilt by association is nothing more than prejudice. This statement, however, enrages Psyche, prompting her to stand and call out Medea, thus concluding Your Throne Chapter 75.
Chapter 76: Corrupt Wartime Acts
Your Throne Chapter 76 opens with Psyche’s emotional outburst in response to Medea’s statements, expressing her desire to end the trial. However, Medea’s meaningful look urges her to trust her, silencing Psyche. Seamlessly, Medea shifts the focus back to herself, proclaiming her loyalty to the people and condemning the criminals. Eros watches in awe as Medea deftly manipulates the crowd with eloquent words.
Then, with a flourish, Medea unveils her trump card: a shocking revelation about the noble families and their involvement in human trafficking. During the war, the nobles set up a temporary monastery to help the suffering commoners. They promised to select a hundred children each year, providing them with food, shelter, clothing, and education. However, beneath this façade of benevolence lay a horrific truth – the children were being sold into a living hell.
Medea presents damning evidence of the atrocities being committed, condemning six families and even implicating her own father. In a flashback, we see how Medea stumbled upon these reports while accessing the confidential archives containing the history of Solon, having followed a clue left by Dekis. This revelation marks a pivotal moment in Your Throne Chapter 76, setting the stage for the unfolding drama.
Your Throne Chapter 77: Guilty
Your Throne Chapter 77 begins with Dekis bidding farewell to his family as he rides towards the capital. We return to the trial, where Medea confronts the jury with decoded documents that expose the exploitation of children in the Opium trade. Even though the defendants maintain their innocence, Medea calls a witness to the stand, shocking the nobles when they recognize a survivor from the monastery. This witness supports Medea’s claims, causing Marquess Horen to erupt in anger as he argues that the people had participated willingly and would have met their fate regardless. This infuriates the crowd, who turn on Horen and proceed to beat him. Following this chaos, the jury calls for a brief recess.
In a separate room, Psyche confronts Medea, realizing she fabricated the witness. Angered, Psyche chastises Medea for tampering with evidence, but Medea stands firm in her decision. The conflict escalates as both acknowledge they are right and wrong in their respective positions. Meanwhile, in the prison, Thesion finds himself the target of blame and swears he won’t face death alone.
As the trial resumes, the jury delivers a verdict of death for all involved in the crimes. Medea, however, notices her father not even glancing in her direction. Your Throne Chapter 77 concludes on a time when he disciplined Dekis, emphasizing that a Solon never bows their head in submission.
Chapter 78: Innocence
Your Throne Chapter 78 begins with a flashback to the birth of Medea Solon. Her brother, Dekis Solon, adored her; she was precious to him. The siblings were inseparable, deeply caring for one another. Medea excelled in academics and swordplay from a young age, often outshining her brother, yet this never caused a rift between them. Although the Solons appeared to be a happy family, only Dekis and Medea knew the hidden struggles beneath their powerful exterior. They were two peas in a pod, nurturing a bond that seemed unbreakable. However, Thesion reminded Medea of her identity as a Solon as time passed. He disciplined her in ways that gradually tainted her innocence, causing those cherished qualities to fade away with time, concluding Your Throne Chapter 78.
Your Throne Chapter 79: Drifted Apart
Your Throne Chapter 79 opens with a reflection on Dekis’s longing for a happy family. The first fracture in his relationship with Medea occurred when they were young, a moment marked by Medea’s lack of compassion for a rabbit that died beneath the wheels of their carriage. It was in this instance that Dekis began to sense a growing distance between them, a distance exacerbated by their father’s involvement in her life.
Thesion, Medea’s father, leveraged her intelligence to navigate the complexities of the empire, often taking credit for her insights. But he simultaneously inflicted emotional abuse on his own children in his quest to mold them into ‘proper’ Solons. As the years went by, Dekis came to a painful realization: Medea had become the Solon that Thesion had envisioned. A transformation that made their growing rift all the more evident, concluding Your Throne Chapter 79.
Chapter 80: Final Test
Your Throne Chapter 80 opens with Medea berating Dekis for being a disappointment, leaving him hurt at how far they have drifted apart—practically strangers. Whenever his father expresses displeasure, Dekis sees Medea reflected in Duke Solon, a painful reminder of their fractured bond. Sent off to war, he is expected to achieve an honorable death rather than live a life of disappointment. It’s a bitter pill to swallow, especially when he notices Medea’s indifference, prompting him to question why she seems to hate him. He risks his life so that she can find happiness.
Upon returning home, Dekis is stunned to learn that Medea’s engagement to the prince has ended. He approaches her, eager to offer comfort, but she shrugs him off. He insists that he will help her find someone to marry, but she interrupts him sharply, declaring that his desires do not align with hers. She accuses him of behaving like their father, a realization that hits Dekis hard. Recognizing his mistake in trying to impose his dreams onto her, he apologizes. Medea responds in kind, agreeing to give each other a chance to start anew.
In the next scene, Dekis receives the ring of the Solon. The Duke then sends him to the room that houses the history of the Solons for his final test. Tasked with organizing the documents, Dekis stumbles upon the corruption that underpins the foundation of the Solons, leaving him in shock as Your Throne Chapter 80 comes to a close.
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