The Remarried Empress Chapter 33-40 have shown a series of twists and turns in the story. The doctor declares Rashta is bearing Sovieshu’s child while Navier tries to save the condemned Viscount Landre, who could have harmed the royal baby. Heinrey’s older brother and the Emperor of the Western Empire get sicker, and Heinrey sorrowfully bids His Queen goodbye. Meanwhile, Grand Duke Kaufman’s proposal to taste the love potion goes horribly wrong, and Navier finds herself with another unwanted admirer. Duchess Tuania visits Navier one last time before accompanying Landre in exile with profuse gratitude and promises to return the favour. Navier feels the void some unexpected people left in her life with their egress. Let’s see what happens in The Remarried Empress Chapter 41-48.
Sovieshu And Rashta’s Child
The Remarried Empress Chapter 41: Banquet for the Unwanted Baby

In The Remarried Empress Chapter 41, Navier comes down with a cold, and the doctor prescribes her to rest. In her solicitude, she keeps her windows open in case the Queen wants to visit her, but her maids shut them to keep her warm. She learns from her maid that her brother Kosair is returning to the capital. Kosair Lilder Trovi is a good brother but short-tempered and violent to the rest of the world. Navier knows he will react poorly if he learns about Rashta and her pregnancy.
A couple of days later, Navier finds herself deliberating over hosting a banquet in honour of Rashta’s unborn baby. When Sovieshu reaches out to discuss this, Navier announces she is dead against it. She despises the fact he is asking her to accept the child as her own in case she never has one of her own. She leaves Sovieshu in knots, who later learns that Navier’s barbaric brother is returning from the border.
The Remarried Empress Chapter 41 shifts to an ecstatic Kosair on a shopping spree for his sister. He scores the markets for the best products he could present to Navier. His demeanour falls to a nasty one when he overhears some folks talking about Rashta’s baby.
Chapter 42: A Love Too Strong to Bear
The Remarried Empress Chapter 42 begins with Navier contemplating her share of responsibility over Rashta and Sovieshu’s unborn child. That’s when her maid announces that Kaufman has requested a meeting with her. Navier welcomes him, but he keeps a respectable distance, not trusting the love potion-addled brain.
He declares that he shall be sailing back to Luipt. In the meantime, he could try to ease the potion’s effects. Navier is shocked at his sudden decision and tries to persuade him otherwise, worried about their trade commitments. Kaufman remains firm. Instead, he tries coaxing Navier to accompany him to his country. She refuses, obligated to stay as the empress. Kaufman brings up divorce, but she shoots him down, saying, “The Emperor would never divorce me; he is not a fool.”. Her words dishearten him, but he respects his choice.
He requests for a last embrace with her and Navier consents, parting on amicable terms. Kosair later visits her, bearing gifts and affection. He shows his disapproval as soon as Rashta’s name comes up. Navier hurriedly appeases him, but he only looks ready to kill when he notices the banquet arranged for Rashta and her baby marked on Navier’s calendar, ending The Remarried Empress Chapter 42.
Remarried Empress Chapter 43: A Whirl of Dilemma
The Remarried Empress Chapter 43 reveals an enraged Kosair when he finds out about the ball. He storms out, leaving behind a fretting Navier. The scene shifts to Heinrey, who is back in his empire and seated beside his dying brother. King Walton takes in laborious breaths, wheezing out his final wishes to his little brother. He asks Heinrey to marry, and now he shall succeed him and protect the former King’s wife. Heinrey accepts the former Emperor’s orders, and Walton slips into his eternal sleep.
Meanwhile Navier worries about how to approach the ball subject. She isn’t eager to participate in her husband’s mistress’s joy yet fears the consequential murmurs of disapproval amongst the Empire. Her contemplation is interrupted by Heinrey’s aide, the bluebird. Navier reads Heinrey’s message, which begs her to comfort his distress. Navier wishes she could do that in person, considering how Heinrey had done for her. She extends her heartfelt condolences through her pen.
Lotteshu walks through the palace corridors, bowing to a passing Navier. His constant raises her suspicion, but she keeps her silence. Upon meeting Rashta, Lotteshu praises Navier’s poise and compares Rashta to the Empress. Rashta asks why he is here when she has already transferred the money to him. Lotteshu reminds her that the money is more than just for her child, ending The Remarried Empress Chapter 43.
Chapter 44: A Mother And Her Baby
The Remarried Empress Chapter 44 begins with a distraught Rashta arguing with Lotteshu. Her words ooze desperation trying to silence any mention of her other baby from Lotteshu’s son and daughter. She is still seething as Lotteshu’s mocking warnings resonate in the periphery. She recollects how she once loved the baby, but now it is an obstacle to her royal life.
Navier looks up from her book in her room and asks her lady companions about their presents to Rashta’s baby. The ladies are hesitant with answers, some blatantly protesting against it. Meanwhile, Heinrey’s aid deliberates with him about his marital union. Heinrey firmly stands beside his decision to marry Navier and not her imitation.
The day arrives and Navier takes in how people are sucking up to Rashta’s baby. The Remarried Empress Chapter 44 closes on her entry, where a jovial Rashta greets her and merrily accepts the sword that Navier presented.
The Remarried Empress Chapter 45: The Jeweled Child
In The Remarried Empress Chapter 45, an ecstatic Rashta merrily accepts the sword Navier presented. She requests Navier to bless the baby. Navier refuses at first, erupting discontent between the Emperor and the Empress. Navier tries to pull away, but noticing the watching eyes, she concedes. She leaves a cryptic blessing behind to the celebratory mother.
Rashta is scanning the elite crowd gathered in honour of her official firstborn. She is pleased at how people went from ridiculing her past to licking her boot for a favour. That joy is short-lived when her sight falls on Alan, Lotteshu’s son and her actual firstborn’s father. Nausea hits her tenfold when Duke Ergi’s concern distracts her.
She waves him away and begins talking about Navier’s presence. Ergi inspects the sword and comments how it is a mere trinket, decked but useless. He elaborates that her blessing to Rashta’s child mirrors the value of the sword, which was nil. The harsh realization upsets Rashta as looks around to find unkind gazes directed towards her. She tries to calm an anxious Sovieshu, who finds her distress unbearable. He shoots a scathing look towards his wife before dragging Rashta away from the crowd, ending The Remarried Empress Chapter 45.
The Remarried Empress Chapter 46: Half-blood Prince
The Remarried Empress Chapter 46 underscores A quiet Navier watching the drama from the periphery of the arena. She notices Ergi sweet-talking Rashta, her breakdown and Sovieshu pulling her away from the hawk-like eyes. Meanwhile, behind closed doors, Rashta is displeased to learn that her child can never be a prince or a princess, even if Sovieshu is its father.
She complains to him that it is unjust that only the Empress’s children deserve the titles. She urges Sovieshu to amend the law, but he is powerless before the temple that made such a law. But her face changes when Sovieshu mentions if the Empress is unable to bear children herself, she could adopt the illegitimate ones as her own. Only then can they be passed the title.
Navier is chatting light-heartedly with Kosair and his aide while strolling the palace grounds. Her merry countenance disappears when she spots Rashta waiting for her. Rashta curtseys her and expresses her disdain towards Her Majesty’s present. She quarrels with Navier, insinuating how she shall deal with her insults since Navier shall one day adopt her children because she is infertile. Navier scoffs, but Kosair is furious beyond reason and pushes Rashta away. His sister restrains him before he can make another move, but just then, Rashta cries out in pain, ending The Remarried Empress Chapter 46.
Chapter 47: A Brother’s Wrath
The Remarried Empress Chapter 47 reveals Rashta doubled over in pain. Kosair strips his fury at her, threatening her to quit throwing accusations at his sister. The situation flusters Navier, and her agitation over her overreacting brother is coupled with a slight concern for the Mistress. She deciphers Rashta’s silent plea for help but turns, knowing there are more skilled to tend to her.
Sovieshu lays Rashta in her bed-chamber and advises her to speak carefully in Kosair’s presence. This infuriates her. She protests that Navier called her worthless first. Sovieshu is sceptical because Navier has been trained to weigh her words and moves. When he disbelieves her, Rashta is trapped in a nightmare where she could fall from the Emperor’s grace and be kicked out of the luxury. She complains that Kosair mustn’t be allowed to shove her, which gets Sovieshu thinking.
He isn’t completely swayed by his mistress but banishes Kosair from the palace. Navier soothes a furious brother back in the Trovi residence and requests him to lay low, reminding him how Rashta drove Ducches Tuania out through whatever means. Kosair devises his own plan to take Rashta down. The Remarried Empress Chapter 47 closes with Heinrey running away from Mckenna, who is busy listing potential Queen candidates aloud.
The Remarried Empress Chapter 48: Queens and Faults
The Remarried Empress Chapter 48 begins with Heinrey interrupting Lady Merlaney, the twelfth potential wife candidate for Heinrey. He calls Merlaney out for asserting her views on the Queen Dowager moving away from the palace to ease the new Queen’s discomfort. Mckenna is distraught at his cousin’s thoughtlessness and says he could never have Navier without declaring war. Also, no citizen of the Western Empire would welcome a woman who became the reason for the bloodbath.
Mckenna visits Navier like the blue bird he is, carrying Heinrey’s penned rant. He wishes in ink she was his Queen and hopes she could head the Eastern Empire’s delegation during his coronation. Navier decides she could achieve that and mentions so before sending the bird off. She then learns about someone lacing Rashta’s meals with abortion drugs. She senses that Sovieshu would pin the blame on her, but he doesn’t face her.
Navier refuses to leave the double doors separating her and Sovieshu when he finally emerges. He immediately accuses and decidedly says he shall investigate the matter himself and bring Kosair enough pain. The Remarried Empress Chapter 48 closes with Sovieshu demanding Navier’s apology when he successfully proves Kosair guilty.
Remarried Empress Chapter 41-48: Reader’s Thoughts
The Remarried Empress Chapter 41-48 revolves solely around Rashta’s newfound pregnancy and how her unborn child unknowingly became a pawn of an unrealizing mother. Rashta indeed loves her child, but certain parts in the story subtly highlight how she considers this baby a solidifying affirmation of her position and integrity in society and royalty. Her refusal to see her first baby with Lotteshu’s son proves her determination to build a life on the palms of luxury.
Her constant fear of Sovieshu’s disapproval haunts her, forcing her to think in ways that show how she has come to harbour ill intent towards some people. No doubt Ergi just blows on the simmering torch with his comment on the sword. Indeed, Rashta wasn’t someone to play power games with; she also stuck to being naive and readily misled into a thorny path. Meanwhile, Heinrey is barraged with potential wives, and all he can think of is his only Queen, who has stolen his heart from the moment he laid eyes on her.
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