The Remarried Empress was originally a web novel by Alphatart. It was later released as a webtoon accompanied by Sumpul’s illustrations. Although it is an ongoing webtoon, it has become very popular among readers. If you are an ardent fan of history, romance, and drama, you have our word that this one is going to keep you on your toes. Without further ado, let’s delve into Remarried Empress Chapter 1-8, where Navier’s childhood love, Sovieshu, will tear apart their relationship by bringing his mistress, Rashta, in between them. However, Navier is not someone who would cry in the corner and deal with mistreatment. How will the empress of the Eastern Empire react to seeing his affair in Remarried Empress Chapter 1-8? Will she ever receive the love and respect she truly deserves?
The Emperor, the Empress, And the Mistress
The Remarried Empress Chapter 1: Slow Uproot

The Remarried Empress Chapter 1 gives a strong introduction to Navier Ellie Trovi, the proud Empress of the Eastern Empire and the noblest woman in the nobility. Belonging to the Trovi family, which was the origins of several empresses in the past, the predecessor, Emperor Osis III, approved of her crowning as the next Empress.
The chapter opens with Navier describing her relationship with her husband, Sovieshu. She comments on how close they had been once upon a time, her words subtly contrasting the later part where Navier consents to divorce him. Emperor Sovieshu heaves a breath of relief, knowing she has accepted his mistress, Rashta. However, the odds strike when she demands permission for her remarriage, shocking the occupants of the Royal Court. The next shocking moment occurs when Heinrey arrives. (Wondering who is Heinrey? Keep reading till the end!)
The Remarried Empress Chapter 1 then shifts to a flashback as we see Navier’s room, where her ladies-in-waiting inform her about the emperor bringing a shabby slave girl from his hunting trip. They seem worried, but Navier waves them off, trusting that her husband only helped that woman out of empathy.
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Chapter 2: Navier’s Genuine Fear
The Remarried Empress Chapter 2 starts with Navier and Sovieshu having their meal when she brings up the slave girl. He immediately turns down the topic with an authoritative and cold response. Later in her chamber, when her court lady Laura takes his Majesty’s reply badly, Navier begins to ponder a little more. Countess Eliza sends young Laura to cool herself down, and Navier confesses her unease.
Eliza demurely consoles her, validating her emotions and concerns. Navier’s betrothal at a young age makes it natural to have a fear of her husband loving a mistress over his wife. She further assures her that even if the slave turns into the Emperor’s mistress, she could never join the social circle of the nobility because of her status as a runaway slave. Even though the Emperor refutes the claims of the girl being a runaway slave girl, but rather someone who was injured by one of his traps, it is an unbelievable claim for the Empress.
The scene shifts to Navier overhearing a couple of nobles talking about the new woman. Navier decides to move to a more serene location to continue her book when she chances upon the girl, the one who had grabbed the nobility’s curiosity.
Remarried Empress Chapter 3: Rashta and Navier
The Remarried Empress Chapter 3 begins with Rashta approaching Navier. Her introduction is extremely crude and unsophisticated in the presence of the Royal Empress. The unkempt rudeness surprises her, as she is inexperienced with the poor etiquette of a slave. Rashta tries to reach her in all the wrong ways when Laura hinders her attempts with a rude name. She is met with contempt from the Empress’s ladies. She attempts to introduce herself once again and asks the Empress how she must address her. Navier’s answer is crisp, “Call me Her Majesty The Empress.”
Sovieshu interrupts their departure and rushes to a crying Rashta. He tries to calm her down and angrily demands Navier to leave Laura to him. This angers Navier, who defends her lady-in-waiting. However, Sovieshu believes Laura deserves punishment for calling his guest a “filthy wench.”
Chapter 4: Rashta’s Act of Innocence
Laura’s punishment to remain locked in the tower for three days upsets Navier deeply. Her argument with Sovieshu brings no fruit to her purpose. Laura, the loyal girl she was, accepts her punishment. Her punishment was a grave insult to Navier’s authority. She is the Empress, and Rashta, the slave, has her husband wrapped around her thumb. She personally goes to the tower Laura was locked in, brings her back, bathes her in her own chamber, and also prepares her favourite desserts.
Hearing all this, Sovieshu summons the Empress and attempts to compel her to throw Laura out of the palace, which she vehemently refuses. Her blatant disobedience to his orders rattles him, and he throws a very unbecoming comment at her. He says he wishes she was more obedient like Rashta. Navier couldn’t believe Sovieshu was complaining about her charge as an Empresss.
By the end of The Remarried Empress Chapter 4, Sovieshu calls for attendance, and Rashta shows up. She begins to complain about Navier, implying her indifference and ignorance towards Rashta’s plight. However, she backtracks, but Sovieshu doesn’t show any disapproval of her complaints. Later, she asks about being his mistress, and the Emperor replies that he has a plan in mind.
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Remarried Empress Chapter 5: Mistress and Sister?
The Remarried Empress Chapter 5 begins with the rumours of Rashta’s appointment as Sovieshu’s mistress before the New Year. Navier is remarkably unfazed, expecting such news ever since she came to know about her. While Rashta is expecting to receive a welcome gift from the Empress as per the Royal custom, Navier has decided not to comply. Receiving a welcome present would qualify the mistress as being worthy of the Royal Empress’s attention and recognition, and Rashta did not certainly qualify for any criteria required for that.
In the next scene, the ladies-in-waiting eagerly ask Navier if the wickedly good-looking Prince of the Western Empire will be attending the New Year’s Ceremony at the Eastern Empire’s palace. Their query amuses Navier, and she assures them that he will while the ladies talk about his apparent philanderous youth. That is when Grand Duke Rylan Roth’s messenger announces his expensive bribes to Navier in return for future social favours. But, the Empress respectfully turns him down.
Later, they are greeted by Rashta’s unexpected arrival, who strolls into the Empress’s private chamber. Her appearance is like a water fairy, simple yet sweet. Navier greets her stonily, but her slight ascent of politeness vanishes when Rashta says she wants to get along with her ‘sister’.
Chapter 6: Navier’s Surprise Visitor
The Remarried Empress Chapter 6 opens with Navier icily rejecting Rashta’s proposal. She sullenly complains about Navier’s harsh disapproval of her suggestion to the aide who was in charge of looking over her offices. The aide is speechless at Rashta’s folly, but she doesn’t realize what is wrong with her request.
Navier is strolling the lush green palace grounds when she encounters a majestic golden bird, its brilliant yellow feathers showering on her. She notices the bird seated and cautiously approaches it. The bird surprises her when it flies and directly places its clawed feet on her dainty finger. She notices a strip of paper tied around its feet. The other ladies gather around the bird and coo at its charms while Navier reads the simple note.
‘I am a guest from abroad who will soon arrive at the New Year’s Ceremony, and I write this note while drunk.’
Navier scratches back a reply and tells the bird to return safely to its inarticulate master. The Remarried Empress Chapter 6 ends with the scene of a notoriously good-looking man with a resplendent golden mane and face that hints at mischief and peril at the same time.
The Remarried Empress Chapter 7: Ladies-In-Waiting
The Remarried Empress Chapter 7 begins with a serious-looking Sovieshu waiting for Navier. He demands her to look for a lady-in-waiting for Rashta since she would soon join them. Her own ladies-in-waiting are furious at the Emperor’s unscrupulous demands, but Navier says she couldn’t have done anything but give in. She invites the daughters from high-ranking elite families to her tea party and requests some of them to step in as Rashta’s lady-in-waiting. She is careful not to voice her origins, but rumours travel faster than air. The ladies who gather to help in the Empress’s favour express their reluctance to wait on the runaway slave turned mistress.
The majestic bird arrived again with a new note attached to its leg. Navier smiles and returns the bird to its mysterious master with a new reply and affectionate peck. The moment with the bird calms her down a little. But The Remarried Empress Chapter 7 ends with Sovieshu blaming Navier for the rumours of Rashta being a runaway slave.
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Chapter 8: She Was Sunshine, I Was Midnight Rain
The Remarried Empress Chapter 8 begins with Sovieshu accusing Navier of circulating rumours about Rashta. She refutes Sovieshu’s claims with the grace of a rightfully brought-up noble lady. However, after his angry departure, she feels heartbroken. She quietly escapes to her secret spot, the place she finds her lonely solace in. Her momentary bout of grief is interrupted by the majestic bird again, who brings her another note. She is surprised as the bird notices her wayward tears and comforts her. Touched, Navier decides that it must be named ‘Queen.’
In the next scene, a charming young man is quite upset that Navier has chosen a female name for him. He is only greeted by an angry bluebird, who turns out to be his aide. He waves him off, claiming he was only evaluating the lands of the Empire. “Please! Please! Remember you position, Your Imperial Highness.” What are the odds that the beautiful golden bird is Prince Heinrey, the first in line to the throne of the Western Empire?
The next morning, Rashta finds her way into Navier’s secret spot, which displeases her. She harshly rebukes her and asks not to return to the West Palace in the future. Rashta is upset when the Empress refuses to befriend her and rushes to Sovieshu for comfort. The Emperor visits Navier and throws daggers of resentful words, breaking her heart.
Rashta is delighted to hear that Sovieshu has made a scene at the Empress’s palace in her defence. She is ecstatic with the expensive chair that the Emperor presented her. The Remarried Empress Chapter 8 closes with Rashta sleeping merrily in her comfortable and sunny disposition while Navier sleeps through a lonely and sorrowful night.
The Remarried Empress Character Analysis
The creators have endowed Navier with the grace and temperament that are essential in an Empress. She is righteous and compassionate, and she is perfect as the protagonist of the story. She anticipated Sovieshu’s betrayal because it was a common occurrence in elite society. However, she did not expect this incident to affect her a lot. Navier is portrayed as a perfect Empress but not an emotionless doll.
Rashta is innocent about her position. She is unaware of the workings of the nobility and does weigh her actions. All she ever does is run to Emperor Sovieshu if anything happens besides her liking. Her light and simple attire sets her apart from royalty; her clothing directly demarcates her status even though the Emperor recognizes her.
Sovieshu is a typical Emperor who falls in love with any beautiful woman he finds in his way. His hypocritical nature is transparent in the way he treats his rightful wife and his mistress. He makes it clear that Rashta is his priority. He doesn’t realize that his affection for his mistress might also bring him political losses.
As for Heinrey, the Prince of the Western Empire, we are really keen to learn about his role and how his existence influences Navier.
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