The Remarried Empress keeps getting more and more interesting. In our previous chapter review of The Remarried Empress Chapter 9-16, Prince Heinrey’s arrival and his growing friendship with Navier bring fresh comfort into her tumultuous life. Rashta’s impertinence, borne out of her ignorance of royal protocols, grates on Navier’s nerves. Her exclusive party for the important guests is ruined when the mistress stirs up trouble. However, karma gets Rashta; her excitement at meeting new nobles pales when she spots Lord Lotteshu among the guests. Matters get out of hand when Lord Lotteshu notices Rashta’s sick face and spills her dreadful past to the guests. Now, let’s see how this popular romance webtoon unfolds in The Remarried Empress Chapter 17-24.
Navier And Heinrey’s Bond | Rashta’s New Fear
The Remarried Empress Chapter 17: Lotteshu Threatens Rashta

The Remarried Empress Chapter 17 opens with Lord Lotteshu kneeling before Sovieshu, begging for forgiveness. He realizes that despite being aware of Rashta’s past, the emperor treasures her.
Meanwhile, Prince Heinrey’s refusal to let her see Queen in his room confuses Navier. He stumbles over his words, and she realizes that visiting his chamber late at night is against the decorum. Instead, she asks what Queen likes. Flustered, Heinrey replies that Queen would take anything that the empress offers him. However, he immediately regrets his words when she attempts to feed him live worms. The next day, he meets up with Navier and clarifies that Queen isn’t fond of insects.
In the next scene, Rashta contemplates Lotteshu’s confrontation. She is anxious about the rumours that he might spread to smear her name and new place in royal society. Meanwhile, Viscountess Verdi informs her that Lotteshu wants to meet her. She reluctantly lets him in, and he immediately jumps into blackmailing her. He makes it clear that if she doesn’t comply with his wishes, he shall spill about the baby she left behind at his place. The Remarried Empress Chapter 17 ends on this suspenseful note, making readers curious about the abandoned baby.
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Chapter 18: Making Amends

In The Remarried Empress Chapter 18, Rashta is visibly traumatized when Lotteshu brings up his son’s baby that she gave birth to. She exclaims that he has killed her baby, but he assures that’s not the case. He twists his words, stressing that once Emperor Sovieshu’s curiosity for her lessons, he will cast her away as easily as he took her in.
In the garden, Heinrey clumsily explains Queen’s eating habits without perturbing Empress Navier. He requests that she dine with him on her upcoming birthday. At that moment, Sovieshu joins them, which showcases the complexity of their relationship. It annoys him that the empress is still associating with the prince of the Western Kingdom despite his warnings. He asks her to accompany him for some private discussion and Heinrey to be on his way. He shuts Heinrey’s protests with an authoritative statement, “The Empress is my wife, not your guide.”
Navier and Sovieshu’s discussions have a rocky start until the latter suggests they spend some time together away from the nobility for her birthday. This doesn’t fool the empress, but she agrees to maintain the ideal couple front. Later, Grand Duke Kaufman’s insistence on her dealing with his business surprises her despite giving her a cold shoulder throughout their acquaintance.
The Remarried Empress Chapter 19: Smitten Heinrey

The Remarried Empress Chapter 19 begins with Sovieshu walking away after settling a political dinner with Navier. On her way back, she runs into Heinrey in the garden and politely turns his request for the birthday dinner down. She also offers her a handkerchief, which he carefully keeps to himself. He is disappointed when he learns that she will be spending time with the emperor instead. But he assures her that he is fine, waving away her apologies genially.
Heinrey returns to his chamber, where he proudly brandishes Navier’s handkerchief before his aide. He ties it up around Heinrey-now Queen’s neck and flies away to meet the empress. His short trip to her sends him back to his chambers, embarrassed when she comments, “Queen, you smell like Prince Heinrey.” His aide confronts him about his pen pal being Navier, noticing her initials on the handkerchief. He strolls away into the garden, ignoring the aide’s warning against courting the empress of the Eastern Empire. Later, they meet Rashta and the Remarried Empress Chapter 19 concludes with Prince Heinrey dismissing her.
Chapter 20: Jealousy of Emperor Sovieshu

In The Remarried Empress Chapter 20, Rashta tries to win the impression of Prince Heinrey, but he barely acknowledges her. Her approach irritates him, and he impatiently asks when Duke Ergi will arrive. The ladies-in-waiting inform Navier that the prince of the Western Kingdom and Sovieshu’s mistress are getting friendly. In the next scene, we see Duke Ergi having tea with Rashta after punching a man who insulted her.
Navier is preparing to represent herself in the meeting to discuss trading with Kaufman. After the meeting, she asked why he was concerned about her carrying out the job for him. He says that no one could do a better job than her. Sovieshu’s abrupt appearance interrupts her thoughts, and he questions if she is into foreigners.
The Remarried Empress Chapter 21: Navier’s birthday

In The Remarried Empress Chapter 21, Navier dismisses Sovieshu’s concerns about her being attracted to foreigners. She clears that their conversations are strictly business and walks away. She spends the rest of the morning meeting with the ministers to decide on taxes and the mistress’s budget. The ministers dissuade her from assigning an additional budget for Rashta, as it is included in Sovieshu’s own.
Later, during her nighttime walk with her guard, Navier meets Viscountess Verdi, who tries to reveal Lotteshu’s intentions. However, Rashta interrupts, causing Verdi to escape. The mistress inquires about Duchess Tuania, a good friend of Navier’s. She correctly discerns her intentions of shifting the attention to the Duchess, who is popular amongst the men.
The next day, Sovieshu suggests they finish their tasks and leave for her birthday trip early. Navier reminisces about their young days in the Imperial Villa, which is a place rich with memories of a happy and cozy childhood. All of the promises that he made before the tree they planted together are broken now. Five days before her birthday, several presents and a suspicious love potion amongst them reach Navier. And, Queen knocks for entry with a present from Heinrey.
Chapter 22: Heinrey’s Request And Broken Plans

The Remarried Empress Chapter 22 opens with Heinrey’s gift, a self-baked cake. Navier admires his refined work and helps herself with a slice. She picks out gems hidden between the layers and finds it too expensive of a present and her comment distresses Queen to tears. She visits Heinrey’s chambers to thank him in person.
Navier notices that Heinrey appears to have been crying but doesn’t voice it. She thanks him for his present. He mentions he is a good cook when she says she is inadequate. He airily comments that they could be a match made in heaven, to which she looks confused. Later, he assures her that she shouldn’t feel burdened by the gems, surprising Navier. He clarifies that his friend Ergi is the reason why the womanizer rumours are associated with him. He also requests her to stay away from Duke Ergi’s radar.
A day before Navier’s birthday, she is ready to leave for the Imperial Villa. Sovieshu arrives and tells her that he will catch up with her as soon as he is finished with work. She feels vacant, but her lady-in-waiting assures her that this trip must help them rebuild their fallen relationship. Though she isn’t planning a divorce, she doesn’t wish for her hard work to be stolen by the other girl.
The Remarried Empress Chapter 23: Rashta Wants to Third Wheel

In The Remarried Empress Chapter 23, Rashta spins around Sovieshu, admiring him in his majestic clothing. He informs her that he will be away for a day. She accompanies him until his carriage and learns that there will be just him and Navier to celebrate her birthday. She insists on going with him to wish the empress a happy birthday, but Sovieshu gently declines. Rashta feels upset knowing that Sovieshu isn’t giving in no matter what. Seeing her upset, the emperor promises to take her to the Imperial Villa soon. Trusting Sovieshu to stay loyal to his mistress, she walks back to her chamber and doesn’t notice a plotting Lotteshu around the corner.
Meanwhile, Navier wakes up from her slumber and spends her morning reading, that is, until Sovieshu arrives with her present. She touches his forehead as he plops down on the couch. Detecting a slight fever, she asks him to rest. However, he insists on giving her the present. He offers to hook the necklace for her, and while doing so, he places a small peck on her neck.
Chapter 24: Sick Days of Sovieshu

In The Remarried Empress Chapter 24, Navier rejects Sovieshu’s attempts at initiating intimacy. Her action thoroughly annoys him, and he leaves her alone. At that moment, she receives her favorite companion, who has just flown several miles to see her. Queen hugs to comfort her, and Navier accepts his feathery embrace. The next moment, her lady-in-waiting barges in, informing that the emperor has collapsed from his fever. She jumps in to take control and instructs the lady to call for the Imperial physician and also adds to fetch water for Queen.
Meanwhile, Rashta is on edge because Lotteshu has come looking for her in the opportunistic absence of his majesty. He brings up her child and asks her to pay up. He further exclaims how hard it is to raise a young child born out of wedlock. She grudgingly hands him a few jewels, which he greedily pockets. Before departing, he fuels Rashta’s insecurity by mentioning that the royal heads might get too friendly on the trip. His words bother her, and her anxiety intensifies when she learns about Sovieshu’s sickness. Four days have gone past their scheduled return, but the emperor and empress haven’t returned. Rashta is beyond worried and conveys her concerns to Duke Ergi, who seems to have a sly scheme ready up his sleek sleeve.
Chapter and Character Analysis

After The Remarried Empress Chapter 9-16, the chapters further introduce the readers to the knotting relationship between Navier and Queen. The moment her avian friend entered her life, she couldn’t help but find a comforting companion in him. Heinrey has cleverly put himself as, currently unnoticed, but a definite competition against Sovieshu for Navier’s heart. He seems to intend to make her his wife despite the circumstances and dedicate sincere efforts to it.
Duke Ergi Claude is someone with a lasting reputation and leaves quite an impression. His smooth way with words is a straight arrow to a lady’s heart. He seems to weaponize this skill to his benefit. His association with Rashta is certainly suspicious but it might have something to do with Heinrey since they are friends.
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