Star Catcher Chapter 30-37: Thomas’s Birthday Celebration

Thomas's Birthday Celebration And Emily And Stella's Confession!

Star Catcher 30-37

The romantic tension between Lucas and Thomas is reaching new heights. And, the slow burn continues to be simultaneously excruciating and rewarding. “Star Catcher” keeps weaving a heartwarming and sometimes painfully slow love story that fans can’t get enough of. In Star Catcher Chapter 30-37, emotional introspection, playful teasing, and adorable moments will have readers either screaming at their screens or clutching their hearts in joy.

Star Catcher Chapter 30:  The Cheek Kiss

Star Catcher Chapter 30
Thomas and Lucas

Star Catcher Chapter 30 begins with Thomas asking Lucas what he wants for breakfast, as he plans to place an order so they can pick it up on their way to campus. Lucas replies with a simple request for coffee, prompting Thomas to remind him, as he always does, that coffee is not a proper breakfast. Thomas also questions whether Lucas drinking so much coffee is bad for his heart, to which Lucas reassures him that excessive consumption would be the only real issue. After placing their orders, they head toward campus in Thomas’s car.

During the ride, Thomas asks if Lucas is free for lunch, to which Lucas replies that he has plans with Maria and Emily. Suddenly, as they arrive, Lucas leans forward and kisses Thomas on the cheek before saying he’ll see him later and heading off to class. Thomas is left momentarily stunned by the unexpected gesture, and Star Catcher Chapter 30 ends on this note.

Chapter 31: Operation Double Agent Wingman


Star Catcher Chapter 31 opens with Emily and Maria sitting outside when Lucas rushes over to them, declaring that they need to have an emergency meeting. Fast-forwarding a bit, Emily is shocked after hearing Lucas’ story. She questions how he spent the entire day practically glued to Thomas without confessing his feelings. She asks if there was anything beyond holding hands and cuddling, and Maria presses further, asking if they kissed. Lucas clarifies that they didn’t kiss on the lips, though Thomas did kiss him on the forehead, which completely took him by surprise. He, in turn, mustered the courage to kiss Thomas on the cheek when getting out of the car.

Lucas admits that he is scared of risking their friendship by taking things further, but after the events of last night and this morning, he is more confused than ever. Emily dramatically declares that Thomas and Lucas are the slowest, most painful slow-burn romance she’s ever witnessed. Even Maria, who was hesitant about love before dating Txeru, wasn’t this bad. 

Emily asks where Thomas is because she plans to storm over there and force Lucas to confess. Lucas immediately refuses, but Maria devises “Operation Double Agent Wingman.” She nominates Emily as the best candidate to get close to Thomas, as it would be too obvious if Maria did it, and Lucas certainly can’t wingman for himself. Emily agrees, saying she and Thomas get along well enough for her to invite him for a chat and confirm his feelings for Lucas. Lucas protests, saying he never agreed to any of this, but his words are ignored. Star Catcher Chapter 31 ends with Maria declaring that “Operation L&T” (Lockhart & Taylor) will be a success by this year’s festival.

Star Catcher Chapter 32: Emily’s Deal With Thomas


Star Catcher Chapter 32 starts with Thomas receiving a message from Emily asking to meet. When Emily arrives, she invites him to grab a bite, saying she has something to ask him. Emily presents her proposal: she wants to learn French and needs Thomas’ help practicing so she can impress a girl. Thomas immediately guesses that she means Stella and teases her about it.

Emily shifts the conversation toward Thomas’ love life and bluntly asks if he is in love with Lucas. Thomas is surprised but admits that, yes, it’s obvious. She asks when Thomas realized his feelings, and he reveals that his heart was set in stone during the Star Catching Festival of their freshman year. 

Thomas reveals that he has tried, countless times over the past two years, but Lucas never seemed to pick up on it. He even tried referring to their hangouts as dates. Despite the frustration, Thomas admits that even if they aren’t officially a couple, he is happy just being part of Lucas’s life. As long as he can make Lucas smile, laugh, and feel confident, that’s enough for him. 

Emily opens up about Lucas and Maria’s rough childhood, explaining that their hardships went beyond Maria’s medical issues and financial struggles. Their mother wasn’t supportive and even blamed Lucas for everything that went wrong. She couldn’t even be bothered to call an ambulance when Lucas needed help—though Emily stops short of finishing that particular sentence.

Emily officially proposes “Operation Star Catcher.” If Thomas agrees to help her with French, she will provide inside information on Lucas and serve as his personal wingman. Thomas accepts the deal and even offers to help her impress Stella as well, having become close with her brother. 

Chapter 33: Emily And Stella

Emily and Stella

Star Catcher Chapter 33 starts with Emily approaching Stella, casually mentioning that there will be a meteor shower tonight and asking if she’d like to go on a walk to watch it. Stella immediately agrees, and the two set off together. As they watch the meteor shower, the atmosphere between them is peaceful and enjoyable, until Stella grows irritated with Emily for constantly calling her “Princess.”

When Stella demands she stop, Emily responds playfully, telling her to stop acting like one. She clarifies that she never meant it in a bad way and actually finds it cute. Stella, confused, asks what she means. Emily explains that Stella tries so hard to be proper, delicate, and elegant, but her fiery personality and short temper always shine through. She finds it amusing to see Stella worked up.

In retaliation, Stella kicks Emily, who only laughs and remarks that she’s just proving her point. They find a bench to sit on and enjoy the meteor shower together. Star Catcher Chapter 33 ends with them sharing the quiet moment under the stars.

Star Catcher Chapter 34: Thomas’s Birthday


Star Catcher Chapter 34 starts, Thomas wakes up to a message from Lucas, wishing him a happy birthday and mentioning a special surprise. Lucas asks Thomas to let him know when he’s awake, and Thomas responds with gratitude and curiosity about the surprise. At the moment, Thomas hears a knock at his door. When he checks, he finds Lucas standing there, carrying breakfast. Thomas asks if this is the surprise, but Lucas playfully replies that it’s only part of it. He brought ingredients to make breakfast and asked to use Thomas’s kitchen.

Lucas prepares a meal, and they eat together. After breakfast, Lucas gives Thomas a scrapbook he made specifically for him. It is filled with pictures of their shared memories, ticket stubs, and even notes from their past D&D campaigns. Lucas expresses how much he values their friendship, mentioning how kind and understanding Thomas has been. He reassures Thomas that it’s okay if he doesn’t like it. However, Thomas’s eyes fill with tears as he admires the scrapbook. Overcome with emotion, he tells Lucas that the gift is incredibly thoughtful and that he loves it. Star Catcher Chapter 34 ends with Thomas pulling Lucas closer in gratitude.

Chapter 35: The Scrapbook


Star Catcher Chapter 35 opens with Thomas hugging Lucas, touched by the heartfelt gift. He asks how long Lucas has been working on the scrapbook, amazed at its detail. Lucas explains that he started at the beginning of the year and had to work on it in secret whenever they weren’t together. He even left blank pages so they could continue adding memories. Without hesitation, Thomas enthusiastically agrees to let Lucas keep working on it.

Lucas playfully kicks Thomas out of the kitchen and makes breakfast for him again. They enjoy the meal together before Lucas asks Thomas how he’d like to spend the time before heading out for their plans. After a moment of thought, Thomas shyly admits that he would love to cuddle like they did the other day. Lucas, though flustered, agrees. Star Catcher Chapter 35 ends with the two of them cuddling, enjoying the quiet intimacy of the moment.

Star Catcher Chapter 36: Arcade Room

Thomas and Lucas

Star Catcher Chapter 36 begins with both Thomas and Lucas accidentally falling asleep while cuddling. When they wake up, it’s already 10:30 AM. Thomas, noticing the level of effort Lucas has put into planning the day, assumes that his friend meticulously organized everything. Lucas confirms this, explaining that he wants Thomas to have a perfect birthday.

The two head to an arcade and start playing games together. They enjoy the lively atmosphere, competing and laughing. While exploring the arcade, Thomas notices a photo booth and suggests they take pictures together. He excitedly points out that these photos will help fill up some of the blank pages in the scrapbook. Lucas agrees, and Star Catcher Chapter 36 ends as they prepare to take their pictures.

Chapter 37: The Photo Booth

Thomas and Lucas

Star Catcher Chapter 37 starts, Thomas and Lucas take photos in the booth, and the pictures turn out great. They continue playing games in the arcade, but Thomas struggles and keeps losing. Eventually, Lucas jokingly offers to let him win next time. However, before they can continue, Lucas notices the time and suggests they move on. He assures Thomas that they can always return to the arcade another time. However, reminds him of visiting the music store at the next stop. As they head there, Thomas asks what comes after. Lucas reveals that he made dinner reservations at Thomas’ favorite restaurant. Thomas calls Lucas “the best,” but Lucas isn’t done—he also planned for Maria and their other friends to join them at the restaurant.

To top it all off, Lucas shares that after dinner, they will be attending a murder mystery show hosted by the theater club. Maria saw it the night before with Txeru and said it was amazing. Feeling overwhelmed with gratitude, Thomas admits that he feels incredibly spoiled. Lucas simply responds that he deserves it. Star Catcher Chapter 37 ends with them walking toward the music store, continuing their perfect day together.

Will “Operation Star Catcher” succeed? Let’s discuss! Drop your thoughts in the comments and stay tuned with AnimeMangaToon for the next review!

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