Star Catcher Chapter 21-29: The Star Catching Festival

Star Catcher revolves around the star catching festival.

Star Catcher Chapter 21-29: The Star Catching Festival

If you’ve been following Star Catcher, you already know that the story is packed with emotional depth, character growth, and a slow-burn romance that tugs at your heart. Star Catcher Chapter 21-29 take us on a journey filled with vulnerability, heartfelt conversations, and moments that redefine relationships. With Lucas and Thomas at the heart of it all, these chapters beautifully capture the essence of healing and connection. Let’s dive into this captivating segment of Star Catcher and explore the magic it brings!

Star Catcher Chapter 21: Lucas’s Anxiety

Star Catcher Chapter 21: Lucas's Anxiety

Star Catcher Chapter 21 begins with Thomas finally finding Lucas, who is visibly distressed. Thomas is deeply concerned about Lucas’s condition but remains calm, gently asking, “What’s going on Sunshine?” However, Lucas continues to cry without responding. Understanding that Lucas needs comfort more than words, Thomas sits beside him and wraps him in a reassuring hug, promising he’ll stay as long as he needs. They sit together in silence until morning.

As the sun rises, Lucas finally speaks, questioning why Thomas is being so kind to him. Thomas asks, “Is there a reason why I shouldn’t be?” In response, Lucas jokes about formatting his emotional breakdown in MLA or Chicago style, to which Thomas plays along, quipping that he’ll need to double-check Lucas’s sources and ensure they’re peer-reviewed. This lighthearted exchange makes Lucas laugh, breaking the tension between them.

Finally, Lucas apologizes for running away and making Thomas worry. He expresses guilt, saying they barely know each other, yet Thomas has had to deal with his “hot mess.” Lucas insists he’ll be fine and belittles himself, calling himself pathetic and worthless. Thomas immediately shuts this down, firmly telling Lucas that he is not worthless and that he thinks Lucas is cool.

Thomas then stands up, suggesting they spend the day together watching a new episode of the show they had been following. Wanting to get to know Lucas better, he invites him over, and Lucas, feeling comforted, agrees with Star Catcher Chapter 21 ends.

Chapter 22: Lucas’s Broken Leg

Lucas and Thomas

Star Catcher Chapter 22 starts, Lucas agrees to go with Thomas but admits he injured his ankle while running in the rain. Seeing Lucas struggling, Thomas immediately asks if he needs urgent care, but Lucas insists he’ll be fine with some ice to reduce the swelling. Now that he’s calmed down, he realizes just how much it hurts.

Thomas, ever supportive, offers to carry Lucas’s bag and help him walk. Together, they head to Thomas’s house. The scene shifts to the inside, both having changed from their rain-soaked clothes. Lucas now has an ice pack on his ankle, providing some relief.

Thomas then asks Lucas if he still plans on joining the track team. Lucas, feeling discouraged, believes that after running away, they probably wouldn’t even want him anymore. He confesses that he struggles with his mental health and assumes he will be okay. However, even after forming a strong bond with Thomas, he still feels overwhelmed. He doesn’t want to take advantage of Thomas’s kindness, so he tells him that if he ever becomes a burden, Thomas is free to leave.

Thomas immediately shuts this idea down, firmly telling Lucas, “That’s not going to happen. You’re stuck with me now.” He then brings up the upcoming Star Catching Festival and insists that Lucas has to accompany him. Lucas, touched by Thomas’s determination to stay by his side, reveals a special spot at the festival with the best view in all of Star Valley. He plans to take Thomas there, making him the first friend with whom he’s ever shared this location. However, since the spot requires some hiking, Lucas hopes his ankle will heal quickly. Thomas reassures him, saying that October will arrive sooner than they think.

Star Catcher Chapter 23: The Star Catching Festival


Star Catcher Chapter 23 starts with a forward to October 2017—the day of the Star Catching Festival. Lucas hasn’t been this excited about the festival since childhood. His ankle has healed enough for him to walk properly again. As he prepares to leave, he receives a message from Thomas saying he’s outside waiting.

Lucas steps out, and together, they start heading toward the festival. However, upon arriving, Lucas realizes that all their friends are also waiting for them. The group includes Maria, Emily, Lucas’s cousin Soleil and her girlfriend Calliope, French exchange student Stella, and her older brother Txeru, Maria’s soon-to-be boyfriend.

Maria asks Lucas if he doesn’t want to spend the evening with them. Lucas reassures her, explaining that he plans to take Thomas to his dad’s special spot. With that, they part ways, and Lucas and Thomas set off on their own adventure.

Chapter 24: Thomas calls Lucas “Sunshine”


Star Catcher Chapter 24 starts with Thomas driving them to the location, and once they arrive, they begin their hike to the secret spot. Along the way, Lucas tells Thomas about the area’s history—an abandoned place that hasn’t been used in over 50 years. Rainwater has since collected in a natural basin, creating a stunning mirror-like effect on the water’s surface. Since it’s far from the city, there’s little to no light pollution, making it the perfect place to watch the stars.

As they hike, Thomas calls Lucas “Sunshine” again, prompting Lucas to ask why he calls him that. Thomas explains that Lucas’s eyes are unique; when he’s excited, they light up like sunshine. He also adds that he finds them pretty. Not wanting to make Lucas uncomfortable, Thomas quickly offers to stop calling him that if he dislikes it. But to his surprise, Lucas softly replies that he likes it.

Eventually, they reach an old train track. Thomas hesitates, worried about safety, but Lucas reassures him that the tracks are inactive. Plus, trains don’t run during the festival week to minimize sound and air pollution. Lucas has walked this path countless times and knows it’s safe.

As they continue, Thomas asks if this spot belonged to Lucas’s dad. Lucas confirms, explaining that his father used to take him and Maria here all the time before he passed away. Thomas thanks Lucas for sharing something so special with him, and finally, they reach the breathtaking location.

Thomas is left speechless by the view, unable to believe how mesmerizing it is. Star Catcher Chapter 24 ends with them taking in the stunning scenery.

Star Catcher Chapter 25: Lucas is BI

Lucas and Thomas

Star Catcher Chapter 25 starts, As Thomas looks around, he realizes that his doubts are now completely gone—he has fallen for Lucas. Meanwhile, Lucas sets up a small picnic so they can sit, relax, and enjoy the view. Feeling warm inside, Thomas tells Lucas that he put a lot of effort into making today special. He then jokingly adds, “Whoever gets to date you is going to be lucky.”

Lucas, confused, asks what he means. Thomas clarifies, suggesting that Lucas would easily impress any girl by bringing her here. Lucas hesitates before admitting, “I do like girls, but I prefer dating boys.” Thomas’s mind races—Lucas is at least bisexual, meaning he might have a chance with him. But then Lucas looks at Thomas nervously and says, “I hope that’s not weird.”

Thomas immediately reassures him, saying, “Of course not. Everyone has their own preferences. Plus, it’d be hypocritical of me to say it’s weird when I’m not straight myself.” He then admits that his journey of self-discovery is still ongoing, and besides Lucas, he hasn’t told anyone yet. But regardless, Lucas isn’t alone in his feelings.

Lucas then brings up the idea of making wishes on shooting stars. He tells Thomas to make sure he thinks about what he wants before making his wish. Deep in thought, Thomas realizes that what he wants most is sitting right next to him. But he keeps this to himself. Instead, he asks, “Can I wish for us to spend next year’s Star Catching Festival together?” 

Lucas smiles and tells him he doesn’t need to waste a wish on something already guaranteed. In response, Thomas cheekily says, “Then I’ll wish for the year after that.” Just then, a piece of a meteorite falls into the water. Lucas excitedly rushes in to retrieve it but finds it too hot to touch. The two of them play in the water, laughing together.

The scene shifts, showing time passing—New Year’s, birthdays, spring break—and soon, September 2019. In the present, Thomas and Lucas are sitting together, and Lucas thinks, “One of these days, I’ll find the courage to tell Thomas just how much I’ve fallen for him.” Star Catcher Chapter 25 ends on this heartfelt note.

Chapter 26: Alone in Theatre

Lucas and Thomas

Star Catcher Chapter 26 begins in September 2029, with Luke and Thomas sitting in a theatre, watching Attack of the Demon Spider Sharks 2: The Aquatic Exorcism. Luke notes that the movie didn’t gain widespread attention, to which Thomas responds that people just don’t recognize true art. When Luke questions what qualifies Thomas to determine what is “true art,” Thomas claims that as a B-rated horror movie connoisseur, he has seen many bad films in HD. He considers the first film in this saga a masterpiece of “hot flaming garbage” and has high expectations for the sequel.

Thomas expresses excitement over future movies, hoping to add some to his watchlist. Luke casually mentions a movie about “star aliens” that he’s interested in, suggesting they watch it together when it releases. Thomas agrees enthusiastically.

As they continue watching, Thomas reflects that it’s been two years since he met and fell for Luke, but nothing has happened between them. Every time he tries to confess, he gets interrupted or Luke misinterprets it as a joke. He acknowledges that Luke’s friendship is more important than his feelings, but he secretly cherishes moments like this and wishes time could stand still.

Luke then comments on how surprisingly bad the movie is, joking that the director must have made a deal with the theatre owner to get it played. However, since it falls into the “so bad it’s funny” category, he’s still enjoying it. Star Catcher Chapter 26 ends with them continuing to watch the film.

Star Catcher Chapter 27: In Thomas’s House


Star Catcher Chapter 27 starts, Luke and Thomas exit the theatre, with Thomas dramatically stating that the movie burned his eyes worse than the sun, calling it a “new level of bad.” Luke teases him, saying that’s high criticism coming from someone with such an “acquired taste” for films.

Thomas then asks if Luke has any plans for the rest of the day, admitting that he wants to watch more movies. He suggests picking up takeout and chilling at his place. Luke agrees, and they hold hands as they walk toward Thomas’s car.

The scene shifts to Thomas’s house, where they’re preparing to watch another movie. Luke pouts when Thomas sits a little farther away, prompting Thomas to ask why he looks upset. Luke mumbles something, making Thomas move closer and ask him to repeat it. Blushing, Luke finally asks why Thomas is sitting so far away.

Thomas, surprised, asks where he should sit. In response, Luke silently opens his blanket, inviting Thomas inside. Thomas immediately scoots under it with him. When Luke hesitantly asks if he’s too clingy, Thomas reassures him, saying he doesn’t mind—he finds it cute. Star Catcher Chapter 27 ends with this sweet moment between them.

Chapter 28: Sleepover


Star Catcher Chapter 28, Thomas tells Luke that he can be as clingy as he wants, making him smile. He then asks Luke to help him pick a movie. They settle in and start watching, but before long, they both fall asleep. Later, Thomas’s night alarm wakes them up. Realizing how late it is, he asks Luke what he wants to do—either Thomas can drive him back to his dorm tonight, or Luke can stay over, and Thomas will drop him off in the morning.

Luke chooses to stay over, not wanting Thomas to drive late at night. Thomas readily agrees. He mentions that he hates sleeping in jeans, so he will change into something more comfortable. He offers Luke a pair of shorts that might be small for him but should fit Luke well. Luke accepts the offer and also asks if Thomas has a phone charger. Thomas amused, notes that Luke was already planning to sleep over since he knew where the charger was. Thomas then insists that Luke take the bed while he sleeps on the couch. Unless Luke wants to share the bed. Luke shyly agrees to share, and Star Catcher Chapter 28 ends there.

Star Catcher Chapter 29: Cuddled Up


Star Catcher Chapter 29 starts, Luke changes into the nightwear Thomas gave him. When Thomas sees him without his usual hoodie, he’s momentarily taken aback. He admits that he’s never seen Luke wear short sleeves before and knows how self-conscious Luke is about it. Luke reassures him there’s no need to apologize, explaining that he has always been anxious about showing his arms around people other than Maria or Emily. He fears that others might look at him with disgust or think differently of him. However, he doesn’t feel that anxiety tonight—because Thomas makes him feel safe.

Luke then jokingly tells Thomas that he has “levelled up” in their friendship status. In response, Thomas hugs him tightly and thanks him for trusting him. It means a lot to him. After the hug, Thomas says he will finish getting ready for bed. Before heading to the bathroom, he kisses Luke’s forehead, making Luke’s heart race. As Luke lies down, he wonders if this moment is even real. He feels like his heart will burst out of his chest—this is different from their past moments. Thomas returns and casually asks if Luke will share the blanket or if he should grab another one. Luke lifts the blanket, and Thomas slides in. They cuddle and fall asleep together, ending Star Catcher Chapter 29.

Let’s hear from you! What were your favourite moments from these chapters? Are you as emotionally invested in their relationship as we are? Drop a comment below, and let’s discuss and stay tuned for the next review!

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