School Bus Graveyard Chapter 90: Ashlyn is Free!

School Bus Graveyard Chapter 90 includes tension rises as the group escapes a train, finds refuge in an eerie town, and faces emotions, fears, and plans for survival

School Bus Graveyard Chapter 90: Ashlyn is Free!

School Bus Graveyard Chapter 90 begins with the team at a breaking point, torn between their internal struggles and the growing dangers around them. The tension from the previous chapter is now more intense than ever, and Ashlyn and her friends faces their toughest decision yet: unite for safety or split. As the threat looms, the group splinters, some still clinging to hope, while others push a more conservative approach. As external dangers become more urgent and deadly, the group must rapidly adapt, knowing that survival now depends on the ability to make the right choices before it is too late.

The Great Escape of Ashlyn, Ben and Aiden

School Bus Graveyard Chapter 90: The Special Train

School Bus Graveyard Chapter 90: Ashyln, Ben and Aiden
Ashlyn, Ben, and Aiden

School Bus Graveyard Chapter 90 begins with Ash’s group of plain white clothes sitting on a train in a panic. Everyone is obviously anxious and doubts if his followers will be able to follow them and stop the train. Panic spreads when someone asks, “What if we get caught?” The group reluctantly agrees, “Yes, we can.” Ben sighs in frustration. Finding the train ride too dangerous, they decide to get off at the next station. They manage to land without incident while in a quiet small town. For a moment, they feel a little relief, but it doesn’t last long. Another train passes, and monsters are on board, apparently on the hunt.

The group gathers, unsure of their next destination. They realize that if they want to keep ahead of their hunters, they have to move. With no clear plan, they decide to wait until the abandoned train leaves.

What They are Doing in the Small Town?


When the group arrives at the small town, they find it eerily empty, with no one in sight. Seeking refuge, they enter an empty mall. Inside, they quickly change out of their casual clothes into something smaller. Feeling tired, they decide to find a motel nearby and get some rest. Apparently, everyone is fired up, agreeing to a much-needed nap and food. Eden, on the other hand, seems suspicious about Ash while her hair is still wet from the previous events.

After a break, the group finds the little waffle shop in town. They grab whatever food they can find—burgers, coffee, chips, waffles—and eventually start to feel a little better. As they eat, they discuss how to arrange transportation to leave the area and escape their danger. School Bus Graveyard Chapter 90 ends with Aiden excusing himself to the bathroom. Ben follows shortly, and the two of them are alone. In a rare moment of tenderness, Aiden admits to Ben that he has feelings for Ash.

What Happened In School Bus Graveyard So Far?

School Bus Graveyard

Previously on School Bus Graveyard the group boarding a freight train, desperate to escape. Unconscious Logan worries everyone. “Logan, are you okay?” Ash asks over and over leaning against him.

For a moment, relief washes over the group as they realize they have successfully escaped the factory and their city. Soon, though, a dilemma sets in—they have no idea where they’re going. During the commotion, Noah suddenly screams that he’s lost his eyesight, increasing the group’s anxiety. To everyone’s surprise, Ash gently reveals that she gathered everyone’s belongings when they all escaped, including phones, glasses, and other necessities and his quick thinking earns the group a thank you.

As the train speeds through the unknown, details of their time at the factory are discovered. Memories of the oppressive environment and the dangerous treatment of the people there come back, shaking you. This reminder encourages them to focus on planning their next step. They discuss where the train can take them and begin planning the next move.

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