Refund High School might actually be the peak example of a fun but grasping manhwa. As is proved in the last few chapters, from Dante passing his repentance exam to Mari’s ever-growing tree touching heights. Then we witness a deepening potential bond between the student president Jun and Aru Kim. And, in a very interesting turn of events, we see Mari climbing up the tree and falling into the arms of Gang Ho. Well, we are already hooked on the series, let’s see what happens next.
Refund High School Chapter 78: Red Eclipse Festival Volunteers

Refund High School Chapter 78 begins with Gang Ho and Mari arguing about the word “Thank you!” In class, the history teacher announces, “The red eclipse festival, the biggest festival in reincarnation high, is coming up soon.” He explains that during this festival, the sky turns red, and every creature of the underworld gets to pray for their reincarnation and Nirvana. He further adds that the school needs volunteers to prepare for this festival.
Hearing this opportunity, Dante raises his hand to volunteer to be as involved as possible in the upcoming event. He adds, “Since we need more volunteers, let me choose them myself. I need our class president to join me. They will give bonus points to the volunteers!” Upon hearing “bonus points,” Aru agrees to volunteer, and later, Mook joins the team.
In the next scene, Gang Ho enters the class looking for Aru, but Mook says she is likely in the cafeteria. Then, Gang Ho asks him to tag along. He starts, “I just wanted you to tag along cause I had something to ask you, you like Aru, don’t you?” Mook quite defensively asks, “Why do you wanna know?”. Gang Ho explains, “There is a dance time during the Red Eclipse festival night. Apparently, the atmosphere is so amazing here, if you ask her out she has to say yes. I am gonna give it a try too, asking someone out!”
Refund High School Chapter 78 ends with Dante stating, “I sure know how to pick them, with one human girl I will be able to get Mook as well!”
Refund High School Chapter 79: Should I Ask Her Out?
After Refund High School Chapter 78, Dante asks Chiyeol’s spirit to answer his call. Chiyeol appears in a true infernal spirit form – a huge skull-shaped black shadow. Dante informs him about the upcoming Red Eclipse Festival. How will this news affect Chiyeol?
In the next scene, Aru is talking to Jun, and Gang advises Mook, “If you will just stand there and do nothing, someone else is gonna snatch her away; one thing about love is that you need to fight for it.” To help Mook out a little, he calls Aru saying Mook has something to ask her. Alas! Mook can’t confess his feelings and instead asks, “Our teacher wanted to know when we are going to start the prep work for the Red Eclipse festival?” (Shy Mook Lee!) Aru decides they should meet after school hours with Dante to make a proper plan.
On the other hand, Dante roams around the school, ecstatic about the upcoming event. I can’t wait to see what will happen in the Red Eclipse Festival. Seeing him, Dicarius asks, “What are you still doing here? Shouldn’t you be back in your dormitory?” Dante further asks whether Dicarius needs any help as he has some spare time. Refund High School Chapter 79 ends with Dicarius showing all the props and decorative items of the Red Eclipse Festival. Suddenly, Dante steps on a huge curtain, which slips away, revealing two giant fire dogs.
Chapter 80: Eyes On Dante!
Refund High School Chapter 80 begins with Dicarius taking Dante away from the fire dogs. Once outside, Dicarius realizes Dante was awfully calm even after seeing those scary fire dogs, making him feel suspicious.
Then the history teacher arrives (of course!) After sending Dante back to his dorm, Dicarius states, “I think we will need to keep an eye on him!” Stunned, the history teacher says, “I asked you a question! What changed your mind? You defended him when I raised suspicion not too long ago. You weren’t patrolling with him, were you?” Dicarius denies it and asks him to forget the conversation as well.
Following the incident, we find Aru Kim talking to the cute pet, “Cloudy, I think you got slightly bigger than when you first came here. I think you were about this big!” She then shows him the pictures of the time he first arrived. Seeing the pictures, Cloudy feels really grateful and wonders if he will be able to follow Dante’s plan. Then Aru realizes that she needs to change the bandage. As she sees the wound has turned black, she asks “Are you an infernal spirit?”
Refund High School Chapter 81
Refund High School Chapter 81 begins with Aru gaslighting herself, saying Cloudy can never be an infernal spirit. She decides to talk to Jun about this and gets out of the dorm. On the other hand, Jun and Beauty are talking about how hectic the work is getting. He asks Beauty to go inside while he gets some fresh air. However, he was just waiting to get a glimpse of Aru. Seeing Beauty, Aru decides to talk about Cloudy sometime else.
After Aru leaves, Beauty asks Jun, “You like her, don’t you? You may lie to the others, but you can’t fool me. You were all like it was reincarnation or nothing, and now you have a feeling with a sophomore.” However, he denies it. He thinks to himself, “I was just worried about her, that’s all. Like Beauty said, the reincarnation test is coming soon. Come on, Jun, get yourself up!”
Gang Ho points to Jun and says, “Oh, this your rival- Jun! But you got to surely give it a point that he is handsome, even for us boys’ standards, so if he’s attractive for us…” Initially, Mook shuns his words but finally asks, “What do I do then?”
Chapter 82: Gang Ho Is Trying To Help Mook
Refund High School Chapter 82 begins with Mook considering the Aru Kim situation. The next morning we see Sua and Sehui admiring the red sky and realizing Mari to be seen nowhere. Sehui articulates, “She was arguing with Gang Ho in the garden.” Apparently, Gang Ho wants to put the lights on Mari’s huge plant so it will be easier for all to follow. However, Mari being Mari refuses his idea. Suddenly, she feels a big bite on her wrist from the token of the Reaper. Oh right, her reminder to be nice to others!
Gang Ho advises Mook to ask Aru to dance with you when the dance time starts. “According to my sources towards the end of the dance time, the fire dogs will cover up the moon so it will get totally dark for about 7 minutes, that’s when you look in her eyes and ask her out!” Hearing and seeing the demonstration, Mook steps back and states he is unsure this will work. Gang Ho replies, “We don’t even have two Underworld years left, isn’t it better to ask her out and regret later than having regret not even asking?”
In the next scene, Aru waits for Mook and asks Dante to help her with the volunteer work. Dante replies, “Aw, stop frowning! You will ruin your pretty face.” Aru retorts, “Why did you volunteer if you were gonna slack off like this?” Dante replies, “Okay-Okay! Don’t be mad. I will do it, Okay?” Aru continues, “Is it because you don’t want to do it with me?” Then Dante says, “Huh- No wayyy. It has to be you and only you!” (What does he mean by it has to be you?)
Refund High School Chapter 83: Calm Before the Storm
Refund High School Chapter 83 begins with Mook arriving for the volunteer work and apologizing for being late. While they work hard to decorate the place, Aru declares she has something to show them. Since it’s Red Eclipse Season, the library has turned into a massive dressing room, with the prettiest outfits on every floor.
In the next scene, Aru Kim picks a coquette-core blue color gown with the prettiest ribbon around its neck. Suddenly, Mook notices some white fur around Aru’s shoulder, she shuns it saying, “It is nothing as such.” Out of nowhere, a box shakes up, and Mook uses his powers to control it. Meanwhile, Dante is quite calm, making Mook and Aru feel suspicious about him.
Refund High School Chapter 83 ends with the fire dogs growling at King Yemma. She says, “How dare you show your teeth at me? Make sure everything goes as scheduled tomorrow, okay?” Dicarius replies, “I think that’s quite enough your highness.” King Yema replies, “What? Are you suddenly feeling sympathy towards them? Don’t you ever forget the real meaning behind the Red Eclipse festival? Don’t forget these creatures once turned The Underworld into a horrid Nightmare and how many sacrifices were made to establish our current system!”
Refund High School Chapter 84: Red Eclipse Festival Part 1
Refund High School Chapter 84 begins with everyone getting ready for the Red Eclipse Festival. On the other hand, Cloudy is upset and not eating his breakfast. (Perhaps he is still guilty about his initial plans.) Everybody is excited to see the dressing room and pick their outfit for the festival. On their way to the dressing room, Sua says, “Did you hear? Apparently, if someone kisses the back of your hand while the fire dogs are covering up the moon, you two will be together in your next life too!”
Mari lays her eyes on a beautiful bright pink dress which is clearly her type. Next, we see Sehui coming out of the dressing room looking like a quintessential Korean Princess with flowers around her hair and gloves that make her look even more chic. Then the history teacher asks everybody to hurry up as the eclipse parade is starting soon. (Where is Aru Kim though?)
Mook is looking the best he has ever looked so far in the story. Trust me, the creator did a brilliant job making this one character. (Yes, I’m fan-girling right now, after this look). Finally, Aru Kim is here in her pretty blue dress, looking like a princess. She asks Mook, “How do I look today? Do I look weird? I think I overdid a little with this dress!” Stunned by her beauty, Mook states, “You don’t look weird at all. You look perfect!” Aru replies, “Really? That’s a relief. I hope Jun likes it too!” Ouch!
Refund High School Chapter 78-84 deals with the beginning of the Red Eclipse Festival. Meanwhile, our Mook is struggling with his feelings for Aru Kim. Hands down, this is the prettiest chapter that I’ve read so far. And by prettiest – I mean ‘THE PRETTIEST!’ The illustrations are top-notch, and all the characters look mesmerizing. I can’t wait to see what will happen at Red Eclipse Festival. What is Dante’s plan? Who will dance with Aru Kim? Will Mook finally confess his feelings? Are you enjoying the Refund High School webtoon? Let us know in the comments below.