The previous chapters of Refund High School offered us two new fascinating characters. With Aru joining the student council, we met school president Jun, and two other members, Beauty Kim and Gang Ho. The latter is the more interesting one having animosity towards Mook. On the other hand, while on one of her sleepwalks, Mari brings back Cloudy (an infernal spirit) in Reincarnation High.
And on a funnier note, the Reincarnation High students unknowingly exchanged bodies with each other and they REALLY struggled, especially Aru in Stretch’s body. And, Aru thinking she is talking to Gunn (in Mook’s body) says how she feels differently about monsters now. However, it was actually Mook, who is now happier to learn Aru’s changed viewpoint. Now let’s see what more happens in Reincarnation High.
Refund High School Chapter 71: Dante’s Repentance Test

Refund High School Chapter 71 begins with Aru regretting talking about her feelings regarding monsters to Mook. Gang seeing him smile asks “What’s funny?” Mook shuns it saying, “Nothing” making Gang feel suspicious. In the next scene, while the students are trying to knit the yarn, Gang Ho comes up to Aru and tries his smooth talk with her stating, “I came to see you, of course!”
Then the student president enters the class with some announcement, “All right everyone! Listen up! Tomorrow you will have your soul wait checked, you do know that the recommended rate for sophomores is 1.5 OZ right? I myself used to weigh over 2.8 OZ in my freshman year but with my one and only conviction to be reincarnated, I was able to lose 1.4 OZ in less than a year.” Meanwhile, all Aru could think regarding this announcement was, “He is so perfect!”

The ethics teacher and Dicarius discuss the upcoming repentance test with a mention of Dante. In the next scene, the most mysterious Dante states, “You are late today! My repentance test is coming soon!” Dicarius replies, “You failed it every time, you think you are up for it this time?” Dante humorously remarks, “Come on! They say the third time is a charm right!? I won’t let you down!” Dicurius replies, “It doesn’t take much, just be sincere!” Refund High School Chapter 71 ends with Dante saying, “After tossing me into this gutter, when I needed them the most. I am going to bring hell to the reincarnation High School’s doorsteps.”
Refund High School Chapter 72: Soul Weight Checkup

Refund High School Chapter 72 starts with the girl gang going to their favourite spot to meditate and lose their soul weight. As we all know, Mari has the typical beauty standards that the Korean industry demands, hence she is quite literally underweight so apparently there is no need for her to meditate. She is then asked to take care of Cloudy. As time goes by, Mari feels bored and decides to solve the Rubik’s Cube.

Seeing her busy, cloudy takes the opportunity to meet Dante. He asks, “Is everything going according to our plan?” Cloudy replies” Of course! They didn’t even take me out when I made a mess in the room, they let me like a pet dog. I dare say I infiltrated their group perfectly.” Then Dante informs Cloudy about leaving the detention center meaning the red eclipse festival will be in motion shortly. He asks Cloudy to ensure the girls get so attached to him that they may be willing to sacrifice all for his sake.
Soul Weight Checkup

It’s sophomore soul weight checkup time. Aru measures her soul weight, “1.8 Oz! I didn’t lose much!” When the squirrel assistant asks, “What does the scale shows?” She replies, “1.7 Oz!” (That’s the maximum mischievous Aru might’ve been so far). Next on the machine is Mook but everyone is shocked to learn his soul weight is 2.2 OZ. “Why is he heavier than last year?” To which the squirrel assistant states, “May be the triple memory capsule he got last year carried some sort of trauma or grudge from his past.” The sports teacher asks him to work harder or else it will be difficult for him to reincarnate.
Refund High School Chapter 72 concludes with the ethics teacher entering the detention centre. She says, “Dante, are you ready?” Dante with all his mind sharpened up and his bright pink purplish eyes says, “Yes, I’m!” With that devilish smile.
Refund High School Chapter 73: New Student of Reincarnation High

Refund High School Chapter 73 begins with the big news that Dante has cleared his repentance test. Dante is very guilty of what he did and is willing to do anything to pay the price. Although, Dicarius said he has checked, still the history teacher doesn’t seem to believe it. He says, “But he might still have some of his power left. I think we should keep an eye on him!”
As everybody is confused about which class he should be in, the history teacher volunteers and says “I’ll take him.” Later, he asks Dicarius, “Dicarius, why are you acting so sensitive today?” To which Dicarius replies, “I may not know Dante so well as you know Mook but I have been watching him for some time now. I know him to some extent. He definitely regrets what he has done!” (Will time will tell!)

Dante enters the class introducing himself and further says, “I am two Underworld years older than you all, but I look young enough to fit right in, so you don’t have to feel uncomfortable around me hehe!” While Aru is certain she has seen him before, Mari also finds him fishy. Aru then opens up, “Remember when we went into the forest to look for Cloudy, and the new kid found him for me?! It was him! I am sure of it!” And, this certainly confirms Mari’s suspicious feelings for him.
Refund High School Chapter 73 ends with a scene of Dante whispering in Mook’s ear asking, “So, what’s your power?”
Refund High School Chapter 74: Mook Upset About Aru-Jun

Refund High School starts with a conversation between Dante and Mook, where Dante asks Mook about his powers which leaves Mook stunned. However, Dante cunningly shifts the topic to Mook’s grades. Then we see Jun distributing his notes to students and assuming everybody comes to him only when they need something.
Next Yeohee clings to him requesting, “That ignorant Gang Ho just give me penalty points for wearing eye makeup. Can you undo them for me please? I am not wearing makeup; these are my Natural eyes!” And that’s not the case. Jun replies, “I’ll have a word with him but it’ll will be difficult to undo penalty points that are already given.” Later, Aru abruptly bumps into him and saves his book from falling on the ground. Meanwhile, Gang Ho is certain that Aru has a crush on the student president. And, of course, he must inform his rival, Mook.

Seeing Mook cleaning the room, the history teacher states, “Let me guess, something troubling you again?” And of course, Mook is not going to talk about Aru, so he decides to share his other issue – DANTE! Upon being asked, the teacher told Mook how Dante was a model student but his obsession with good grades ruined him and eventually, they had to put him in the student detention centre. He further continues, “Mook, I just want you to get your power back slowly without anybody knowing it.” The chapter ends with the teacher wondering, “But if it’s true that Dante knew about Mook’s power, how did he know?”
Refund High School Chapter 75: Humming Helps The Plants Grow

Refund High School Chapter 75 starts with the history teacher introducing Dante to Aru. Following we have students doing the gardening activity and the Grim Reaper motivating Dante to participate. While Aru shows him how to do it right, he is lost somewhere else and amuses her by saying, “Sorry, you are so pretty I keep getting distracted. I’ll concentrate, sorry!”

In the next scene, we watch Sehui humming to a plant and shockingly it is helping the plant grow. Suddenly Gunn recognizes the tune and when they both start humming, all the plants grow drastically. It is to be noted, they knew the tune because it was connected to their past lives. On the other hand, we have Mari whose whole garden is still dry, and in angst takes out a whole tank of green liquid and forces it on the ground thinking something will grow out of it. Sadly, nothing positive comes out of it.
The chapter ends with the history teacher catching Dante going upstairs quietly, and him being aware of the presence of the teacher.
Refund High School Chapter 76

Refund High School Chapter 76 begins with the history teacher saying he wasn’t following Dante. In the next scene, Waxy is running in the corridor as usual and there he meets Dante. Blabbering, “Do you know who I am? I am also friends with your best pal Chiyeol, and I also heard you are the reasons he got expelled?” A very scared Waxy says “That wasn’t my fault! Can I go now?” Dante replies, “You can go now! And you can treat me as a friend as well!”
While in class Dante wonders, “Now what should I do with all those prying eyes? Maybe I could use her…(looking at Aru)”. Later when Sua asks Aru about the yarn she explains is going to make a scarf to wear with Cloudy. Although Sua thinks he won’t like it, Aru says he might look angry but, in reality, she is shy.

Now we have Cloudy waiting in the room, overthinking “They are not paying attention to me like they did before, this is bad, there is no way I can get them to captivated by me before the red eclipse at this rate.” As they reach the dorm, Cloudy with his puppy eyes convinces Aru to take him for a walk. On the way she encounters the student president Jun, he says, “Him again? He’s so annoying, and ugly!” Aru replies, “But Jun! You promised me you’ll look the other way!” The student president replies, “That’s before I knew you would keep him this long!” Cloudy infuriated, jumps off and tries to attack Jun but in the process scratches Aru.
Refund High School Chapter 77

Refund High School Chapter 77 begins with Jun checking Aru’s wound from Cloudy. Seeing it, Jun rushes Aru to the nurse’s room and applies the septic to Aru while talking about his past, “I died of Septicemia in my previous life. It was from a little wound. I didn’t think too much of it, so all I’m saying is, I want you to be careful.” In the next scene, Cloudy feels guilty for hurting Aru but when she hugs him, he feels an unexplainable emotion.

While walking, the girls suddenly see a huge tree kind of thing crawling up, in the beautiful pink sky. Then they rushed off to check whose plant it might be, and to their surprise, it was Mari’s plant. Excited Mari decides to climb up the tree to see what’s there on top. On the other hand, seeing this tree-climbing scenario, Gang Ho climbs up the tree in no time. He states, “What are you? Are you nuts? What if you fall from here? Take my hand, I am only gonna ask nicely this once!” Mari replies, “I don’t think so, me holding your hand. I am getting penalty points anyway; I might as well climb up to the top.”
Refund High School Chapter 79 ends with Mari slipping her foot and falling into the arms of Gang Ho.
Refund High School Chapter 71 to 79 involve light-hearted and suspenseful scenes which keep the reader engaged. I like how new characters are coming up and we are getting to know more about their history. One consistent thing in Refund High School is Aru falling for a new guy, and the surprising part is they reciprocate the same feeling! I mean Aru is definitely living the main character era. I can’t wait to catch up with what comes up next, and how the story unfolds.
Guess in the comments what would unfold of the Cloudy Side.