Refund High School Chapter 92-99: The Aftermath of The Red Eclipse Festival!

Read this article to know all about Dante's real identity and his past life!

Dante and Mook

Refund High School deals with the intriguing topic of reincarnation. In the previous chapters, we saw how the Red Eclipse Festival turned into a warzone with Dante transforming the firedogs into monsters and the Reincarnation High protectors Dicarius and the Grim Reaper defeating the beasts. On the other hand, the love triangle between Aru, Jun, and Mook is still at bay. However, in keeping with the festival tradition, someone kissed Aru’s hand, which is still a mystery. What do you think? Who was the one? Now, let’s move on to the next chapters and see whether Queen Yemma can protect the Reincarnation High students from Dante.

Refund High School Chapter 92: Mook Joins Dante?

Refund High School Chapter 92
Dante and the Grim Reaper

Refund High School Chapter 92 begins with the Grim Reaper slashing Dante with his scythe, assuming he will perish. Shockingly, Dante turns even more monstrous and shows his real identity as an evil sea serpent. Gang Ho asks if Mook knows about this, but he is equally flabbergasted.

Dante As Sea Serpent

To instigate and eventually manipulate Mook, Dante targeted Aru. He reveals how he was a teacher’s pet, just like Mook. Although his ‘so-called’ friends promised to keep his secret, they instead used him as a scapegoat and blamed him for the test question leak. Intending to take revenge, he stole the memory capsules of the traitors and ended up in the student detention center. He continues, “Do you know the funniest part about it? Queen Yemma will never be punished. On the other hand, likes of us are considered guilty just because of our existence.”

Mook, Dante, and Aru

To further persuade him, Dante asks, “Why don’t you stop hiding who you are and join me?” Mook agrees with him and says he is also tired of hiding from the rain and getting special treatment. “I’ll do what you want. But just let Aru go, as you’ve promised.” But Aru insisted on asking Mook not to do anything irrational for her. The next moment, it starts to rain, and the Reincarnation High students witness Mook’s sea serpent appearance.

Refund High School Chapter 93: Dicarius and Dante

Dante and Mook As Sea Serpents

Mook seemingly joins Dante, but he further hypnotizes Mook to take complete control over him. Seeing Mook attacking the Grim Reaper, Dicarius decides to step up and fight Dante. He tries to convince him, saying he only wants to protect him. Despite this, Dante refuses to believe anything and calls him “Yemma’s Henchman!” To bring back the self, Dicarius tried to remind him how close they were, to which he retorts, “So close that I know your only weakness that no one knows about?!”

In the next scene, we see a flashback of Dante asking Dicarius what’s wrong, to which he replies, “It’s nothing, really!” He replies, “You said no secrets between us?!”. He finally answers that he once was in a battle, and the wound went deep, so he covered it with fake feathers to hide his weakness. Curiously, Dante asks, “Woah! That’s so cool! How many were you up against?” He replies, “About 30!”

Refund High School Chapter 94: Mook Fights Dante

Dante and Mook

Refund High School Chapter 94 starts with a fierce scene of Mook biting himself to regain control over his senses. He plans to give a sign to the Grim Reaper to create a barrier and eventually kill Dante. However, as Mook tries to slither from Dante, he is reluctant to let go. He knows the Grim Reaper will never intentionally take an innocent’s life, especially not Mook. As the Grim Reaper moves forward to fight Dante, within a count of three, Mook and Dante turn into one single body of a massive sea serpent.

Chapter 95: Cloudy Sacrifices His Life for Aru

Aru Protecting Mook from Dante

After fighting with the Grim Reaper in combined form, Dante leaves Mook’s body and announces that he will kill Mook in one blow. In a shocking turn of events, Aru stands firm before Mook’s body to protect him from Dante’s blow. Seeing this, Dante says, “I’ll finish you both in one blow.” But our new hero, white furry friend Cloudy, takes the blow to protect Aru’s life. His final words were, “Aru, thank you for everything. This is my way of repaying all the kindness you’ve shown me.” (At its core, Refund High School deals with themes of kindness and friendship, and Cloudy’s character alone demonstrates how kindness can change hearts.)

Refund High School Cloudy

Despite learning Cloudy was an infernal spirit, Aru didn’t care at all; she just wanted him back. On the other hand, a disappointed Dante decides to finish Mook and Aru with another blow, but at that moment, Queen Yemma arrives with her army of Underworld warriors to tackle the situation.

Refund High School Chapter 96: Queen Yemma Vs Dante

King Yemma and Mari

In Refund High School Chapter 96, Queen Yemma, her troops, and Mari in her arms appear to counter Dante. He comments on her absence and how two of her students are on the verge of death. She replies that she had to teach some manners to Dante’s friend, Chiyeol, who is now begging her for help. On the other hand, Dante is in no mood to be a savior; he only wants to destroy everyone. He also says that Chiyeol is not his friend. Following this betrayal, Chiyeol threatens him, saying he is the leader of the evil spirits and that they will betray him at his command. Contrary just to display his power, Dante strangles some evil spirits to death in reply.

Dante and Infernal Spirits

Queen Yemma says he is nothing but a manipulator who has been manipulating the infernal spirits with his cheap tricks. Dante denies it and says he was just giving them what they wanted- ‘Fear!’ The chapter ends with Queen Yemma saying, “You look just like your father when he became evil…!”

Chapter 97: Dante Tries to Absorb Yemma’s Power

King Yemma Attacking Dante

In Refund High School Chapter 97, we see flashbacks of Dante’s earlier days in Reincarnation High. He informs the teacher how he has no recollection of his death even after taking several memory capsules. In the next scene, he overhears a conversation between the teachers, and the music teacher says, “Poor child… He had to be the son of the infamous evil serpent…”

As the flashback slowly fades, Dante screams, “I don’t want to hear it! It’s always father this, father that. I am sick of it!”. Presently, at a swift pace, he tries to attack Queen Yemma, but to his surprise, she disappears. Suddenly, a large blue barrier created by her energy confines Dante, but soon, she realizes he is absorbing her powers.

Queen Yemma

Seeing this, Queen Yemma takes out her biggest weapon to defeat Dante, and now a whole tornado of energy is on the screen. She asks mockingly, “It wasn’t a bad idea up to the part where you absorbed my powers. But you didn’t think about the side effects! Did you?” She continues, “You said you wanted to give fear to the school, but do you know what you fear the most? It looks like you don’t know. Let me show you!”

Refund High School Chapter 98: Dante’s Fear

Dante As Sea Serpent

In Chapter 98 of Refund High School, Queen Yemma uses her powers to trap Dante in a pyramid of barriers, which is nothing but the result of what happens when someone combines two powers of opposite nature. Unaware of the consequences, Dante tries to get out of the pyramid but to no avail. Following this, Queen Yemma transfers Dante to his past life to make him understand what he really fears.

Dante and His Father

In the next scene, Dante sees bones lying on the ground and, with a smug face, says, “So you call this fear?” As he steps on a sticky thing, he realizes it’s a sea serpent and is in his past life. Upon hearing a nomming sound, he turns around to catch a large-bodied sea serpent wickedly eating another sea serpent, with blood dripping out of his mouth, covering his whole body. And to his surprise, it’s none other than his own father eating his mother’s dead body. Dante screams as his father approaches him and screams, “Don’t come near me!” After realizing his true fear, Dante returns to the present time in Reincarnation High.


Queen Yemma explains that he didn’t have any recollection of his past life because of his fear and trauma. She then comments on how Dante is just like his father, the one whom he fears and hates from the bottom of his heart. Dante replies, “You think… I would go down by myself. I am not going down on my own!” (That was a fierce and suspenseful comment—I can’t wait to know what will happen next!)

Refund High School Chapter 99: Dante’s End

Dante and his mother

Chapter 99 of Refund High School begins with Aru attacking Dante to save Mook from another violent blow. Suddenly, the Grim Reaper appears and ends the fight by swinging his scythe at Dante. As his soul moves toward the sky, we see flashbacks of Dante’s earlier days in the reincarnation school when he was bullied, making a realization that what he did was justifiable, but the good part in him denies it. He then seeks validation from his dead mother. He asks if what he did was right or wrong – “Right, Mom? I wasn’t wrong, was I? Please tell me…That I didn’t do anything wrong.”


The aftermath of the Red Eclipse Festival, as illustrated in Refund High School Chapter 92-99, is clearly devastating. I am eager to know more and how the war will turn out. Who will win? I like how the fights are portrayed with minute details and, in between, emotions and memories of the past. How do you feel about the above chapters? Let us know in the comments below. And for more insightful reviews like this, stay in touch with Animemangatoon.

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