Aru Kim, the protagonist of Refund High School, is a studious girl, preparing for the SATs. However, due to an unfortunate turn of events, she ends up getting into a car accident, leading to her death. Following, she mysteriously enters the titular school, a whole new world where dead people live (the irony). Previously, we covered Refund High School Chapters 1 to 5 and decided to continue as it not only ticked the boxes but also grabbed my attention with its mysteriousness. So now, without further ado let’s see what Refund High School Chapter 6-10 upholds for us.
Refund High School Chapter 6: Dorm Room Exploration

Refund High School Chapter 6 starts with the superintendent (performed by an owl, wearing the classic red overcoat along with the same red-color cap) assigning the students the dorm rooms. This includes a very funny (kind of a dad joke) scene where Mr. Superintendent demands the girls to move to the right and the boys to the left wing. But when, the other creatures with no identity interrupt and ask “How about us?” ha-ha, which was a valid question after all, To which, the owl replies, “Hmm, that’s a good question, just pick an empty room!”
Dorm Rooms And New Roommates

Aru Kim’s exploration of the dorm rooms was also very interesting and portrays how the creators truly believe in the diversification of the characters. The first dorm had cool-looking birds having the time of their life playing music and enjoying. In the second room, the roommates (basically all ghosts) were turned upside down and even invited Aru to join. And, in the third dorm, the roommates were putting all their efforts into lifting the gym weights.

Following her exploration, Aru Kim gets lucky and finally finds a room full of (only 2) people. After meeting her roommates – Mari and Sehui; they went to check the other rooms. They first entered a massive lobby room full of creatures – a few of them reading while others were chatting. The next stop was on the 24th floor, a room filled with big pictures of someone who resembled King Yemma. Yes, the lady we came across in Chapter 4. The weird thing in the room was not the look-alike pictures, but, the suspicious feeling that someone was watching them. And, that someone was the lady in the painting herself.
Aru Meets Dicarius

Amidst all this, the other roommate mentioned the 24-hour open shop at the end of the floor. By this, all three of them decide to move to the shop and see what is there. While checking out the shop, the weird feeling of energy surrounding them doesn’t go away. And, Aru goes to check what is up, and gets blown away by a big shadowy creature with large teeth almost double the size of Aru, GROWL!!! Refund High School Chapter 6 ends on an interesting note. Aru gets saved by a creature with elf ears (Dicarius) who protects her from the wild attack of the shadow-looking monster! Whoosh!
Refund High School Chapter 7: Potential Dream Man?

Refund High School Chapter 7 follows the suspenseful writing depicted in Chapter 6 and begins with Aru and her roommates trying to sleep. However, guess what was Aru thinking about? The most important thing! No, not worrying about the incident that almost took her already-finished life. But the person who saved her, and how beautiful he was! Of course, this was not something new about Aru Kim’s ‘predictable’ reaction, at least from what we have learnt about her so far! The next day Aru gets an ear full for being late to the first class of her Reincarnation school! How thoughtful and responsible!

The next class was about ethics, taught by Jayul (female). She instructs the students to solve a task that includes them to unite the tangled strings. The students started their work and scratched their brains to untangle the strings. On the other hand, Aru was busy admiring the beauty of her fellow classmate-Gunn. The other students interrupt the class by asking Jayul about the meaning behind this activity. The teacher explains by linking it to their key to the previous life and how it will improve their patience. This scene didn’t make much sense, and neither did the teacher’s answer, but let’s move forward to know what unfolds next.
Aru Meets Gunn

While Aru lends a hand to Gunn to explain how she can help him untie the strings, she gets interrupted by the pretty guy from the previous incident who in the blink of an eye transforms into a crow and flies away. Then, an emergency warning is given to everyone to vacate the hallway as there is a chase-down going on between the scary shadow-looking creature and our superhero – The crow! In this process, Aru ends up being hurt but the better part is, she’s happy being saved by none other than Gunn. The chapter ends with the crow catching the shadow monster and asking him “How did you escape from hell?”
Refund High School Chapter 8: Mysterious Mook

All the things that went down in Chapter 7 are enough to pull anyone towards the next chapter and find out what happens next. Refund High School Chapter 8 starts with the students discussing last night’s incident. Following, the gym class announcement leads to the students regretting having breakfast because apparently, they won’t look good now (Oh the beauty standards at it again!)
The next activity was to measure weights but the catch was, that the measuring unit was not a kilogram, but an ‘Oz’. The following scene caught my eye – “Want To Be Reborn/ Reach Nirvana? Say goodbye to reincarnation and nirvana if you’re over 0.8 OZ!” This is something new!

The students get news from the owl, to collect their respective gifts from the other world. All of them were happy receiving the pancakes and other stuff. However, what surprised them the most was that Mook got a lot more than the rest of the students. Things got suspicious when they saw him heading towards the teacher’s building because why would he as a student go and live there? The next activity was, deciding class duties and luckily, Aru got the cleaning chore along with Gunn.
Refund High School Chapter 8 ends with thunder and rain along with Mook in the shape of a dragon. Let’s follow up to see what’s next.
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Refund High School Chapter 9: Memory Capsule

The class holds elections for the class president and students vouch for Mook. However, Aru stays loyal and votes for her very good-looking classmate – Gunn. In the next class, students have their quiz which would result in them winning the Memory capsule. It will help them to relive their favourite memory from their past life. Sehui ended up winning the quiz and the memory capsule too. Her favourite memory was from her childhood when she was performing a song in front of her family.
In the next task, the students get into groups of 4, to complete a yearly project about a designated person. Aru’s groupmates are Gunn, Mai, and Sehui. The group goes in search of their topic and ends up in the hall with massive pictures on the wall. Refund High School Chapter 9 ends with Dicarius and King Yemma discussing the infernal spirit incident. By the end of the discussion, she concludes that she wants to immediately visit the place where the incident happened and see what happened.
Refund High School Chapter 10: ‘The Red Sky’
This chapter takes Yemma to the place where the spirit might have escaped from, but she doesn’t get any idea as there was no glass break or any other unusual hints dropped. On the other hand, Sua mentions a weird book that she finds, titled ‘Encyclopedia of the Underworld.’ The other surprising thing she finds out through the book is, ‘The red eclipse,’ a day when all the ghosts, monsters, and mystical creatures in the underworld honour the red sky and wish for reincarnation and nirvana.

Students then get their chance to choose the groups they want to take part in. There was a swimming group, (rooting for Sua to join in), a dance group that selected Mari (who accidentally got selected because of her dancing skills because of the bees buzzing), and Shui. Gunn gets approached for the photography club because of his beauty and pretty face, and what do you think Aru would’ve joined then? Of course, the photography club! (Too hard to guess).
Aru approaches Gunn and pretends that it is all a coincidence that they both joined the photography club. Gunn later asks Aru to explore the place near the school building for photography. On their way to the place, Gunn heard a rustle near the bush but Aru was too invested in the view (Gunn) to even care about the sounds around. And, Refund High School Chapter 10 concludes with Mook in his dragon self.
Verdict So Far
Overall, I feel Chapters 1-5 were slightly better in terms of storytelling, while these next chapters perplexed all the crucial scenes in one go. However, the storyline still keeps the reader intrigued to give it one more shot. How do you feel about these chapters, are you still hinged to the plot and want to continue knowing what’s next? Let us know in the comments and stay tuned with us for more unbiased and insightful reviews!