Osora Chapter 53: Star-Crossed Lovers?

Osora breaks up with Arias, but the latter knows he still has feelings for him!

Osora Chapter 53: Star-Crossed Lovers?

No one said the journey to be happily ever after is going to be easy and queer webtoons like Osora, Castle Swimmer, and Star Catcher are quintessential examples of that. Either due to the need for personal growth, separate priorities, or external factors, two people can’t help but go their separate ways. However, the secret is their heart and faith remain connected. After Osora’s sister Celia learns about Osora and Arias’s secret affair, his fear for Arias’s life and shame for being exposed escalates and he decides to break up with Arias. Will Arias understand Osora or will he accuse him in Osora Chapter 53?

Osora Chapter 53: Celia And Catalina

Celia and Catalina (Osora Chapter 53-54)
Celia and Catalina (Osora Chapter 53-54)

Osora Chapter 53 begins with Celia entering her room and seeing Catalina is still asleep. She slaps her forehead seeing Rocky on the bed as well because now her bed is going to smell like a tiger. She wakes her up informing her it’s past noon. True to her nature, Catalina snuggles back to the bed more saying her bed is really comfy. Catalina asks if the weather is really nice for a date with Osora in the garden. This makes Celia wonder how oblivious she is about everything that is going on with her ‘future husband’. She also feels a bit sad seeing Catalina’s love for someone who doesn’t reciprocate it.

In the next moment, Celia grabs Catalina’s jaws asking if she is still wearing the makeup from yesterday. With flushed cheeks, she admits sometimes she forgets to take off her makeup. Out of the blue, Celia compliments her, “You are too pretty to neglect your skincare routine.” Catalina can’t help but wonder if she is doing it on purpose and gets flustered thanking her for letting her sleep on her bed. Celia smiles and says she can sleep here whenever she wants. Unsure, Catalina says the guards said she gets upset if her sleep gets interrupted. To make her blush again, the Calaveras princess replies that she will make an exception for her, “but only because you look sexy in your pajamas.” Seeing her flabbergasted, Celia starts giggling admitting Catalina is really fun to mess with.

Osora Chapter 53: The Break-Up 

Arias And Osora

Back at Arias’s chamber, Osora says he is ending this secret affair. Upon asking why, he says it’s dangerous and he is serious about ending it this time. Trying to control his anger due to the lack of any proper answer, Arias keeps asking him to give me a reason. Failing to control his emotions, Osora’s frustration escalates and he starts screaming – “Wake up Arias! We could never actually be together. I have to marry Catalina… I’ll only hurt you.” Adamant, Arias says he doesn’t care, “I’d give up anything for you, Osora.” 

Feeling defeated by Arias’s words, Osora says they can remain friends. The former is quick to correct him saying this isn’t friendship. The prince of Calaveras realizes his beloved is not going to give up so easily, so he needs to be harsher. Osora continues, “I knew you liked me and I figured it might be my only opportunity to experience that kind of thing… It could have been with anyone. I’m sure you know how it is, you sleep with people you have no feelings for all the time. I used you. It was wrong of me.” 

Will Arias Give Up?

Arias (Osora Chapter 53-54)

Arias screams, “Osora, it wasn’t just sexual things that we did together. Who do you think you’re kidding!?” Standing firm with a clenched fist Osora says he was confused and it was a mistake. With tears in his eyes, Arias asks, “You don’t feel anything for me?” Turning his back to him Osora replies, “I feel nothing for you beyond friendship.” Putting the last nail in the coffin he continues, “I never said I liked you back! You just assumed that and made up some fantasy in your head!” 

Arias asks him to repeat those things to his face. He asks him to stop being stubborn and they can figure things out together. Expressing pity towards his lover, Osora says he is getting married to Catalina so Arias needs to move on. Before Osora leaves the chamber, Arias says, “I’ll always be yours. Even if you’re not mine.” 

As Osora leaves, Arias falls to the ground wailing up thinking about their shared moments. However, before drowning in the pool of insecurities, Arias snaps back realizing he is not the one hurting Arias, the problem is the Calaveras kingdom. “I know you have feelings for me too. You’re a horrible liar Osora.” (This rage of him could be advantageous for the Sergos, what do you think?)

On the other hand, Osora runs in the hallway to escape Arias. Osora Chapter 53 ends with Osora thinking he is a coward because he is afraid to fight for the future, he is afraid of getting exposed, he is afraid of the consequences of his relationship with Arias.

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