Previously, in Operation: True Love, Su-ae and Eunhyeok went on their long-awaited movie date, which didn’t run as smoothly as she thought it would because they ended up getting stuck in an elevator. Although we learn that the Marang President has nothing to do with it, he was in the spot when our main characters got into a bus accident the next day. Let’s see how Operation True Love Chapter 66-72 will unfold and what will happen to Eunhyeok and Su-ae.
Dohwa’s Feelings | Eunhyeok’s Smart Move
Operation True Love Chapter 66: A Psychopath

Operation True Love Chapter 66 begins with Su-ae opening her blurry eyes and seeing the Marang President. Looking at injured Eunhyeok and Su-ae lying on the bus, he gasps and wonders about them being a part of a fictional book. (Not going to lie; he gives off psychopath vibes!) He thinks, “The male protagonist sacrificed himself for the leading lady…I can’t believe I’m seeing a scene like this in real life…! It’s so beautiful.” Later, like a maniac, he says to himself, “No, I can’t enjoy it! I can’t!”
Currently, Su-ae’s love point is 78, but the total point is still 0. The Marang President thinks to himself that as the creator of this system, he should get rid of Su-ae, a disruptor of the system. However, looking at Eunhyeok and Su-ae’s bond, he smiles in glee, “It’s just so freakin’ fun.” He sits down in front of Su-ae and says he didn’t realize that she would be able to raise her love points. He adds, “Anyways, had you not sent all those letters, this wouldn’t have happened today.” (Does that mean he planned this bus accident?) Sliding a note on her hand, he says, “When I decide what to do with you, I’ll appear in front of you even if you don’t want to see me.”
Su-ae And Eunhyeok At The Hospital

In the next scenario of Operation True Love Chapter 66, Su-ae wakes up in the hospital thinking about Eunhyeok. She finds a note on her bed, “You brought all this on yourself. Don’t look for me. I’m warning you.” (So the Marang President is pretty much confessing he did it!) She rushes to find Eunhyeok. Su-ae blames herself for everything, thinking she shouldn’t have gotten close to him, knowing she is getting death threats. When Eunhyeok comes out of the room all bandaged up, she can’t help but weep and consider herself selfish. To lighten up her mood, he bows down and says, “What’s wrong? Is my face really that messed up?”
In the next scene, Su-ae’s friends text her because they are worried about the whole Minu situation. However, her phone is cracked, and she can’t reply to anyone. Her friends don’t believe that she cheated on Minu, but they expect an explanation from their friend. The next day in school, Eunhyeok shows up looking more injured than he is, making Su-ae wonder if he is an attention seeker. Eunhyeok tells his friends that he fell from the stairs, which is why he suffered the injury. Operation True Love Chapter 66 ends with Eunhyeok signaling Su-ae to smile.
Chapter 67: Su-ae And Her Friends

Operation True Love Chapter 67 begins with Su-ae wondering why Eunhyeok is sitting beside her. The entire class looks at them, putting Su-ae in an awkward position. In the meantime, two girls are gossiping about Su-ae dating Eunhyeok after Minu. Suddenly, Eunhyeok says, “I pursued her,” causing an uproar in the class. When the girls think their voice is audible to him, Dohwa joins in, saying, ” Your voice was way too loud.”
In the next scene, Dohwa, one of Su-ae’s best friends, comes up to her and says, “Why are you letting everyone talk about this? It’s making me upset.” Seeing three of them in one place, the entire class gasps because Eunhyeok and Dohwa are apparently foes. To get out of this weird situation, she pushes both of them out of the class and asks them to stay away from her. (Of course, they won’t listen to her.) Eunhyeok proposes that they should grab lunch because he needs help walking. She pretended to fall for that, but Dohwa took his arm, “Do you really want someone tiny like her helping you?” (Fair point Dohwa!)
Although Operation True Love Chapter 6 starts on an embarrassing note for Su-ae, it ends well. While she is at the department store with Eunhyeok and Dohwa, she overhears her friends Ajin and Yeseo talking about Su-ae avoiding them. And it makes her wonder if they also think she is a cheater. Sad and worried, she calls her friends at night, and they start talking about what to buy for lunch tomorrow. Su-ae apologizes to her friends for not sharing what Minu did to her. Operation True Love Chapter 67 ends with her friends saying, “If you’re sorry, you buy lunch tomorrow at Ddeoksunssi.”
Operation True Love Chapter 68: Dohwa’s Facebook

“Because rumours are powerful, and excuses are weak” – Operation True Love Chapter 68 begins with this sceptical statement of Dohwa. (So Dohwa is trying to help Su-ae escape this rumour situation.) She thinks lying for a while is the best option, but Dohwa comes up with another witty line, “Rumors kill rumours.” (Okay, Dohwa, we get it; you are a mastermind!)
The next day, there is uproar in school surrounding Dohwa’s latest Facebook post. The picture in that post includes both Su-ae and Eunhyeok. He posts a lot of pictures with them, his solo picture clicked by Eunhyeok, Su-ae being herself at the arcade, and Eunhyeok spending a lot of money on a toy, Soon, everyone starts talking about this ‘unexpected trio’. This works as an advantage because now everyone is talking about the two handsome boys and adorable Su-ae being best friends.
In the next scene of Operation True Love Chapter 68, Su-ae meets Dohwa at a Toosoom Place café, where Eunhyeok also shows up. The trio, after bantering about who should sit beside whom, starts doing their homework. Operation True Love Chapter 68 ends with Eunhyeok and Dohwa smiling at a sleepy Su-ae.
Chapter 69: Get Home Safe

Operation True Love Chapter 69 begins with Eunhyeok and Dohwa flinching, looking at each other. Eunhyeok thinks to himself why Dohwa was smiling at Su-ae like that. His thoughts are interrupted by a text, and he decides to leave. Before leaving, he says something shocking to Dohwa, “Don’t get home too late.” (Dohwa, we are surprised as well!) He clarifies after seeing his face, “Her house is pretty far from here. You can stay out as late as you want, though.” (Oh, okay, so the animosity is still on!) After an hour and a half, Su-ae wakes up frustrated about her nap because they still have so much homework left. Suddenly, someone clicks a picture of them, ending their stay in the café. Operation True Love Chapter 69 really shows how important Dohwa is even before becoming a celebrity.
Operation True Love Chapter 69: Dohwa’s Changed Feelings

In the next scenario of Operation True Love Chapter 69, Su-ae and Dohwa move to his house. She sees he bought another chair, and upon asking he casually says, “In case you ever come back.” Hearing her stomach growl, he makes ramen, which makes her very excited. And, out of that excitement, she drops the chopstick and then the hot ramen on herself.
Luckily, it didn’t burn her skin but she has to wear Dohwa’s clothes (remember when Eunhyeok wore Su-ae’s shirt?) He gets flustered seeing her in his bog baggy clothes and asks her to sit down. He brings the ointment and asks her to show where it is. In response, Su-ae lifts her hair, revealing her nape, and making him blush. (These complicated emotions I swear!) She keeps blabbering about scars, surgery, and more, while his cheeks are all red. Operation True Love Chapter 69 ends with Dohwa wondering why his heart is beating so fast.
Chapter 70: Dohwa Vs Eunhyeok

Operation True Love Chapter 70 begins with Dohwa seeing off Su-ae. After getting back home, he wonders about the time he bought the new chair. The next day he was surprisingly early to school, as if he was a changed boy. During break when he goes to Su-ae’s class but finds out she is not there. In the next scene, he is in the school playground with his friends and all the girls are curious about his sudden social media presence. Meanwhile, all he is thinking about is where is Su-ae.
Almost to ruin his mood, Eunhyeok appears to apologise to the girls for kicking the ball towards them. Dohwa wonders how he is always around Su-ae and always has been. Feeling insecure about all the praise Eunhyeok gets from his friends, he asks Jiyun, “Who’s more handsome? Me or Eunhyeok?” Without being partial, she replies, “At you guys’ level, it’s just a matter of preference.”
Dohwa asks, “Have you seen Su-ae?” Eunhyeok retorts quite defensively, “Why do you ask?” To piss him off, he replies, “I just haven’t seen her today. I miss her.” Operation True Love Chapter 70 ends on this tense note.
Chapter 71: Minu Vs Eunhyeok

Operation True Love Chapter 71 begins with Eunhyeok splashing water on Dohwa, “Sorry, I just couldn’t stand seeing you smiling like that.” Su-ae sees this funny banter and wonders when these two become so close. Dripping with water, Eunhyeok enters the class and sees everyone looking at Minu standing in front of Su-ae. Back to the café flashback, when he leaves abruptly and after getting a text. Eunhyeok meets Minu around eight near his house. This is likely about the broadcast which put fuel on the rumors about Su-ae.
Without wasting a lot of time, Eunhyeok says, “Set the record straight. Apologize for the shit you said.” Furious, Minu screams in frustration, why he is medaling in their business. When Eunhyeok admits he likes her, Minu claims that she cheated on him and they were fooling around why he should apologize. In response, he says he knew Minu and Ra-im were seeing each other behind Su-ae’s back. To this, Minu remarks something really disrespectful. “You should just keep your mouth shut and be happy you’re getting my scraps.”
Operation True Love Chapter 71: Minu’s Confession And Apology

Eunhyeok can be a little closed off but he is really smart too. He recorded everything Minu confessed. “Thank you for your confession,” he says with a smirk. Punching his face, he exclaims, “Getting your scraps? Get your story straight.”
Back to the classroom, “It’s all my fault. I’m sorry,” Minu apologizes in front of the entire class. Eunhyeok demands, “Be specific about your apology.” Minu finally admits, “I’m sorry I cheated on you. And about what I said on the broadcast…It wasn’t true, I was just saying crap.”
Meanwhile, Su-ae is observing Minu’s expression and tone and she realizes this apology isn’t genuine. Pushing it further, he asks, “Should I get down on my knees and beg?” knowing very well Su-ae will not ask him to do that. However, shocking him and the entire class, she says, “Yeah, get down on your knees.”
Operation True Love Chapter 71 ends with Minu kicking the trash can out of anger. We must admit, that Dohwa’s reaction to the broadcast was in the moment and it showed he cares about Su-ae. However, Eunhyeok played the long game and completely put an end to Minu and Su-ae’s issue.
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