It’s time for another chapter review of the popular romance webtoon Operation True Love. The last 8 chapters were quite a ride since Su-ae discovered her boyfriend, Minu’s infidelity, and her foster sister, Ra-im, is not who she thought she would be. Let’s dive into Operation True Love Chapter 9-16, introducing a new character and some Su-ae and Eunhyeok moments.
The Complicated Love Life Of Su-ae Shim
Operation True Love Chapter 9: Breakup Drama

In Operation True Love Chapter 9, Minu is taken aback by Eunhyeok’s bold statement. He further reveals that they have witnessed Minu and Ra-im engaged in an intimate moment. The hallway’s occupants start to whisper among themselves. Feeling embarrassed, Su-ae interjects between the two and clarifies that she hasn’t officially broken up with Minu yet. Eunhyeok casts a critical eye, but she dismisses him.
Overwhelmed by the drama unfolding around her, Su-ae feels drained. Despite everything, she still finds her boyfriend handsome, and she criticizes herself. Her friend tries to uplift her mood by bringing her favorite manhwa series. She treasures the series deeply, as it has been her obsession since a very young age.
While putting it back in her locker, she sees Eunhyeok putting his belongings in the locker next to hers. A ball rolls over to her, and she sees Minu and her teammates requesting her to pass it back to them. She contemplates ignoring him and instead strikes up a conversation with Eunhyeok regarding the incident with his phone earlier. He understands and suggests she treat him to some snacks in exchange (They are so much like Aru and Mook). He casually kicks the ball away and invites her to follow him. Operation True Love Chapter 9 concludes with Minu observing Su-ae’s disregard and watching as she walks away with Eunhyeok, leaving him bewildered.
Operation True Love Chapter 10: Snack Run
In Operation True Love Chapter 10, Eunhyeok and Su-ae purchase snacks from a convenience store. She gets a twin popsicle and offers one half to him, who declines, expressing his dislike for the sticky mess on his hands. Annoyed, she proceeds to walk with him, her shoelace untied. She attempts to apologize for the morning’s events, but he nonchalantly dismisses her. She expresses curiosity about his lack of questioning regarding her still being involved with her boyfriend. He indifferently states that she must have her motives and the scene shifts to his personal memory.
Just as she starts to comprehend his face, she is abruptly jostled by a boy running into her, inadvertently stepping on her shoelace and causing her to trip (almost trip). Fortunately, Eunhyeok quickly prevents her from hitting the ground. She asks him to hold her melting popsicle so she could tie her shoelace. Rather than complying, he surprises her by tying the shoelace himself. After seeing Ra-im, she grabs onto him and hides in a nearby bush. He inquires about her strange behaviour, but her eyes remain fixed on her sister. He takes the melting popsicles from her and asks why they’re hiding. She confesses her desire to avoid her sister at all costs. Realizing the popsicles are melting, she hurriedly devours them. At the store, Ra-im spots Eunhyeok but is taken aback to see him laughing alongside Su-ae.
Operation True Love Chapter 11: Bad Breakup
Operation True Love Chapter 11 starts with Su-ae’s friends inviting her to join them for lunch, but she declines, as she has plans to meet up with Minu instead. As she reflects on her relationship with her boyfriend, she realizes she was once so high over the moon that she was unaware of the reality. Su-ae meets up with Minu to end things between them, but her irritation rises when she sees him nonchalantly eating her sandwich without a care in the world. She breaks up with him and also takes revenge for a hurtful comment he made in the past, even though she doesn’t feel good about it.
In the next scene, she is having lunch with a friend in a restaurant. The friend expresses relief that she ended things with her boyfriend. While they are conversing, Su-ae spots Ra-im heading somewhere from the window and decides to follow her. She discreetly follows her sister to a karaoke bar. Feeling guilty about her actions afterwards, she attempts to leave when she overhears other students discussing Ra-im and a boy named Dohwa. Curiosity piqued, she peeks inside the room to discover the mentioned individuals engaged in a comfortable position. Operation True Love Chapter 11 concludes with a photograph of popular schoolboy Baek Dohwa.
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Chapter 12: Danger In The Karaoke Room
In Operation True Love Chapter 12, Su-ae continues to eavesdrop and encounters Eunhyeok along the way. He inquires about her spying pursuits, and she hastily responds that she’s there for karaoke with her friends. Before he can ask further questions, she quickly says her goodbyes and flees to a room adjacent to theirs. Unluckily, she enters a room filled with a group of rowdy girls from a different school. She anxiously tries to leave, but one girl prevents her from doing so.
In the midst of her fear, she is rescued by Eunhyeok. He lightly scolds her, but she deflects the attention, asking what he’s up to. He reveals he has been invited by Ra-im and departs to find her. She decides to leave as well and sits down on the stairs to wait for the rain to subside. However, her Jellypop phone begins to ring. She is unable to answer because another person accidentally splashes water from their umbrella, causing her phone to fall to the ground. She witnesses Ra-im leaving in the rain, followed by Eunhyeok. Seeing this, she muses about how fortunate her sister is to have three boys looking after her. Operation True Love Chapter 12 ends with her accidentally bumping into Dohwa.
Chapter 13: Eunhyeok to the Rescue
Operation True Love Chapter 13 begins with Dohwa being rude to Su-ae. Annoyed by the behaviour, she is even more frustrated when he suddenly calls out to her, surprisingly requesting an umbrella. When she informs him that she doesn’t have one, he reverts to his previous rude demeanour. Dohwa is a wealthy individual known for his rude behaviour, often associated with delinquent crowds. Despite his ill-mannered conduct, people still hold him in high regard, influenced primarily by his good looks.
In the pouring rain, he grabs a mail from the side stand at the entrance of the karaoke bar and saunters away. Su-ae stares in disbelief as she witnesses his action. Later, as she’s walking in the rain and hears her jellypop ringing inside a nearby vending machine, she comes to a halt. She grabs the phone, but her heart skips a beat as she spots a mouse inside, causing her to drop it. As she is about to fall, Eunhyeok catches her (again), shielding them under an umbrella from the rain. The Jellypop captures this moment, and we see Su-ae’s love meter shift from zero to one and back to zero. A few minutes earlier, when Eunhyeok was in a store after lending his umbrella to Ra-im, he spotted Su-ae frantically dashing through the rain. Without hesitation, he purchased a new umbrella for her.
Operation True Love Chapter 14: Shirt Woes
In Operation True Love Chapter 14, Eunhyeok swiftly intervenes to prevent Su-ae from falling, asking her if she’s unharmed. Just then, a motorcycle approaches them, and Su-ae pulls Eunhyeok to shield him from the splash of water on the road. However, she accidentally pushes him too forcefully, causing him to plummet to the ground and get completely drenched (now we know why the love meter went back to zero). Feeling remorseful, she invites him to her home to offer him some clothes. She grabs her Jellypop and hurriedly leads Eunhyeok to her house.
Once they arrive, she offers him a towel and spare clothes, gesturing for him to change in her room. However, she hastily opens the door and pleads with him not to change yet as she quickly tries to tidy up the mess. She informs him of her breakup with Minu, then steps out of the room to give him privacy to change.
When Eunhyeok emerges, looking flustered, Su-ae can’t help but chuckle, realizing that the shirt she had given him is too tight. He feels embarrassed and leaves to change back into his own clothes, but she quickly stops him. She sets off to find one of her father’s shirts that might be more suitable. Eunhyeok looks around the family photos in the room. As his gaze falls upon a picture of Ra-im, he’s taken back to a memory from his youth, in which he remembers seeing a photograph of Ra-im and her mother, revealing he has known Ra-im since childhood. Su-ae returns with one of her father’s shirts, which he is reluctant to wear because of its eccentric appearance. However, he eventually yields and puts it on. Operation True Love Chapter 14 culminates with Eunhyeok preparing to leave just as Su-ae’s father returns home.
Chapter 15: Dinner At Su-ae’s Home
In Operation True Love Chapter 15, Su-ae’s father returns home and sees Eunhyeok, prompting him to ask about him. Before Su-ae can respond, he introduces himself as her classmate. He explains the situation to her father, who is surprised but invites him for dinner.
During dinner, Eunhyeok feels embarrassed by the situation, while Su-ae is visibly annoyed by his presence. He observes the dynamics of Su-ae’s family during dinner, noting the strong bond between her parents. While eating, Su-ae receives frequent notifications from her blog, which she briefly silences. When Su-ae’s dad attempts to make small talk, the conversation takes an awkward turn when he brings up Minu. Afterwards, he asks Su-ae to take Eunhyeok’s company to the bus stop.
As they step into the elevator, Eunhyeok remarks that Su-ae’s parents have a fantastic relationship. She nods in agreement, confessing that she once believed every relationship was like theirs, naively assuming that every guy would treat her like her dad. However, when reality shattered this illusion, she thought she could become like her dad and her partner would adapt to her as her mother did. He eases the tension by saying that he doesn’t think Su-ae is pathetic anymore and he understands the reasons behind her behavior. She recalls that it was from this moment that the two of them began to grow closer.
Operation True Love Chapter 16: New Boyfriend?
In Operation True Love Chapter 16, Su-ae and Eunhyeok stand beside the bus when he asks for Su-ae’s mobile number. Feeling sceptical about him, she reluctantly gives it to him, conceding that she might have been wrong to suspect him of using Jellypop. He leaves and sits down on the window side, smiling at her before mouthing, “Save my number.”
The following day, word of Su-ae’s breakup with Minu quickly spread like wildfire. Additionally, there were rumours going around about her being involved with Eunhyeok. As her friends tease Su-ae about being the next hot girl, Eunhyeok suddenly arrives and sits beside her during recess. He hands her a drink that she particularly likes, causing other students to notice and gossip even more. Eunhyeok pops the question and asks Su-ae to accompany him on a movie date, adding more fuel to the rumours swirling around them.
What do you think about Operation True Love Chapter 9-16? What’s in store for Su-ae now? Please let us know in the comment section below. Subscribe to AnimeMangaToon to read more insightful reviews and popular webtoon recommendations!