Operation True Love Chapter 55-60: Mission Marang!

Will Su-ae and Dohwa be able to talk to the Marang President?

Su-ae and Dohwa

Operation: True Love has finally reached a confrontation point (well, hopefully). In Operation True Love Chapter 55-60, Su-ae and Dohwa will likely meet the Marang President and learn about their system. Previously we saw how Su-ae changed her hair and look thinking Eunhyeok was attracted to long-haired mature girls but her assumption was wrong. After going through waves of emotional conflict they ended up hugging each other. However, the love point is still zero but now Su-ae is questioning the system and not their dynamic. We can’t wait to see what happens in the upcoming chapters, so without further ado, let us read.

Mission Marang Success or Failure

Operation True Love Chapter 55: Fingertips

Operation True Love Chapter 55: Eunhyeok and Su-ae
Su-ae and Eunhyeok

Operation True Love Chapter 55 begins with Su-ae being a mom friend and asking Dohwa to do his homework. When Dohwa insists on walking her home, she points her finger saying, “Don’t follow me.” (Who wouldn’t want a caring friend like Su-ae!)

In the next scene, Su-ae is standing in front of the Marang building. Startling the receptionist, she says she wants to meet the president and naturally she denies access. Meanwhile, a boy appears hands over a business card, and easily enters the premises. Su-ae being Su-ae tries to sneak in but the manager catches her and throws her out.

It’s Monday and Su-ae is walking to school. Seeing her, Eunhyeok stops the bus and gets down, perplexing his friend. He lifts her bag and asks, “Why do you look so down this morning?” bringing a smile to her face. Their relationship is now fun and comfortable like before. Her friend points out that their close friendship almost makes her and others wonder if they are seeing each other. (Su-ae, please don’t take out your Jellypop phone.)

It’s almost time for the vocal performance evaluation and all the keys of the piano are dancing. She is scared to perform and at that moment Eunhyeok arrives. He holds her hand and places it on the piano and says, “When that happens…don’t look at the sheet music. Look at your fingertips.”  (Yes, Eunhyeok is everyone’s dream boyfriend!) Operation True Love Chapter 55 ends with Su-ae trembling before the classroom.

Chapter 56: Minu and Ra-im Confronts

Minu and Ra-im

Operation True Love Chapter 56 begins with Minu ready to sing while Su-ae is on the piano. Her music sheet and hands start to tremble and the sound that comes out of the piano becomes unbearable. She apologizes and asks for another try. Looking at Eunhyeok, she sees he is advising her to focus on her fingertips “Remember how it felt when you practiced it.” Seeing their interaction, Minu wonders about the time she thought Ra-im played the piano really well and he mocked Su-ae saying, “What about you? Can you even play chopsticks?” He also saw Eunhyeok and Su-ae coming out together from the old art classroom and now looking at them he feels furious.

In the next scene, Ra-im and Minu are face-to-face and she leaves no stone unturned to make him realize how unimportant he is. She blatantly says, “I told you from the beginning. I’m only going to keep seeing you if you keep seeing Su-ae.” (Why does it sound perplexing but understandable at the same time?) Minu tries to be upfront accusing her that she used him because she feels inferior to Su-ae. She replies, “You’re right. I used you to feel better about myself…I thought at the very least there was one thing of hers I could have. But that doesn’t apply anymore. Su-ae doesn’t like you now. And neither do I.” (Oh boy, she is harsh but Minu deserves it)

Operation True Love Chapter 56 ends with the piano teacher advising Su-ae that if she doesn’t feel confident she doesn’t need to volunteer next time.

Operation True Love Chapter 57: Harsh Eunhyeok

Eunhyeok and Ra-im (Operation True Love Chapter 57)

Operation True Love Chapter 57 begins with Su-ae wondering why Ms Jihyu’s tone is cold. Well, she doesn’t pay much heed to it and leaves the classroom and sees Eunhyeok waiting for her. He asks if she wants to go watch a movie together the one they didn’t see the last time. Su-ae assures him that they will definitely see it this time.

In the next scene, a very furious Minu is stalking Ra-im while looking at all the messages she has left unseen. Meanwhile, she is waiting for Eunhyeok. (God knows what she is cooking in her head.) She gives an award back that he received the first time they met and says, “So now I think I can get closer to you.” But, without wasting a second, Eunhyeok replies, “That won’t happen. And this, if you don’t need it anymore, throw it away. I gave it to you.”

The next day at school, Dohwa gets another business card from some agency and this makes Su-ae wonder if he must have a business card from Marang. She goes to find him but seeing him busy with other students, she decides to leave. But, he catches her hand and asks why she is leaving without saying hello. Operation True Love Chapter 57 ends with Su-ae fixing a bandaid on his cheek that is about to fall off.

Operation True Love Chapter 58: Marang Part 1

Dohwa and Marang President (Operation True Love Chapter 58)

Operation True Love Chapter 58 begins with Dohwa asking if she is visiting him out of concern. In response, she excitedly asks to see the business he received, to not seem suspicious of her action. But smashing all her hopes, he says he threw it away. Seeing her sad and dramatic reaction he says, “I have several more at home. You want one?” In the next scene, she is rummaging through all the business cards he received. (There are so many, he is really popular!) Finally, she finds the Marang card and asks Dohwa if he remembers who gave it to him. He says, “Some guy with blonde hair.” And immediately, Su-ae realizes it’s the same stranger she keeps seeing everywhere.

Su-ae asks if she can keep the Marang card, he agrees, but, he is curious to know why. She says she would need it to enter the building, creating more suspense. When Dohwa asks further questions, she says it’s best if he doesn’t know about it. It’s the weekend and Su-ae is on the train on her way to Marang, but she is not alone. Guess who? Yes, you guessed it right, it’s Dohwa. He believes she can’t get in just using the business card. She says, “Do you know how tired you look right now?” With a proud face he replies, “And yet I’m still so handsome.” (Neither Su-ae nor we can deny this fact!)

Operation True Love Chapter 58 ends with Dohwa’s flashback where he is working at the Laundromat while the Marang president enters the store, takes the couch and starts reading a book (or is he pretending to read), ignoring Dohwa’s presence.

Operation True Love Chapter 59: Marang Part 2

Dohwa and Su-ae (Operation True Love Chapter 59)

Operation True Love Chapter 59 begins with Dohwa confused about this rich-looking customer. He tells him that it will take some time before he can leave his laundry item. Suddenly, a limo arrives, the guy gets up and says, “I’m not here for dry cleaning or mending…here for you” and walks away. He leaves behind the book and it’s the book from the subway ad ‘Cindy, The Black Rose of Versailles’, and inside the book, there is the Marang business card.

Dohwa and Su-ae are finally at the Marang building. As soon as they show the business card, the receptionist gets excited to let them in. The catch is that Dohwa didn’t just receive the business card, he received the President’s card. But the receptionist suggests Su-ae to wait in the café. With an innocent smile on his face, Dohwa says, “She’s my older sister.” Meanwhile, Su-ae is certain that the receptionist is not going to buy this white lie. They get permission to enter together but it’s the Marang manager, not the President. Dohwa being Dohwa admits to not remembering their encounter. In the meantime, excusing herself to use the loo, Su-ae goes out to search for the President but before she can find him, the manager catches her. Mission Marang Failed!

Operation True Love Chapter 59 ends with Dohwa catching Su-ae’s head before it is about to hit the subway window and sees Eunhyeok’s text, “See you tomorrow” with two film tickets.

Chapter 60: The Marang President’s Mind

Marang President

From the beginning of Operation True Love Chapter 60, it sounds all riddle and no sense. The interaction between the Marang President and manager sounds like some mysterious conspiracy. The manager rushes in to let him know about Dohwa and Su-ae’s appearance but of course, he already knew about it. The President is unsure of what he is doing and what he wants to do. He continues to talk about the system, Su-ae, her points, and her book. He is confused about how her love point is increasing but her total point is zero. Later, he mumbles, “I should have just gotten rid of her when I had the chance.” (Yeah, that doesn’t sound scary at all!)

Operation True Love Chapter 60 ends on an adorable note. Su-ae’s room is a mess because she is trying to find a perfect outfit for her and Eunhyeok’s movie date. Surprisingly, Ra-im finds her a dress and also suggests a yellow cardigan that will compliment the dress. Although she pushes her away saying she will figure it out herself, she goes with Ra-im’s suggestion. Operation True Love Chapter 60 ends with Eunhyeok calling her pretty. Flustered, Su-ae says, “N-no, y-you’re prettier. Let’s go.” (Su-ae Shim will never stop being an awkward mess!)  

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