Operation True Love Chapter 43-48: First Kiss!

Operation True Love's Su-ae and Eunhyeok finally kissed!

Operation True Love Characters

Operation True Love is getting more exciting with each chapter, with Su-ae’s obsession with love points and a potential love triangle. In the previous chapter review, we learned a lot about Eunhyeok Go. His relationship with his parents, one of his traumatic past incidents, and his growing feelings for Su-ae. Moreover, Dohwa is becoming comfortable with Su-ae and wants to become her friend. Furthermore, Marang President and Su-ae were again face-to-face. Let’s see how Operation True Love Chapter 43-48 will unfold. Well, it’s one of our personal favorite reviews, and you will learn why. So, without further delay, let’s read.

Betrayal, First Kiss, Jealousy, And More

Operation True Love Chapter 43: Eunhyeok Vs Dohwa

Operation True Love Chapter 43: Eunhyeok and Dohwa
Eunhyeok and Dohwa

Operation True Love Chapter 43 is primarily about the animosity between Eunhyeok and Dohwa. Most of the female students of Jiwon High School are either attracted to Dohwa or Eunhyeok. These two charmers don’t have any friend group in common, except for a mutual person, Ra-im. They could have become friends if they wanted to, but they had zero interest in each other. Even when Dohwa says hello to him, Eunhyeok ignores him and later wonders if it’s because of Su-ae.

Time to Execute the Plan

Minu and Ra-im

Su-ae texts Eunhyeok that she heard Ra-im will meet Minu at the park tomorrow, and that is when they will execute what they practised. (Check Operation True Love Chapter 41 to know what she is insinuating.)

Su-ae is already hiding in the park and waiting for Eunhyeok to arrive. However, Minu and Ra-im arrive early. Being Ra-im, she doesn’t beat around the bush and asks him the purpose of this meet-up. Minu is perplexed about her changed behaviour and asks if he should break up with Su-ae. He goes on to explain how he is not attracted to Su-ae, and he has realised she is just a friend when she tries to kiss him. On the other hand, Su-ae overhears everything and makes sense of all his past actions.

Su-ae and Eunhyeok’s First Kiss

Eunhyeok and Su-ae

Eunhyeok is still at home, contemplating if he should go to the park and do things according to plan. Eventually, he goes to the park and sees no one except Su-ae, who is still weeping in her hiding place. She discloses their entire conversation and says, “He’s right though. Who would want to kiss someone like me?” Her heartbreak is quite natural, given that she is obsessed with those love points. She starts blabbering about finding a maniac who likes lips or something. When Eunhyeok tries to stop her, she leans towards him, making him flinch, and she says, “See, you can’t kiss me either.” But our hero replies, “What makes you think I wouldn’t be able to?” and finally, their first kiss happens in Operation True Love Chapter 43.

Chapter 44: Su-ae’s Love Points Increased

Su-ae and Eunhyeok

Operation True Love Chapter 44 begins with Su-ae asking why he kissed her. In order to hide his blushing face, Eunhyeok pulls her hoodie strings and says, “I can…I can kiss you. So, don’t say things like that.” But our Su-ae is so confused about the whole thing, this being her first kiss. She searches for information about it online and reads about other people’s experiences. And they both have a hard time sleeping that night. Lo and behold, Eunhyeok increased Su-ae’s love points. (This girl needs to do something about her obsession!)

In the next scene, Eunhyeok saves Su-ae from getting caught as they are trying to sneak into school through a secret passage. However, Dohwa arrives like an antagonist and pulls Eunhyeok out, and the teacher sees him. He won’t let him escape, of course, so he grabs his collars, and now both of them are caught. Operation True Love Chapter 44 ends with Su-ae secretly escaping the situation while both the boys are getting an earful.

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Operation True Love Chapter 45: Su-ae Broke Up

Dohwa and Eunhyeok (Operation True Love Chapter 45)

Operation True Love Chapter 45 begins with Su-ae wondering where Eunhyeok and Dohwa are. She overhears her classmates talking about them doing planks outside the teacher’s lounge. Taking a bathroom break, she sprints to see her friends. “Woah, it’s the traitor. You saw the way she ran away earlier right,” says Dohwa. Eunhyeok replies, “I could barely see her legs, they were moving so fast.” Making the moment funnier, she offers them drinks and motivates them by saying, “So take this and try your best with the planks…okay?”

In the next scenario of Operation True Love Chapter 45, Su-ae breaks up with Minu, and she doesn’t feel as bad compared to how cruel the whole thing has been. Nearby school, she is busy buying something when Dohwa sees her and decides to leave his group to chat with Su-ae. In the store, they try out different wigs (I’m not going to lie; they look adorable together!) Later, they take pictures in the photo booth like she did with Eunhyeok in Operation True Love Chapter 28.

Operation True Love Chapter 46: Secret Santa

Su-ae and Eunhyeok (Operation True Love Chapter 46)

Operation True Love Chapter 46 begins with Su-ae telling Dohwa that she needs to go because she is meeting a friend, and that’s when Eunhyeok enters. He sees their picture from the photo booth in her hand. (Are you okay, Eunhyeok?) Before their argument takes place, Su-ae pushes Eunhyeok away, and they leave.

In the next scene, we learn they are meeting to buy gifts for their classmates because it’s Secret Santa. She helps Eunhyeok with Minji’s gift – tinted lipstick. He takes her to Record Music & Café to pick up U-Seong’s gift. They are here to find the album of an Indie band U-Seong likes. He suggests she listen to the song first on the record player. They share one headphone to listen to the song like they did in Chapter 36. (There are so many déjà vus in one review!)

Operation True Love Chapter 46 ends with Dohwa keeping their photo booth picture in a glass. Eunhyeok pastes their photo booth picture on his bed side wall. And, Su-ae has both the pictures with Eunhyeok and Dohwa clipped above her study table.

Operation True Love Chapter 47: Observant Eunhyeok

Eunhyeok, Ra-im, and Su-ae

Operation True Love Chapter 47 begins with the students getting an earful because of their bad grades, including Su-ae and Dohwa. She is visibly uncomfortable, whereas he looks pretty chill about the whole thing. (Well, Dohwa is an idol trainee!) Eunhyeok enters the room, and he is about to say hello to her when Ra-im enters. Everyone is looking at her new style, and Su-ae feels insecure after seeing her pretty sister. Seeing Eunhyeok talking to her, Su-ae worries perhaps her love points dropped again.

The next moment in Operation True Love Chapter 47 is one of our personal favourites because we love an observant partner. Even though Ra-im is standing next to him, Eunhyeok reaches out to Su-ae’s shoulder to fix her collar. By the end of the discussion, we learned that the straggler class would have to study a few extra hours in school to get their grades up. Su-ae and Dohwa are the only two students struggling to solve the issues. The teacher leaves, instructing them to hand it to the teacher’s office once they are done, and confiscates their phone. Well, he didn’t realize that these two would take hours to solve this, and the guard locks them up. Operation True Love Chapter 47 ends with Su-ae trying to get out of the class only to realize she can’t.

Chapter 48: Su-ae and Dohwa Stuck in School

Dohwa Baek

Operation True Love Chapter 48 begins with Su-ae screaming about being stuck in school. On the other hand, Dohwa is calm and seems okay about the whole situation. She worries about spending the entire night in school. Suddenly, Dohwa opens up, “That was my dad. At the arcade that day. And I have three part-time jobs.” Confused, she doesn’t know what to reply to this sudden confession, so she says, “You don’t look like your dad.” (Good job, Su-ae!) Apparently, Dohwa was curious to know how she would respond if she learned this thing about him. (His smiling face says she didn’t disappoint him, lol!) So, decides to talk about her break-up with Minu and everything that happened in between.

It’s been an hour, and Su-ae needs to use the bathroom. As she tells Dohwa, in the blink of an eye, he jumps from the second floor. (Don’t worry, he is safe, but he has to be dramatic!) He manages to open the lock from outside, and they are FINALLY FREE! Operation True Love Chapter 48 ends with Su-ae giving Dohwa a piggyback ride as he starts to limp. (We think he is being dramatic again!)

What do you think about Operation True Love Chapter 43-48? Are you enjoying this potential love triangle? Subscribe to AnimeMangaToon to get notifications every time we come up with a new insightful chapter review and also popular watch recommendations! 

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