Revolving around the life of high schoolers, Operation True Love is one of the best romance webtoons we have read so far. In the previous chapter, we saw Eunhyeok and Su-a growing closeness, Su-ae and Dohwa’s newly formed friendship because of arcade games, and Ra-im’s attempt to learn more about her sister and Eunhyeok’s relationship. Without further ado, let’s see how Su-ae will celebrate Eunhyeok’s birthday in Operation True Love Chapter 37-42.
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Operation True Love Chapter 37: Eunhyeok’s Birthday

Operation True Love Chapter 37 begins with Su-ae wishing Eunhyeok a happy birthday. He doesn’t seem excited about it, and she blabbers about how she is the first person to wish him and is unprepared to celebrate his day. Following her rant, he says his back hurts and picks a pillow to sleep on the floor. Persistent, Su-ae can’t let him sleep on the floor while she sleeps on the bed, so they share the bed. Meanwhile, she keeps thinking about if she can do anything about her love points. Later, creating an adorable moment, Su-ae sticks a straw on the roll cake Eunhyeok brought to celebrate his day. And she lights up the mobile flashlight to make it seem like a candle.
Tomorrow at 2pm, Ra-im’s friends leaves and one the doorstep she sees an extra pair of shoes. (Well, SHE KNOWS!) In the next scene, Eunhyeok reaches home and sees a note on the fridge from his mom, “I’ll be back tomorrow night because of a business trip. There’s cake in the fridge. Happy Birthday.”
The next day, Su-ae is running on the subway, and she sees a poster, ‘Awaiting Becoming the Black Rose Girl of Versailles! From, Palpalhan 88’ and wonders, “Why is the fan novel I wrote on display…?!” Operation True Love Chapter 37 ends with Dohwa placing his on chin on her head as he questions if she is into this thing.
Chapter 38: Subway Ad of the Fan Novel

Operation True Love Chapter 38 begins with Su-ae hitting Dohwa’s chest as she gets scared by his sudden appearance. He reads the name of the fan novel, and at that moment, she sees the bottom section of the poster, ‘To, ae-su.” Shocked, she stands right in front of it to conceal her name from his sight. If you remember, Su-ae’s name in the arcade is also ‘ae-su’, and Dohwa is familiar with it. After chatting about how the male lead looks like him, he offers his phone to her, “I’ll call you when I need a teacher.”
After Dohwa leaves, she wonders who put a Subway ad for her novel (which, by the way, has less than five views!) But the thought of the exam strikes her head, and she sprints out of the subway. On the way, she sees a strange man on the escalator. He says, “You know you’re talking to the president, right?” (I know, you know!)
The first thing Su-ae notices about this stranger is the Jellypop phone and a teddy bear chain! However, before she can catch him, he goes out of sight, just like what happened in the amusement park. But, this time, she gets into an accident with a bicycle, and it’s none other than Dohwa Baek. He asks her to sit on a bench while he goes to get some medicines for her wound. (Well, Dohwa is our favourite, too; we love a gentleman.) Operation True Love Chapter 38 ends with Dohwa putting a bandage on Su-ae’s knees.
Operation True Love Chapter 39: Marang And Su-ae

Operation True Love Chapter 39 begins with people staring at Dohwa and Su-ae as they look like they have something romantic going on. Everyone recognizes him; some are whispering about how handsome he is, and some are saying he isn’t that good-looking. Although he says he is used to the comments, Su-ae doesn’t believe him as he looks visibly uncomfortable. To make him feel a bit better, she offers him the hat he was wearing earlier to cover his face. Later, we learn that Dohwa changed his clothes in the subway washroom so he could go straight to his workplace.
When Su-ae lies down on the bed, she starts thinking about the strange guy she has met twice. Who is this guy? And why would he pay so much money for the subway ad? She is determined to catch him, which prompts her to open her blog, and she publishes another chapter. Meanwhile, in Operation True Love Chapter 39, the manager is talking to the Marang president about how he will get Dohwa under his wing. (It seems like everything and everyone is moving according to his plans!)
Back at Dohwa’s workplace, a customer is dissatisfied with an employer and summons the manager. Everyone insists Dohwa to go in the front and talk to her. Although he initially refuses to talk to the customer but he eventually does it and his smile does the magic. Operation True Love Chapter 39 ends with Eunhyeok passing by a café playing a song whose lyrics remind him of the time him and Su-ae were sharing one earphone to listen to songs.
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Chapter 40: Eunhyeok’s Childhood

Operation True Love Chapter 40 begins with a flashback of when Eunhyeok was a kid. His mom and everyone say the older he gets, the more he looks like his father. But the scene quickly turns traumatic as Eunhyeok’s mother is standing alone; his father is embracing another woman, while Eunhyeok’s ears are bleeding. (We will hopefully learn more about this incident later.) Back in the classroom, Eunhyeok stops thinking about his past memories when he sees Su-ae, who looks rough, to say the least. She asks him to bring her a hot pack from the nurse’s office. (It’s likely from all the late-night writing of the fan novel.)
The next scenario of Operation True Love Chapter 40 revolves around Su-ae and her obsession with love points. She keeps doing things to make Minu jealous. He gets jealous and angry even, but his reactions don’t bring any change to her love points. On the other hand, the Jellypop cell phone won’t stop letting her know that she isn’t making any progress.
A discussion about a recent film in the classroom offers the readers a clear picture of Minu. He only cares about his pride and believes in winning something. In one conversation, he talked about kissing would be crossing a line, and he wouldn’t take that disrespect from his girlfriend. Operation True Love Chapter 40 ends with a faint image of Su-ae and Eunhyeok in an intimate scenario. Sua-ae thinks to herself, “So the situation I’m in right now…is a result of my desperation.”
Operation True Love Chapter 41: Almost Kiss

Operation True Love Chapter 41 begins with the Marang President, who is frustrated with the lack of progress and fun in Su-ae’s life. In the next scene, Su-ae texts Eunhyeok to meet her in the old art room because she wants to suggest that they should KISS! Later, we learn the reason behind taking this big step. The Marang President gave her a deadline to increase the love point, and if that doesn’t happen, the consequence will be lethal.
We think everything will be okay since Eunhyeok is here. Upon entering the room, he asks why she summoned him to this creepy place. Su-ae starts talking about how they haven’t made any progress, so they need to take this pretend game to a higher level. Following that revelation, she gets awkward and wonders what he is. He says no, but he asks how they will execute this. Within a split second, Su-ae’s arms find Eunhyeok’s shoulder. “This should be enough, right? See you later.” (Ouch!) Operation True Love Chapter 41 ends with Su-ae thinking that they almost kissed for real and Eunhyeok thinking this isn’t pretending.
Chapter 42: Su-ae Will Play Piano

Following Operation True Love Chapter 41, Operation True Love Chapter 42 begins with Su-ae thinking about his close moments with Eunhyeok in music class. In the background, the teacher is looking for a volunteer student who will play the piano. If you remember Ms Juhui, the teacher who has an affair with his father, she asks Eunhyeok to play the piano. Looking at her face and thinking about his past when his ear got injured, and his father was embracing this woman, he blatantly refuses to play. When his classmates keep asking him to do it, he says yes, I don’t care anyway. When the teacher is about to confront him about his attitude, suddenly, Su-ae gets up from her seat and says, “I will.”
In the next scene, Eunhyeok brings Su-ae to the empty old art room and asks if she even knows how to play. She says she is familiar with the basics. Upon asking why she did this, she says she did it to save him from an awkward position. She also insists he teaches her how to play, but as they are about to start practicing, Dohwa arrives and sits in the middle, removing Eunhyeok from the chair. (What a petty move, Dohwa!) Operation True Love Chapter 42 ends with Eunhyeok wondering when Su-ae and Dohwa became close.
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