Operation: True Love webtoon really knows how to keep the readers hooked. Previously, after gathering the business card from Dohwa, Su-ae decided to visit the Marang President. However reluctant to let her go alone, Dohwa tags along. Although they do get entry into the building, the meeting with the President never happens. The upcoming chapters are all about Eunhyeok and Su-ae, and he is not shying away from expressing his affection. However, this article doesn’t end on a good note. So, without further delay, let’s see what happens on their movie date in Operation True Love Chapter 61-65.
Movie Date And Bus Accident
Operation True Love Chapter 61: Movie Date

Operation True Love Chapter 61 begins with Su-ae waiting for Eunhyeok while he buys popcorn and cold drinks for their movie date. Meanwhile, two other girls are chattering about how handsome and cute Eunhyeok looks in his black shirt. Gathering some courage, one of them goes up to him to ask for his number, but he apparently refuses, saying he has a girlfriend. Overhearing this, Su-ae is stunned. What does he mean by GIRLFRIEND? Is he talking about her? Was it to avoid that girl? Is he seeing someone else? (Girl, the boy is literally on a date with YOU!)
Su-ae is not paying attention to the movie. She notices Eunhyeok has really dressed up for this date. She points at the film when he catches her staring, hinting it’s her favourite kind. Unfortunately, at that moment, the main leads were smooching. (Su-ae, NOT AGAIN!) She is flustered and wonders if this is even allowed to be shown publically, while Eunhyeok just smirks. After watching the movie, while they are about to get inside the elevator, Su-ae imagines herself and Eunhyeok kissing as the main leads did in the elevator. And, this side of the elevator is awfully empty? Operation True Love Chapter 61 ends with Eunhyeok and Su-ae getting inside the elevator. (Oh, that’s why this side was empty! Is it a good or bad sign?)
Chapter 62: Stuck In An Elevator

Operation True Love Chapter 62 begins with Su-ae and Eunhyeok getting stuck inside the elevator. Tensed, he rushes towards Su-ae, who wonders if they will fall. He casually suggests, “If you’re that scared, why don’t you use me as your shield?” She asks how he is so calm to joke at this moment, but after hearing another ‘thud’ sound, she jumps on his lamp. In response, he pats her, consoling that everything is alright. Soon, she starts to feel warm because of the stuck space and Eunhyeok’s body. To feel less awkward, she says, “Thanks for being my airbag.” (I swear Su-ae better jokes, please!) He can’t help but chuckle, and suddenly, they realize how close they are to each other. (Insert a million heart-eyed emojis!) And right before another possible kiss, the elevator gets fixed. (Wow, the timing!)
In the next scenario of Operation True Love Chapter 62, Dohwa meets Ra-im as they are supposed to have a group hangout evening. However, it’s just them at the moment, and the rest of their friends are coming at 6 pm. When she discloses that she mentioned 5 pm to him because she wanted to talk to him alone, he gets a little scared. Dohwa doesn’t hesitate to let her know that she gives off creepy vibes by sharing weird information about herself and her sister, Su-ae. He adds, “Now you’re jumping over from Minu to Eunhyeok?” She replies, “I stole Minu because he was Su-ae’s. But I liked Eunhyeok before he did.”
Operation True Love Chapter 62 ends with Su-ae showing her middle fingers to the elevator camera. Meanwhile, the Marang President snores, “That’s not fair.”
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Operation True Love Chapter 63: Eunhyeok’s Affection

At the beginning of Operation True Love, Chapter 63, Eunhyeok insists on walking Su-ae home. Reluctant, she says she likes to go home by herself. Reaching home, he sees his father, Professor Taeho Go, practising the piano.
The next day, Minu tries to approach Ra-im, but she casually walks past me. And he mentally blames everything on Su-ae. (Really, Minu?) While their classmates are chattering about the summer trip, Su-ae asks Eunhyeok to meet her at the old art classroom after lunch. After lunch, Minu visits his friends who are secretly smoking. While having fun, one of them clicked on some switch, and the school microphone turned on.
On the other hand, Su-ae bombards Eunhyeok with questions regarding his trip back home, such as whether he got into an accident or something strange happened to him. (After Eunhyeok’s bus left, a car passed by Su-ae, which had Marang’s ad on it, and hence, this overthinker is asking these questions.) In response, he gets worried, thinking something happened to her, but both of them are safe.
Meanwhile, Minu and his friends start chatting about Su-ae. He blatantly expresses how he doesn’t want to talk about her and also calls her super clingy. His friends tease him about how she left him with nothing but embarrassment. Hearing all this, Eunhyeok decides to go and deal with him, but he changes his mind because taking care of Su-ae is more important at this moment. (Eunhyeok is stealing our hearts for the nth time!) He gently puts headphones on her ears and starts playing the piano to distract her from everything. Operation True Love Chapter 63 ends with Dohwa unplugging the cords of the speaker.
Operation True Love Chapter 64: Dohwa And Minu

Operation True Love Chapter 64 begins with Dohwa stating, “Your gossip was broadcast to the entire school.” Although scared, Minu declares he didn’t say anything wrong. Dohwa retorts, saying, “You’re the one who cheated on her. So, how can you still be so shameless?” Things get a little out of hand when Dohwa mentions Minu being clingy about Ra-im even after she dumped him. Furious, he punched Dohwa’s pretty face, and he got some beating back.
Back at the old art room, Su-ae is overwhelmed and compliments Eunhyeok’s piano skills. And he wipes away her tears. The break is over and she feels embarrassed about going back to class after all that happened. So, he arranges for her to leave and asks her to go home and get some rest. In class, everyone is chatting about Minu and Su-ae, while Eunhyeok is tense about her going home alone. Worried, he takes his bag and rushes out of class. (Eunhyeok has no business being THIS caring!)
Dohwa, Minu, and the other two are getting an earful from the teacher about smoking and fighting. Now they have to submit a ten-page reflection report daily for a week and clean bathroom for a month as a punishment. Operation True Love Chapter 64 ends with Ra-im slapping Minu while he is about to leave the teacher’s room.
Operation True Love Chapter 65: Bus Accident

Operation True Love Chapter 65 begins with a smack on Minu’s face. “Apologize to Su-ae,” Ra-im says with a straight face. When he asks if she doesn’t notice his condition, she bluntly says yes, but she is not interested. Frustrated and furious, he grabs her arms, screaming she should be the one to apologize. His friends and the teachers pull him away. Meanwhile, Dohwa thinks about the time Su-ae and he got locked in the school, and she opened up about Rakim. She mentioned how she made a promise to protect her sister until she gets older.
Back to Su-ae, she gets on the bus, unaware that Eunhyeok is sitting right behind me. He texts her, asking where she is going, to which she replies, “Just felt like going on a drive!” In Operation True Love Chapter 65, we learn how caring Eunhyeok is. Seeing her shiver, he closes the air conditioner and also puts his head on the window to guard her sleepy head. After she wakes up, she sees Eunhyeok’s reflection on the small screen before her and turns around in surprise. And suddenly, everything becomes clear to her. She reflects on all those moments she needed a friend, a companion; Eunhyeok was right there, irrespective of all the rumours.
Marang President Did It?

On the other hand, Marang President is in the car, looking at Su-ae’s CCTV picture and wondering about all the letters she keeps sending to Marang after her visit. In a flashback conversation between him and the manager, we also learn that he was not the one behind the elevator incident. When he looks outside the car window, he sees Eunhyeok and Su-ae, and BOOM, the bus is on fire. Operation True Love Chapter 65 ends with Su-ae’s head placed on Eunhyeok’s arm and his other hand covering her head. (What the actual F just happened?)
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