Noblesse Manhwa Characters: Know About the 8 High-Powered Side Characters Now


When we talk about fantasy manhwa, the Noblesse manhwa characters are undoubtedly one of the most fascinating ones due to the blend of their characters including Nobles, modified humans, and ordinary humans. The story follows “Noblesse” Cadis Etrama Di Raizel, who has woken up in the modern digital world after hundreds of years of slumber. To fit into the contemporary world and conceal his true identity, he tries to adopt the human traits with his superpowers. However, hiding his true nature would be difficult with the dark powers lurking around him. And, to make this narrative rich and one of its kind, Noblesse has some of the most powerful fantasy manhwa side characters – let’s read all about them!

Regis K Landegre

Regis K Landegre Noblesse Character
Regis K Landegre

The clan leader of the Landegre Clan, Regis K. Landegre is a student of Ye Ran High and dresses formally in suits. He is conservative like his grandfather Gejutel and very particular about elegance. He is also one of the most elegant fantasy manhwa characters. Like other Nobles, Regis protects humans; however, his father, Rousare, was killed by some traitorous modified humans.

Skills and Abilities

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Modified human: M-21

M-21 is one of the most powerful noblesse manhwa characters. Despite his unwillingness, M-21 was experimented upon by Dr. Crombel and the Union. As a result of this experiment, he lost all the memories of his past life. M-21 was initially considered a failed experiment until Cadis Etrama Di Raizel awakened his powers. Currently, he is a member of the RK group and also works as a security officer at Ye Rank High School. M-21 is usually clad in a formal black suit with long silver-grey hair that reaches his shoulder.

Skills And Abilities

Noblesse Manhwa Characters: Takeo


Ex-member of the DA-5, Takeo was tricked into working for the Union by Dr. Aris. After learning the truth, he joined Cadis Etrama Di Raizel and Frankenstein along with Tao. He has long purple hair and blue eyes, and his tied ponytail reaches his waist. Takeo’s kind nature is portrayed by how he treats younger kids because of his memories of his sister.

Skills And Abilities



One of the most powerful Noblesse characters, when it comes to werewolf was Krano. He belonged to the group of four werewolves (Gorma and Braang being the other two werewolves) commanded by Dorant to capture Muzaka. He had light blond hair and was clad in white robes. During his transformation, Krano developed moss-green fur on his arms and the corners of his abs. In case of further transformation, he developed scales, his wrists grew longer, and the fur on his shoulders. Initially, Krano’s personality was composed. He was careful while fighting Frankenstein. However, his arrogance came into view during his fight with Rael Kertia.

Skills And Abilities



Bulky, blue skin and muscular build Mount was a male werewolf. He wears white trousers and has a red heart tattooed on his right bicep. He joined Drakon, Kaiyo, and Kuharu, along with Traitor Nobles, to capture Lukedonia under the command of Maduke. Mount was a childlike werewolf who jumped into action without wondering about the consequences.


Being a werewolf, Mount was a powerful warrior of his kind. He can transform his body into a much larger creature.

Noblesse Manhwa Characters: Tao


Like Takeo, Tao is an ex-member of DA-5. Later, he switched allegiances and joined Raizel after learning that the DA-5 group had been created for Kranz to absorb their powers. Tao convinces Takeo to leave the Union. Moreover, Tao has one of the most unique appearances among the Noblesse manhwa characters. His charming black bowl hair cut with a white strip on the right side covers most of his forehead.

Skills And Abilities

Dr. Aris

Dr. Aris

Dr. Aris is a high-ranking Union scientist and creator of the DA-5 experiment (‘DA’ named after Dr. Aris). We see her clad in goth style with her golden eyes and red hair reaching up to her waist. Although initially she seems child-like, we see her cruel personality when it comes to experiments. For instance, she tells her assistant, Yuri to collect souvenirs (humans she will use for her experiments). Her anger is visible in the series when Frankenstein disobeys her and leaves. As a result, she orders her human-machines to kill him.

Skills And Abilities


Dr. Aris’ Assistant Yuri

Yuri worked for the 12th Elder as Dr. Aris’ assistant, but, he was a spy for Dr. Crombel. He wore a grey suit and glasses which covered his golden eyes. The readers initially know Yuri as a loyal, polite, and punctual man. However, his loyalty was later revealed to be with Dr. Crombel.

Skills And Abilities

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