In Love 4 A Walk Chapter 46, we realize the source of Pam’s dramatic nature – his parents. On one hand, her mother is super excited about her daughter’s dating life. On the other hand, her father is more protective about his daughter’s whereabouts. We also meet Miki, who is well, a typical brother. The conversation with her parents makes Pam realize a certain thing and she contemplates Tyler’s behavior but by the end of the chapter with a simple gesture, Tyler manages to disappear all her doubts. Wondering what happened? Keep reading!
Love 4 A Walk Chapter 46: Dramatic Household

Love 4 A Walk Chapter 46 begins with Pam’s mom face-timing her. Like every usual conversation, she begins with a hello but her parents immediately get dramatic saying they were so worried because she just dropped a text. (Well Pam’s father is not visible because of her mother’s finger! Typical parents in FaceTime!) It turns out it’s her father who is worried and her mother – she needs the TEA! Is Pam and Tyler a couple yet or not!? Pam confirms that after the trip and long conversation, they are a couple now. She also admits that she thinks he is THE ONE.
Pam continues to gush about Tyler and sees her brother Miki trying to sneak out like a tortoise in the back. Although he says he should sleep because he has early training tomorrow, his mother commands him to talk to his sister. (They are not going to be the family who just send Christmas cards to each other, without knowing what’s happening in each other’s lives!)
Typical Family Banters

Pam has a typical family. Miki is really unbothered about his sister’s whereabouts and focused on his training. Her mother is excited about her daughter’s relationship, while her father is upset about Pam dating a biker-looking guy.
Being an elder sister (we are assuming) Pam asks if Miki is free after his National Championship so they can hang out and he could meet Tyler. Her brother proposes that she should bring him home. The siblings joke about how the mother will roll out a red carpet, while their father will weep. Miki leaves saying he will see about the hanging out part – he can’t stop training even if it’s summer.
Pam’s mother is on cloud nine about her daughter finally being in a relationship. Her father lets her know that from now on Tyler should love her day by day. Following that, her mother warns her that he shouldn’t be one of those men who stop being adorable and romantic after they get into a relationship. And, he should always encourage her to reach her goals and says “I Love You” every day.
Love 4 A Walk Chapter 46: Is Tyler The One!?

As soon as Pam’s mother mentions the three magic words, it strikes her that Tyler has never said those words to her. Well, yet! But she believes he is more about the action, less about the words. The next morning she gets ready for work, while she admires herself in the mirror, Bobby is feeling sleepy on the side. And ding dong – the bell rings and Tyler arrives with donuts and coffee. He says, “Morning! I know you said you have to go to work earlier today. But, quick breakfast?” This gesture makes her ecstatic as she sees her doubts fading in the air.
Upon asking if he bought fresh donuts for her, Tyler says there’s no shop open this early in the morning. These donuts are leftovers from yesterday, a client brought these to his bar. Pam says he could have said it’s from yesterday, instead of leftovers. He doesn’t get why he should lie. He asks her not to complain because he saved the best ones for her. There is one typical-looking strawberry donut and a heart-shaped chocolate donut. Seeing the latter, Pam gets excited that he saved that heart-looking dessert for her but he quickly clarifies it’s not for her because strawberry is her favorite flavor. This disappoints her and she starts wondering about Tyler and his behavior.
Pam’s Heart Gets Fixed

Pam starts wondering if he will be able to understand her eyes and expression even if she doesn’t speak. When she looks at Tyler with her puppy eyes hoping he gets the hint, he asks if she would like a bite. She gets excited and opens her mouth. However, to her disappointment, Tyler breaks the heart-shaped donut into two and gives her one piece. Clearly, this was the nail in the coffin, and Pam leaves for work without eating anything. She decides to love him despite his weird behaviors and clumsiness.
Love 4 A Walk Chapter 46 ends on an adorable note. Pam returns home from work and sees cookies wrapped with a bow. There’s also a note with a smiley emoji – “You seemed down today so I made fresh cookies 4 u…Hope it helps – Tyler” Pam immediately calls her mother while crying happy tears because Tyler is not the type to read notes, he’s the type who writes them, “I won in life.”
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