What happens when gods, mortals, and a richly woven tapestry of myths meet the artistry of Rachel Smythe? The breathtaking retelling of Hades and Persephone’s love story continues to enthrall readers with its perfect blend of drama, romance, and divine intrigue. Lore Olympus Chapter 196-203 marks an emotional whirlwind, taking us deeper into the complexities of Persephone’s journey and Hades’s struggles. Lore Olympus Chapter 195 ends with Artemis checking on the dog and Persephone expressing concern about Hades due to their lack of communication. Artemis tells the tale of the Colchian Dragon, urging Persephone to act freely despite her fears. Persephone, inspired, decides to journey to the Underworld to uncover the truth.
Zeus And Persephone | Possessed Hades
Lore Olympus Chapter 196: Journey To The Underworld

Lore Olympus Chapter 196 begins with Zeus reflecting on his relationship with Hera. He recalls how, in the early days, her anger towards him was palpable. She hid the severity of her condition from him, but as the attacks became more frequent, they were impossible to conceal. One day, Hera simply didn’t wake up, leaving Zeus to wrestle with the thought that he might have been the worst thing ever happening to her. The narrative briefly shifts to Poseidon, who is also revealed to be asleep, adding to the sense of foreboding.
Meanwhile, Persephone uses a secret passage to the Underworld, torn by doubt over her decision. She wonders if her actions are wrong, considering the possibility that Hades might have moved on. However, she resolves that she must find out what’s happening in the Underworld and finally tell Hades how she feels.
The scene transitions to a flashback, where Persephone is informed about a badly injured individual found on the property. She discovers it is Eris and immediately tends to her, helping her recover fully. In the present, Persephone notices she’s being followed. She confronts her pursuer, demanding to know their identity. When they ask for her name, she confidently replies, marking the conclusion of Lore Olympus Chapter 196 with determination and strength.
Chapter 197: Ares’s Lair
Lore Olympus Chapter 197 opens with a guard tackling Persephone, mistaking her for an intruder. She angrily demands his identity, and he reveals himself as Ares. Surprised, Persephone questions his presence in the Underworld. Ares reminds her she’s an escapee and insists she return to his base.
At the base, Ares confronts Persephone about her disappearance years ago, which disrupted relations between Olympus and the Underworld, closing its borders. Persephone asks about Hades, but Ares hasn’t seen him in years. He mentions Athena had been stationed with him but left to confront Zeus over his failures. When Persephone criticizes Ares for letting Cerberus escape, he dismisses her, pointing out her decade-long absence. He reveals that she is neglecting her duties and allowing the human world to fall into chaos. Persephone counters, asserting the human world has thrived under her care, shocking Ares as he realizes Zeus deceived him.
The conversation shifts to Ares’s failed relationships, particularly his mistreatment of Aphrodite. Ares warns Persephone that Zeus intends to kill her and urges her to leave. Ignoring his concern, she asks what he wants, and he boldly requests a date. Reluctantly, she agrees, eager to move on. As Persephone nears the Underworld’s entrance, a guard greets her ominously, saying, “We have been expecting you, my lady,” setting a foreboding tone for what lies ahead.
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Lore Olympus Chapter 198: Sleeping Underworld
Lore Olympus Chapter 198 begins with Persephone arriving in the Underworld, only to find it eerily quiet and in ruins. Signs of destruction are everywhere, and the usual vibrancy of the realm is absent. Most inhabitants appear to be asleep, contributing to the haunting silence. She makes her way to Hades’s house and knocks several times, but there’s no response. Growing concerned, she decides to enter. As she searches the house, she realizes Hades is nowhere to be found. While exploring, she discovers a room filled with gifts he had carefully collected for her over the past ten years. Touched by the sentiment, she chooses one of the items and wears it, finding comfort in his thoughtfulness.
Continuing her search, Persephone rummages through the drawers and stumbles upon a letter. It turns out to be something Hades wrote to her years ago on the advice of his therapist. The letter’s contents affect Persephone deeply. Suddenly, someone enters the scene, interrupting her moment of reflection. It’s revealed to be Hermes, who urgently tells her she must come with him immediately. Lore Olympus Chapter 198 concludes on a suspenseful note.
Chapter 199: Kronos in Hermes’s Body
Lore Olympus Chapter 199 opens with Zeus questioning Athena about the problems. Athena highlights the urgency, revealing Poseidon has been asleep for three years, Hera for eight, and Hestia for a decade. She connects mysterious scars to Kronos, but Zeus dismisses her concerns, downplaying their significance. Frustrated, Athena urges Zeus to act as King of Heaven, suggesting he consult Hades to investigate Underworld anomalies, particularly if Tartarus influences him. She warns of dire consequences if Hades is compromised. Zeus resists, claiming he can’t access the Underworld. Athena proposes a solution: the return of Persephone.
Athena criticizes Persephone’s banishment, calling it senseless and detrimental to Olympus. She also warns Zeus about Apollo’s growing influence among the Olympians, advising caution. The scene shifts to the Underworld, where Hermes tries to escort Persephone somewhere, but she refuses. Persephone restrains Hermes with her powers, asserting her dominance and demanding an honest conversation. Despite her strength, Hermes escapes, leading to a tense clash between the two. Lore Olympus Chapter 199 ends dramatically as Zeus arrives in the Underworld, hinting at an impending confrontation.
Lore Olympus Chapter 200: Persephone Find Out The Truth
Lore Olympus Chapter 200 opens with Hermes confronting Zeus, accusing him and Poseidon of endangering Persephone by enabling Kronos. However, it’s revealed that this wasn’t Hermes—it was Kronos in disguise. A shaken Zeus recounts his harrowing past on Mount Dikte, where he was hidden from Kronos’s tyranny. Raised by nymphs, Zeus learns from his mother, Rhea, about Kronos’s madness and his devouring of Zeus’s siblings to prevent a prophecy of his downfall. Rhea reveals that only a fertility goddess can defeat Kronos, mentioning Metis as a potential savior. Zeus admits he acted selfishly, manipulating events to hide Persephone’s identity as a fertility goddess. He explains that Kronos likely plans to exploit Persephone’s powers to reclaim his throne.
Zeus reveals the grim state of the gods: Poseidon, Hestia, and Hera are in hibernation, with Hera tormented by visions of Kronos. Alarmed, Persephone vows to act, determined to find Hades and protect him from Kronos’s influence. Lore Olympus Chapter 200 intertwines Zeus’s trauma with the growing threat of Kronos, placing Persephone at the heart of the conflict.
Chapter 201: Underworld Corp.
In Lore Olympus Chapter 201, Zeus confronts Persephone, deeming her a liability in the Underworld and insisting she return to the mortal realm. Persephone refuses, challenging Zeus’s understanding of the Underworld. When she asks if he brought an offering for Tartarus, Zeus falters, forced to admit his ignorance. Begrudgingly, he allows Persephone to stay temporarily, and they head to Hades’s office.
On their way, they see Hecate but avoid her, choosing to walk instead. Persephone inquires about Hades, and Zeus recounts their strained negotiations over her removal. He admits to offering Hades a nymph bride, which only angered him, as Hades refused to discuss anything except Persephone. Touched by Hades’s loyalty but heartbroken over his isolation, Persephone defends her decision to return to the Underworld. She explains Hades’s kindness and how she cannot bear to see him suffer alone.
Zeus questions Persephone’s commitment, recalling a past suggestion for Hades to marry her, which Hades refused, desiring love over obligation. Persephone confronts Zeus about his interference, arguing their relationship harms no one. Zeus admits fearing what might happen if Persephone ever grew bored and left Hades, becoming vulnerable to gods like Apollo. Persephone fiercely denies this possibility, reiterating her hatred for Apollo. Their tense conversation is interrupted when Persephone notices someone trailing them. Lore Olympus Chapter 201 ends with this ominous discovery, leaving readers on edge.
Lore Olympus Chapter 202: Morpheus, the Goddess of Dreams
Lore Olympus Chapter 202 begins with Zeus confronting a mysterious figure, asking for her identity. She introduces herself as Morpheus, the Goddess of Dreams. Morpheus claims she is unique, being privy to everyone’s nighttime thoughts. She highlights Persephone’s unresolved issues with her mother and critiques Zeus for being a “huge pervert,” suggesting he avoids eating cheese before bed.
Persephone, confused, asks why Morpheus isn’t asleep like everyone else. Morpheus reveals she is searching for her missing father, Hypnos, the God of Sleep. Zeus admits he doesn’t know Hypnos well. Morpheus explains that dreams, sleep, and nightmares exist in a liminal space between life and death. Her father, Hypnos, oversees sleep, while she manages dreams and nightmares, assisted by the Oneiroi.
Morpheus shares that she began sensing something was wrong when her father’s presence faded. One day, she realized she could no longer feel him. Desperate for answers, she sought out her grandmother, only to find her unresponsive. To complicate matters, the Oneiroi were unreachable in the other realms. Even worse, she discovered she couldn’t access dreams, as someone was blocking her—though she had no idea who.
Morpheus clarifies she hasn’t been entirely alone, as she’s been sharing the Underworld with Kronos. This revelation shocks Zeus, who asks if Kronos has escaped. Morpheus explains that Kronos hasn’t fully escaped but is using sleeping bodies to create a temporary physical form outside his prison. However, it’s only a matter of time before he fully breaks free. Without Hades to command Tartarus, Kronos will inevitably regain his power. As they talk, Persephone hears someone calling her. He unexpectedly captures her as she follows his voice. Upon recognizing him, she feels relieved and happy. Lore Olympus Chapter 202 ends with this surprising encounter.
Chapter 203: Not Her Hades
In Lore Olympus Chapter 203, Hades, seemingly overjoyed, proposes to Persephone on the spot. However, Persephone notices his strange behavior and excuses herself to process the situation. Alone, she realizes Hades is possessed by Kronos. Determined to save him without harm, Persephone devises a plan to stall Kronos while figuring out how to free Hades.
Feigning excitement, she suggests playing hide-and-seek in a maze to ease her “nerves.” Kronos agrees, unaware of her true intentions. Meanwhile, Zeus and the Goddess of Dreams discuss Persephone’s sudden disappearance. The Goddess deduces she’s likely inside the maze that mysteriously appeared. As Kronos searches the maze, Persephone encounters Zeus and the Goddess. She explains Kronos’ possession and her temporary stalling tactic. Kore requests the Goddess to put her to sleep, intending to infiltrate Hades’s dream to awaken him. Despite warnings about the dangers of being trapped, Persephone insists it’s their only option.
Zeus is tasked with distracting Kronos without harming Hades’ body. As Persephone falls asleep, she enters a dream state, setting the stage for her daring plan. The chapter concludes with suspense, leaving readers eager for the next development.
Lore Olympus Chapter 196-203 delivers a rollercoaster of emotions, from heartbreak to hope. Rachel Smythe’s storytelling continues to captivate, blending myth and modernity with effortless grace. The characters’ struggles and triumphs feel profoundly real, making us root for them every step of the way. What did you think of this Webtoon? Did Persephone’s journey inspire you as much as it did us? Share your thoughts in the comments below, and let’s celebrate the magic of Lore Olympus together! Stay tuned for more reviews as we dive deeper into this enchanting tale.