Eaternal Nocturnal Chapter 17-26: Eve Has A Friend

In chapter 17-26 we discover Eve's being insecure but Dae as her friend stands beside her and supports her.

Eaternal Nocturnal Chapter 17-26: Eve Has A Friend

In Eaternal Nocturnal Chapter 17 -26, we see Dae’s mother suffering from dementia. She has no response in real life. But she is lively and jolly in her mind. He doesn’t visit his mother physically but meets her as a dream eater every night. He has hope that his mother is not completely lost she is still present somewhere. On the other hand, Eve feels insecure and finds herself lonely. However, her siblings and Dae constantly support her and stand beside her as good companions. She now even has a friend she adores let’s find out who this new friend is.

Eaternal Nocturnal | Eve Has A Friend In Dae

 Eaternal Nocturnal Chapter 17: Breaking Promises

Eaternal Nocturnal : Chapter 17, Dae entering his sick mother's mind
Dae, Dae’s mother, and his brother Jae

Eaternal Nocturnal Chapter 17 opens with Dae pouring out his thoughts to Tapi about his new job given by his brother. He decides not to visit Eve that night. He gets flustered by the sudden appearance of V, who is sitting down to have a chit-chat about people’s dreams with Dae. However, he is not in the mood to chat, so he leaves. Before leaving, he warns V to be mindful of the boundaries and stay in his part of town. Dae excludes one person from the rule, not visiting the dreams of people he knows personally. In the next scene, we learn that his mother stays with his aunt because of her illness. He often enters his mother’s mind instead of meeting her in physical form. This concludes the Eaternal Nocturnal Chapter 17.

Chapter 18: Broken Thread

Dae’s mother

Eaternal Nocturnal Chapter 18 opens with Dae’s mom being stuck in one time period of her life in her mind. His mom prepares dumplings for him, and he spends the whole night with her. In the morning, both Dae and Eve wake up feeling lazy and tired. Eve curses the dream eater for not showing up on the day he is most needed. She practices her interview introduction in front of the mirror but gets frustrated. On the other hand, Dae and Alex are exercising in the gym, and as they chat, he talks about girls. Alex begins teasing him about having a crush on someone. She asks him who the girl is, but he does not respond to her. Alex ignores him and starts listening to Cherri’s new song. He immediately recognizes it to be Eve’s voice, ending Eaternal Nocturnal Chapter 18.

Eaternal Nocturnal Chapter 19: Between Us

Eve and Dae

Eaternal Nocturnal Chapter 19 opens with Dae minding his own business and carrying on with his delivery service. He decides to stay away from Eve’s singing contract. On the other side, Eve’s interview is over, but she is not happy with her performance. She decides to treat herself with some Boba tea to feel better. While waiting for her order, she scrolls through the comments section of the music videos. Looking at the responses, she wonders if she had been courageous and put more effort into presenting herself, she would be half as successful as Cherri. Dae comes to the cafe at that moment. They share their whole day’s trouble. Eve’s tongue slips about the contract, and she gets worried. He assures her that he won’t tell his brother and will keep it to himself. Eaternal Nocturnal Chapter 19 ends on that note.

Chapter 20: Corridor


Eaternal Nocturnal Chapter 20 begins with Eve getting another nightmare. In the next scene, she is running down the school corridor to reach her classroom. But she trips and loses her shoe. She panics and thinks of all the different outcomes if she can’t reach her class on time. She would fail her classes, and eventually, she wouldn’t be able to get a job, so she would become a failure for the rest of her life as she tried to get up, a scary-looking black figure dragged her down by her leg. Although she tries, she is unable to escape its grip. N comes to her rescue and pulls her away from it. Eaternal Nocturnal Chapter 20 concludes with Eve questioning N about his disappearance.

Eaternal Nocturnal Chapter 21: Food for Thought  

Dream Eater and Eve

In Eaternal Nocturnal Chapter 21, Eve asks N about the nightmare she just had. He tells her that she is stressed out and is forced to do something against her will. She explains she became a ghost singer of her own will. But ever since her singing hobby became a job, she has been scared of it. She never considered her feelings in the first place. Eve is scared of letting people down and being a screw-up who can’t even hold up to one job, and on top of that, she is even a girl who does not know how to fall asleep properly. N advises her that when she is thinking about what to do with her life, she should not think about others but herself. He asks her to surround herself with people who would support her, ending Eaternal Nocturnal Chapter 21.

Chapter 22: Unexpected Guests

Eve’s siblings

Eaternal Nocturnal Chapter 22 opens with Eve’s siblings visiting her. They were the picture-perfect children for every parent. Hanna, her younger sister, shoots at her about the reason behind Cherri’s voice being similar to Eve’s. She asks both of them to sit down and warns them not to tell anyone about it. She explains the contract orders to them.

After hearing the whole story, they both asked her if she was okay with this contract and why she was okay with it. They remind her that she used to take so much pride in her voice when she was young, but now she gives up on it so easily. Eve assures them both that it was just a temporary thing and that being a ghost singer is quite beneficial. Eaternal Nocturnal Chapter 22 concludes as she leads them both to the door to leave so she can work, and Dae greets her at her doorstep.

Eaternal Nocturnal Chapter 23: Too Close for Comfort

Eve and Dae

Eaternal Nocturnal Chapter 23 opens with Hanna questioning Dae about his relationship with her sister. Dae jokingly thought in his mind that they had a symbiotic relationship. He replies they are just friends. Eve gets flustered and pushes her siblings to leave. He waits on the door as Eve goes inside to bring the USB after transferring the files. Later, she asks Dae if he has any other siblings. Dae replies that when he was young, his dad passed away, his mom felt sick shortly after, and his brother has always been distant with him. Eve feels sorry about his situation. Eaternal Nocturnal Chapter 23 ends as she gives the USB to Dae.

Chapter 24: Golden Child


Eaternal Nocturnal Chapter 24 opens with Jae or Mr Lee visiting his aunt’s house, where her mother stays. Jae goes inside the house and hands over an envelope full of money for monthly expenses to her aunt. He thanks his aunt for taking care of her mother all the time. His aunt appreciates him for being so hardworking and responsible. He mentions to her about taking his mother to a specialist soon.

Upon taking a glance at his mother, he gets a childhood flashback of him getting cut on his lips and her mother crying, which makes him flinch. He messages Dae to drop the USB at his aunt’s place. Dae feels the contract to be all wrong because everyone’s success, Jae, Cherri, and even Dae, is connected to Eve’s voice. Even though she says she is okay with all this, her nightmares tell a different story. Eaternal Nocturnal Chapter 24 ends on that note.

Eaternal Nocturnal Chapter 25: Daydream


Eaternal Nocturnal Chapter 25 begins with Eve looking at the mic and remembering N’s words; he asks her when the last time she sang for herself was.  And with that, she continues recording. The scene shifts to Dae, who visits her aunt’s house. He asks her about his mother’s health. His aunt tells him that her health worries her. And shifts the topic to Dae’s job as a delivery service. She asks him to find a real job and do something more with his life. Eaternal Nocturnal Chapter 25 ends with Jae saying something to Cherri, shocking her.

Chapter 26: Friends

Eve, N, and Dae

Eaternal Nocturnal Chapter 26 begins with Cherri opening up the news to Eve of Mr. Lee hiring a vocal coach for both Cherri and Eve. He did this so that she could refine her skills and Cherri could learn some basics. Cherri even asks her to meet Me. Lee is in private as he needs to discuss some things with her, and Eve gets uncomfortable and scared. Cherri plans to ask Mr. Lee to let Dae escort her. At night paper stars surround Eve in her dreams. In her school time, she made these paper stars with her friends. N teases her and provokes her by saying that there is no chance she has friends. Eve exclaims she has friends. N asks her to name some friends other than the one who is exploiting her voice. Eaternal Nocturnal Chapter 26 concludes with Dae’s waking form appearing in Eve’s dream.

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