In Down to Earth Chapter 65-74, we witness another emotional rollercoaster ride as readers. Suzy finds out the truth about Zay and, unable to resist her charm, becomes one of her close friends. Zay starts an Instabam account which becomes a hit. Furthermore, in Down to Earth Chapter 65-74, she opens up about her past to Kade rendering them inseparable and never close.
Down to Earth Chapter 65-74: Suzy And Zay
Down to Earth Chapter 65: Glowing

In Down to Earth Chapter 65, Kade sets up Zay’s phone and she is excited to text Suzy. However, she had not mentioned Kade’s house being her house and Kade decides to keep it that way. The next scene shows Suzy at the house and asking for a tour around. Zay gives one, slipping up a bit, and they end up in the bedroom. Suzy gets to work on getting Zay’s ear pierced. While marking her ears, Suzy asks about her musical taste and is enthusiastic to find another metal fan.
Suzy notices the shape of her ears and asks about them. Zay reluctantly says she was born with them and Suzy apologizes for seeming insensitive. She then compliments her ears and her hair colour, making Zay blush. She then pierces Zay’s ears, making her shriek a bit. Once they are done Zay is in love with it and thanks her. He, hiding in the wardrobe, prays for them to wrap things up quickly. Suzy admits to not having met someone like Zaida in quite a while and asks to be friends. Zay’s eyes glow at that, shocking Kade and making him jump out of the closet. Down to Earth Chapter 65 ends with Suzy shocked at his appearance and Zay’s glow and Zay wanting to be friends with her too.
Chapter 66: ‘I am Zaida’
In Down to Earth Chapter 65, Suzy is shocked to find out about Zay. The following chapter shows a stupefied Suzy, trying to understand what’s going on. She asks why Kade is there and asks Zay what is she. At that, she floats saying ‘I am Zaida, former Zodian, now Earthling’. Suzy pauses, horrified, and then dashes out of the room. He runs after her and stops her, persuading her to give her a chance. Suzy, realizing she might have hurt her, goes back and apologizes to her for reacting so wildly. Zay understands and says how he too had a similar reaction in the beginning.
They sit down and Suzy says how she too had run from home and asks why Zay had done so. Kade explains how that is a sensitive topic for Zay to which Suzy apologizes and changes the topic to her glowing eyes. She is touched that her friend request had excited Zay so much and admits to being excited to get to know her too. They make plans to hang out and have fun, suddenly forgetting about his existence. Upon making his presence known, Suzy asks if he’d be cool with them hanging out at which he tells her to just text him when she pops by. Suzy then comes up with an impulsive idea and Down to Earth Chapter 66 ends with Suzy asking Zaida to move in with her.
Down to Earth Chapter 67: Best Friend
Down to Earth Chapter 67 shows both Kade and Zay stunned by Suzy’s offer. She looks over at him and he says that it’s her decision and she can do what she wants to. Zay turns to Suzy and says how she appreciates the offer but would like to live with Kade since he is her best friend. Kade is touched by that and Suzy lets Zay know that she can avail of her offer anytime.
The next scene shows Kade in the shower, thinking of what Zay had said. He comes out of the bathroom to find Zay and Suzy lying on the bed, on their phones. Kade asks if she’s sleeping over to which Suzy explains how she was just helping Zay get used to her phone. She says how she was setting up Zay’s Instabam (Instagram) account. She excitedly shows her account with the username ‘ZAIDA.NOTALIEN’ and bio ‘I AM ZAIDA, A NORMAL EARTHLING’. He asks who came up with the brilliant username and Suzy replies defensively she had found it funny. While they argue over the name Zay notices Ethan’s account in her suggestion list and sends him a request.
The scene changes to Ethan at school and seeing Zay’s friend request. He is admiring the art she posted online when suddenly a girl behind him compliments her art too. The girl, Jessica, apologizes for eavesdropping and asks about the account noticing how she only got 1 follower. Feeling the injustice towards her art, Jessica says how she can help fix that. Down to Earth Chapter 67 ends with Jessica sharing the account with her friends.
Chapter 68: Out of this World
Down to Earth Chapter 68 opens with Kade at work and Suzy approaching him, asking if the previous night was real. He shushes her when she almost says the A-word. He admits to having trouble trusting them. At that, Stace walks over to them and tells them to get to work. He leaves by remarking how he should be more social towards the customers and not coworkers. Stace then pauses, turns, and asks Kade to see him after work in a way that makes Suzy taunt him once Stace leaves.
Kade is about to leave before he sees Stace by the exit. Stace asks him if he and ‘Miss Zaida’ are together which he denies. He then questions how Kade and Zaida’s interactions seem different and why, even if they were together, he would hide it. Stace reaches the conclusion that if they aren’t dating then something much bigger is going on at Kade, exasperated and worried, asks him to drop it. Wistfully Stace says it’s hard for him to drop it since Miss Zaida is like no other woman, he lists her qualities and says how she’s completely out of this world. Kade darkens at this and Stace tops it off by calling Zay sexy at which he shoves Stace and slams the exit door behind him.
The next scene shows Kade reaching home and Zay about to greet him when he slams the door hard, making her pause. He throws his bag across the room and yells ‘NEXT TIME I SEE HIM I’LL-‘. He stops midway when he realizes they’ve got company. Down to Earth Chapter 68 ends with Zay, Suzy, Cosmo, and Ethan staring at Kade.
Down to Earth Chapter 69: Realization
In Down to Earth Chapter 69, Kade tries to act calm in front of the others. Suzy says how she came there after work and is about to ask why Stace held him back when he cuts her off and warns her not to mention ‘that prick’. He then notices Zay’s worried face and excuses himself.
He goes to the bedroom and wonders why Stace gets on his nerves so much when Zay follows him. She asks if Kade wants to lie on her lap, knowing how it calms him down, but he blushes and says he’s fine. She then suggests talking it out or hugging, wanting to make him feel better. That’s when he realizes the reason he got so pissed is because of how close Zaida and he got. He stops Zay, who was about to hug him, and asks if they can talk tonight once Ethan and Suzy go.
The scene changes to the four of them gaming on the sofa. Suzy brags about beating all of them and he is about to tell how they have worked the next day when Suzy interjects and asks for Mr. Money. She wins in that too and tosses the paper cash up in the air, annoying Kade. He tries to ask Ethan about his school when she excitedly tells Suzy how she took a selfie with him and wants to take one with her too. The three of them take selfies together while he seethes and Down to Earth Chapter 69 ends with Kade realizing how he won’t get Zaida alone anytime soon.
Chapter 70: A True Earthling
Down to Earth Chapter 70 opens with Suzy complimenting Zay’s Instabam account and saying how she would kill at modelling. She blushes at that but Ethan says she should stick to art since she’s great at that too. He says how he forgets that she’s from another planet since she adapts so easily. She says how it’s all thanks to Kade and looks over at him. Kade who was restless throughout suddenly stills when she says how she feels like she was meant to be with him all along. He blushes and thinks about how she shouldn’t say things like that or look at him that way. He wonders if she forgot the rules he had set but then realizes it was he who had forgotten them.
Zay asks if he’s happy for her being there and he is filled with warmth but replies with a ‘Hmm’. Ethan ruins the mood by standing up suddenly, announcing his need to piss. He heads to the front door and when Kade yells, says how there’s a better bathroom off his porch, at which Zay gasps ‘Bruh!!’.
Chapter 70.1: Tissue Papers?
Once he’s gone Suzy asks Zay if she can ask something personal and leans over to whisper in her ear. Zay blushes and whispers back. Finally, Suzy tells Kade how Zay had been using tissue papers all this while since she didn’t know how similar female humans and Zodians were. He processes this, taking time to understand what Suzy is trying to say. Once on the same wavelength, he is astonished and asks why she didn’t say anything at which she says she didn’t know how to bring it up. Kade, having had enough, tells Suzy how it’s 2 in the morning and how they should’ve left hours ago. Suddenly Ethan bursts in and calls them out and so Down to Earth Chapter 70 ends.
Down to Earth Chapter 71: Regrets
Down to Earth Chapter 71 opens with the four of them on the porch, admiring the shooting stars Ethan had called them to see. Kade asks him not to scare him like that and Ethan taunts him by asking if he’s worried aliens will come and take his ‘precious’ Zaida away. She looks at the sky wistfully and Ethan tentatively asks about her planet.
Suzy expresses her interest too and says how she thought they were the only people in the universe. He asks how a person could possibly think that and the two of them scuffle about it. They cut it off when Zay hesitantly tells Zodia that was never home for her and that she found out the meaning of ‘home’ after living on Earth. She says how Zodia was more like a prison for her, making the two regrets asking and shocking Kade. He suggests the other stay over the night since it’s already been so late.
Chapter 71.1: Alone Time
The next scene shows Ethan on the sofa and Suzy offering Zay to sleep with her on the futon. Zay is about to reply when he asks if she could sleep with him tonight, shocking all three of them. Kade explains how he needs a minute with her and Suzy is about to clarify that when Zay says she would love to join him.
Once in the bedroom, an awkward silence envelopes the two and Kade tries to break it by getting to the topic. Zay takes off her jacket, making Kade blush even more and regret his sudden impulse. They sit on the bed and Kade says he has to get some things off his chest by being honest. He says how on one hand, Zay is a friend he never wants to lose and tries to act out the rest of his sentence. He lies down and Zay follows him, both on the same pillow. Down to Earth Chapter 71 ends with him regretting acting on impulse.
Chapter 72: Intimacy
In Down to Earth Chapter 72 Kade is wide awake, thinking how foolish he was to even consider telling her what he feels. He thinks of how comfortable Zaida is with him and does not want to ruin that. He says to himself how they are happy as they are now. Finally, he concludes that he feels that way since he hasn’t been with anyone for a while and wonders how it would be with Zay. Trying to calm his thoughts, he turns over and finds Zaida awake. They give each other an awkward hi and he puts his hand out for her. He then pulls her towards him, surprising her, and slowly touches their foreheads, not breaking eye contact.
She reads his mind and asks if that’s what he wanted to tell her all along at which Kade blushes. She says how she already knew he was a pervert, making him uneasy, and explains how that’s different. He says he shouldn’t be thinking of his friend like that at which Zay reminds him she too had similar thoughts about him. She sits up as she says this and leans over him, making him jolt up straight. He admits how, just now, she thought Kade was about to kiss her and had gotten excited. Kade, stunned, asks if she wants him to kiss her. Zay mildly says how she’s not sure but wants to experience it. He realizes that she wants to get intimate just to experience it as Zay says she wants Kade to be the one to show her everything.
Down to Earth Chapter 72 ends with Kade requesting her to talk more about herself if she is that close to him.
Down to Earth Chapter 73: Zodia
In Down to Earth Chapter 73 Kade says how there’s a lot about Zay that he doesn’t know. She scoots closer to him as he says it was worrying to hear that Zodia was a prison for her. She then tells how Zodia could have been way worse. Zay starts saying she was looked after by people, of whom some were polite. She had been restricted a lot and how she had a device similar to a tablet, on which she spent most of her time, looking up information. He is shocked when she says that she isn’t allowed to go out or interact with others.
Understanding the reason she hasn’t experienced a lot of things, He asks if every Zodian was treated like that. She says there must have been a few others who were treated like she was and admits to not knowing why she was treated so. Tears falling, she explains she had to escape, even though she was told Zodia would fall if she left. Hopeless and crying, she asks him if Zodia would have truly fallen. Zay hugs herself and asks if taking the risk to save herself makes her a bad person. She confesses to feeling guilty whenever she is happy.
Chapter 73.1: Move On
Kade pulls her close and apologizes for not having a clue about any of this. Zay admits she put off telling this, not wanting him to see her differently. He explains she followed her gut feeling and says it wouldn’t be her fault if something happened to Zodia since she did what she thought was right. Zay suggests getting rid of memories of Zodia and he says that he should get rid of his too. She assures them that they both shall move on from their dark pasts together. Sleep evades the two and Kade asks her if Zodia is still out there, would Zodians be looking for her? Down to Earth Chapter 73 ends with Zay confirming his fears.
Chapter 74: Dreams
Down to Earth Chapter 74 shows Zay waking up Kade. She straddles him, cupping his face in her hands and saying he should take the day off. Kade, still half asleep, realizes what she is trying to do and jolts up, shocked. Zay asks for a tiny kiss waking Kade up immediately. He asks Zay to get off him and she replies with a sweet No. She reminds Kade she knows what he truly wants and moves her hair, showing her cleavage, and asking if he enjoys the view. She pulls at her nightgown’s strap, saying they could have fun and still be friends.
Suddenly Zay morphs into Delilah, asking if he doesn’t want her anymore. He startles awake, calming down at the fact that it was just a dream. However, he finds himself on top of Zay and jumps up apologizing.
The next scene shows Kade at work, hating himself for having such a dream. Kade is moping by a plasma globe when Stace approaches him and asks if their chat the other day bothered him too much. At his silence, Stace asks for a favour and tells him about their fashion event that month when Kade interrupts by saying ‘Suzy’. Confused, Stace asks what he meant and Kade tells him to ask Suzy to invite Zaida. He then continues moping and Stace is about to leave him as he is. However, he turns back and Down to Earth Chapter 74 ends with Stace suggesting Kade should join the event too.
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