Down to Earth Chapter 185-194: Zay’s Birthday!

In Down to Earth Chapter 185-194, The gang celebrates Zaida's birthday along with Stace. Kade and her patch up with him and understands each other more.

Down to Earth Chapter 185-194: Zay's Birthday!

In Down to Earth Chapter 185-194, Zay shows Kade her last day on Zodia, making him realize how different her life was. Wanting to patch things up, the two invite Stace to Zay’s party and talk things out. Enjoying her birthday, she is never more glad to crash on Earth and find Kade and the others. Without further delay, let’s get into Down to Earth Chapter 185-194.

Zaida’s Birthday 

Down to Earth Chapter 185: The Underneath

Down to Earth Chapter 185: The Underneath
Zaida (Down to Earth Chapter 185)

In Down to Earth Chapter 185, Zaida shows her last day on Zodia to Kade. In her memories, having had enough, she thinks of all the times she has been mistreated by her people. How they would take away the things she liked if she disobeyed them, how they always kept her hidden and caged, how they would even block her only window through which she saw the outside world.

That night, having decided to sneak out, Zay waits till everyone is asleep. She put on guard’s clothes to blend in and went out. Outside, she tries her best to fly but keeps falling. She looks over her roof, down to “The Underneath” where there is only darkness. She jumps off the roof, determined to fly. Barely floating for less than a minute, she loses balance and topples down. Deep, deeper still, she falls into the underneath, concluding Down to Earth Chapter 185.

Chapter 186: Zonya

Zaida and Zonya (Down to Earth Chapter 185)

Following Down to Earth Chapter 185, Chapter 186 opens with Zaida landing hard on The Underneath. She looks about, surprised to find people and civilization, not unlike hers. She thinks of Zara and the others repeatedly saying there was nothing but darkness in The Underneath. Just then a Zodian comes up behind her and asks her what she’s doing in her garden. She then notices Zay’s outfit and gets to her knees, apologizing for not knowing she was a member of the royal family. Zay surprised, apologizes for destroying her flowers and asks for her help.

The Zodian is shocked that she doesn’t know how to fly and even more so when she says the royal family refused to do so. The lady invites her inside and Zaida confides in her about everything but her horns. The lady explains how Zodianite is merely a gem sold for currency and nothing else. She explains their planet survives on a certain type of flower that gives them the air to breathe, rain they drink, and food they eat. The Zodian, Zonya, feels awful for Zay and says how the royal family had manipulated her.

Terrified, she begs Zonya to teach her to fly as they might be looking for her at this very moment. The lady says she can teach her to fly but explains she will need a ship to get out of Zodia. She tries to make Zay see reason but she already made up her mind. Down to Earth Chapter 186 ends with Zay being taught to fly.

Down to Earth Chapter 187: Masks

Zonya and Zaida

In Down to Earth Chapter 187, Zonya, worried, asks if Zay is sure about her decision and offers her a life underneath. Zay thanks her for the offer and says, that as much as the underneath is beautiful, she has to leave the planet. In 2 hours, she learned how to fly and thanked the Zodian profusely before taking off to the royal palace again. She returns to the palace to find guards searching for her. She hides and just then Zara appears, demanding the two to find Zaida immediately. Once they are off, Zay sees an opportunity and sneaks in.

She gets to a ship and opens the entrance. Just then, Zara, absolutely livid and out of breath, calls out her name. When Zay turns, she quickly changes her expression and appears to be mildly concerned, asking why she is out of bed. Down to Earth Chapter 187 ends with Zara referring to her as “My poor, sweet Zaida.”

Chapter 188: Take Off

Zay and Kade

Down to Earth Chapter 188 opens with Zay, terrified, taking a step back. Zara says she has set rules to protect her and asks if she doesn’t care about her family. She watches her take another step back and snaps. Revealing her true self, she screams at her, saying a whole race will be obliterated because of her selfishness. Hesitating, Zay gives Zara one last chance to tell her the truth, one chance to convince her to stay. When she hears her say that the planet needs her, she calls her a liar and takes a final step back inside. Getting in the ship, the entrance closes behind her and she hears Zara banging wildly against the door. Panicking, she blindly hits all the buttons and the ship takes off.

She moves away from Kade, crying. She says she’s almost certain Zodia survived but a small part of her still worries. He hugged her tight, saying even if it were true, they had treated her horribly. She meekly smiles at him and says she is glad to have crashed on Earth. He then looks at her horns and asks if it’s only temporary. At her affirmation, he slowly says he could take care of her till the horns go away. Zay, blushing, says she would love that. Down to Earth Chapter 188 ends with Kade asking if that means she’s moving back in.

Down to Earth Chapter 189: Welcome Back!


In Down to Earth Chapter 189, Suzy hugs Zay tight, expressing her anxiety. They have donuts and Suzy looks at her horns, making her a bit uncomfortable. Apologizing immediately, she says she was just curious and tells her off for not trusting them with it. Someone knocks on the door and Ethan shows up, crying and with gifts in hand. She assures she’s fine and looks at the flowers and balloons he got for her. Kade teases him for the “it’s a girl” balloons and he explains he was in a hurry. Zay, happy, hugs the balloon tightly, only for it to pop.

Ethan admires her horns and asks her to touch them. Suzy chides him but Zay says he can. Mesmerized, he taps at the gems growing on them. Seeing her happy with the gifts and snacks, Ethan says it will get better on her birthday. He then suggests they all play a round of Hero Kart and the gang agrees. While playing, Kade prompts Zay and she announces that she is moving back in with him. Suzy smiles knowingly and warns Kade to behave well. Ethan, suddenly remembering, asks if Stace knows she’s fine and the gang goes quiet. Down to Earth Chapter 189 ends with Zay asking if they can invite him for her birthday.

Chapter 190: Inviting Stace

Zay and Kade

Down to Earth Chapter 190 opens with the gang wondering if they can trust Stace. Kade says he will make sure that Stace never tells, making Ethan pray for the guy. Zay points out that if he comes to the party they could talk things out and that she would feel better if she had one less person to hide from. She persuades him to think from Stace’s side too and he reluctantly agrees. Suzy points out they’ll have to invite him today since the party’s tomorrow. Just then Kade thinks to himself how he will push himself to go out more so that Zay can enjoy and have the fun she deserves. Zay overhears the thought and keeps quiet.

The next scene shows Kade and Suzy at Spender’s, wondering at their manager’s unannounced absence. He suggests calling him and Suzy rings him up only to get cut. Having decided, he storms off, asking Suzy to cover for him. He goes over to Stace’s place and knocks on the door. Opening it partly, he asks if he’s there to blackmail him and assures him he won’t spill. Assuring Kade he wouldn’t have anyone to talk to about it even if he wanted to, he closes the door. Kade stops him and says he is there to invite him to Zay’s birthday party. Down to Earth Chapter 190 ends with Stace straight up saying No.

Down to Earth Chapter 191: Taken for Granted

Stace and Kade

In Down to Earth Chapter 191, Kade, annoyed, asks if this was not what Stace wanted all along. He says he had been pushing himself into their group and being friendly to him before everything. He then apologizes for pushing Stace away continuously when he was being friendly. Contradicting himself, Kade tells him he deserved most of it and that he is very annoying but nonetheless apologizes for not giving him a chance. After an awkward pause, Kade turns to leave but Stace stops him, inviting him in.

Inside, he looks around at the crystals and scented candles, not expecting the vibe. His cat jumps onto Kade’s lap and he pets her, surprised he has one too. Stace then asked how he found his address and he says he asked Cherri. Slowly, he thanks Kade for not punching him. The other guy apologizes for that and Stace admits he too was insensitive. Another awkward silence ensues and Kade breaks it by asking him how he feels. He says he’s not so good and that he hasn’t been able to sleep.

The fact that all this was real freaked him out and wondered if there were more aliens around him. Kade says he too had the same thoughts and says they can live their lives normally despite knowing this fact, unlike Zay. He says he had taken life for granted and never appreciated things much till he saw her. He then gets up and leaves, letting him know the invite still stands, concluding Down to Earth Chapter 191.

Chapter 192: Birthday Girl

Kade and Zay

Down to Earth Chapter 192 opens with Kade waking Zay up and wishing her a happy birthday. He then looks at the gems she shed and Zay apologizes for the mess while he admires it. He leads her to the decorated hall and she loves it. A while later, Suzy and Ethan appear with gifts and she glows with happiness. She asks if she shouldn’t get them anything and Suzy explains they will have their birthdays. Just then Kade appears, dressed in his new outfit, mesmerizing Zay. She opens her gifts from Suzy and Ethan and loves it all. Saving the last one from Kade, she opens it to find a framed photo of herself, Kade, and Cosmo.

The gang cut the cake and Zay thanked them all, saying she couldn’t imagine another planet to crash on. The two head off once night falls and the moment they go, Zay faces Kade. She says he was worried about her birthday not going well all day and that he is disappointed Stace didn’t appear. At that moment, someone knocks on the door and they open it to find Stace. Down to Earth Chapter 192 ends with him holding gifts and asking if he’s late.

Down to Earth Chapter 193: Patching Up


In Down to Earth Chapter 193, the scene shows Stace after Kade leaves his apartment. He’s shocked that the two of them forgave him at the same time freaked out about aliens. He doodles information and comes to the conclusion that only they know about this. He recalls how awfully he had reacted and thinks back to his childhood. Realizing he’s no better than the kids that made him feel like an outcast, he feels awful.

The scene shows the present where Stace enters their home. Zay opens his gift to find a cute alien plushy and Stace explains Spender’s recently got alien-themed stuff. He zones out, watching her horns, and quickly apologizes for staring. Zay assures him it’s fine and that she’ll be good to go in a few days. He then apologizes for the way he reacted and says she is very kind and understanding which is what matters the most. Kade reassured him it was fine and that they would be worried if he was not shocked. He then apologizes for a string of mistakes, starting from calling Kade the wrong names to being a creep to Zaida.

Feeling disappointed in himself, he says it’s no wonder he had no friends. At that, Kade gets up and goes over to him, holding out a hand. He says he forgives him and Stace takes his hand. Down to Earth Chapter 193 ends with them declaring a truce and starting over.

Chapter 194: Mind-Reader

Kade, Zay, and Stace

Down to Earth Chapter 194 opens with Zay saying how beautiful Earth is and that they should never take it for granted. Kade admits that he took everything for granted all his life and Stace agrees. Then suddenly realizing, he asks if the conversation they had the night he passed out drunk was real. Only recalling a few parts, horrified, he asks if they were gonna go through his head when he was unconscious. Abashedly Kade admits it was his idea and that Zay didn’t want to do it. Upon asking the reason, he admits he wanted to find out his motive and thought he knew more than he let on. Stace understands how one would worry over something like that in her case and then asks how her telepathy works.

Zay explains how it usually works but then pauses and decides to confess. She says she can now randomly hear thoughts without doing anything and that she cannot control it. Realizing this, Stace asks if she heard his thoughts before she flew off and apologizes. Suddenly, Kade asks if she’s been hearing his thoughts all day and Zay turns away, blushing hard.

Outside, Stace tells her about an upcoming modeling event before leaving. Once he’s gone, she turns to Kade and asks about him thinking about pizza. Admitting he’s hungry, the two are about to head in, before Zay is hit with another headache. Down to Earth Chapter 194 ends with Zay watching him reach out to her before she passes out.

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