In Down to Earth Chapter 95-104, Zay learns more about Suzy and her past, and they grow close, coming from a similar background. Zaida gets invited to a convention by Ethan and can’t wait for it. Furthermore, she gets the modelling job and cannot wait to start. She even sneaks out of Suzy’s home, wanting to see Kade desperately. Without further ado, let’s unravel Down to Earth Chapter 95-104.
Zaida’s Spaceship And Her Job
Down to Earth Chapter 95: Girl-time

In Down to Earth Chapter 95, Zay and Suzy play charades, and Suzy wins 7-0. Zay expresses her wish to get at least one point at which Suzy mimics sadness and despair. Zay immediately says, ‘Kade!’, scoring a point. She then worries about him, and Suzy assures him he’ll be fine. Suzy then suggests making a pizza to cheer her up.
While making one, Zay asks why Suzy thinks gaming is a waste of time. Suzy explains she lost interest after a ‘Beckon 7’ gaming tournament. To Zay’s surprise, she brags about being in the Top 8 of the tournament. Suzy says she decided to drop gaming if she didn’t make the Top 8. She happened to lose to a weeb and, therefore, stopped. Zaida then comments on Earthlings being so unique and wants to know more about Suzy. She asks Suzy if she has a guy ‘Delilah’ in her life.
At that point, Suzy says that she has only had ‘Ex-girlfriends’ and not boyfriends. At this, Zaida is amazed and exclaims how Earth is so cool. Suzy is surprised at Zay’s quick acceptance and admits to being used to negative reactions. Suzy says how that fact had caused her family to turn against her, and Down to Earth Chapter 95 ends with her begging to know more about Suzy’s past.
Chapter 96: Suzy’s Past
Following Down to Earth Chapter 95, Chapter 96 opens with Zaida telling Suzy about her telepathic abilities to know about Suzy’s past. Suzy notes how that might be awkward and says she wouldn’t want to get between Zay and Kade. Zay assures her by saying she has already done this with Ethan. They get ready, and Zay tells her she can stop whenever it gets too much. They touch foreheads, and she dives into Suzy’s mind.
Suzy’s memories show her as a 4th grader, terrified to show her report card of F’s and D’s to her parents. Her sister is praised for her Straight A’s while Suzy is yelled at. Her memories show how her sister was a good Christian while Suzy wasn’t, and her sister dated the perfect guy while she dated a girl. This disgusted her parents, and Suzy had to leave home. Throughout all this, her sister was supportive of her and was sad to see her go.
As Zaida sees all this, she gets emotional, and her own memories of life in Zodia slip out. She pulls away and apologizes that Suzy had to see that. Down to Earth Chapter 96 ends with Zaida admitting that they both had a similar rough past.
Down to Earth Chapter 97: A Convention
In Down to Earth Chapter 97, Zay apologizes to Suzy and says how they both questioned the morality of their choices when they left. Suzy recalls the fragments of memories she got from Zaida and asks if she put her people in danger. At this, Zay admits she’s not sure about it. The two are interrupted by Zay’s phone ringing from Ethan’s call.
Zay fills him in on the situation, and Ethan is shocked that she is avoiding Kade. Ethan says that it doesn’t seem like a good idea and that the result will depend on how Kade handles the situation. Ethan then says the reason he called was to invite Zaida to a convention. He says it would be fun to hang out at a con and that they have time to decide their cosplays since it’s more than a month away. Zay says how Kade might like it which makes Suzy disagree. The scene concludes with Zaida asking Suzy to invite him tomorrow at work.
Suzy is surprised by Kade accepting her invite. She admits he didn’t seem like the type to enjoy ‘Nerd Fests’ and calls him out by saying he just wants to go because Zay would too. Kade brushes it off and asks if Zaida ignores his calls and texts since he’s been spamming her. Suzy, startled, says that is the reason and that it definitely wasn’t her idea. Kade, distressed, admits to not knowing what to do, being alone again. Suzy reassures him that it’s only temporary and says Zay is having the girl time she needs. She asks Kade to endure it for Zaida, and Kade thanks her. Down to Earth Chapter 97 ends with Stace overhearing them and thinking Zaida and Kade broke up.
Chapter 98: Invitation
Down to Earth Chapter 98 opens with Stace snooping around Suzy. She is being praised by a customer for her modelling when Stace pops up. He notes how Suzy is quite popular, and she says she can’t be as popular as Delilah. She then asks where Delilah is, and Stace tells her she’s busy with the photoshoot. Suzy, relieved, says that’s good for Kade, piquing Stace’s interest. Suzy tells him to ask Kade himself if he’s brave enough. Stace then asks if Suzy and ‘Miss Zaida’ are close and recalls them being together during the modelling event. Suzy says she was showing Zaida around, and Stace is pleased to hear that she is interested in his offer. He then asks Suzy to invite Zaida to the store when Kade isn’t around to show her modelling. Suzy agrees and says she would love it if Zaida joins the team.
The next scene shows Suzy entering her home to find Zaida playing Tendi. Suzy asks Zaida the date and realizes she forgot to pay rent. She then asks Zay if she would like to join her in taking Charlie for a walk. While walking, Zay asks if rent is difficult, and Suzy says she makes enough money not to worry about it. Zay says she, too, would like to provide for herself and be independent. Suzy tells Zay she could start by taking up Stace’s offer. Down to Earth Chapter 98 ends with Suzy inviting Zay to work one day to show her the ropes.
Down to Earth Chapter 99: Modelling
In Down to Earth Chapter 99, Suzy takes a nervous Zay to Spenders’. Over there, Delilah passes in front of Zay, and Zay wonders what happened between Delilah and Kade. She is about to stop her when Stace appears. He takes her inside and expresses his gratitude for taking an interest in his offer. He says she’ll have to start by building a portfolio and getting it approved by their agents. Zaida is confused and Suzy says she can easily build one for her. Stace then asks Zay to follow him to show some samples and tells Suzy to get to work.
Stace shows her online shopping and asks if she shops online often. Zaida says she has not and, at seeing Stace surprised, quickly says she does it all the time. Stace, although confused, drops the topic and tells her she only has to worry about the photoshoots and nothing else. Zay is pleased by the thought and asks about what exactly happens in a photoshoot. Stace explains and tells her she can easily turn down an outfit if she isn’t comfortable. Zaida smiles and thanks Stace, making his heart beat faster. Half-dazed, he asks Zay if she would like to join him for lunch, just to see her go off with an “I’ll be with Suzy now”.
Zay excitedly tells Suzy how she loved the idea of modeling. As they talk, Stace appears again and informs her that once she gets approved she’ll have to show her ID Proof for further process. Realization strikes Suzy and Zaida and Down to Earth Chapter 99 ends with Zaida replying with an ‘Of Course’.
Chapter 100: Zay’s ID
Down to Earth Chapter 100 starts with Suzy taking photos of Zay in various outfits for her portfolio. She notes how Zay seems uncomfortable. Zay admits she’s worried about the ID proof, and Suzy brushes it off to worry later. Seeing Zay still worried, Suzy decides to take a break. They make tea, during which Suzy says how a fake ID would be her best option. The two wonder who they could possibly approach for shady business. Together, they realize Ethan would be their best option. They call him, and Ethan says he, too, had thought about the same. Despite counting on him, Suzy was surprised to learn Ethan had a guy. Ethan asks them to send a photo of Zaida, assuring them he can get it done in no time.
Ethan comes over with a very obviously fake ID. As the three of them wonder what to do next, Zay suddenly asks if they have an ID she can borrow. She says she could turn the fake ID into a real one using her ship. The trio go over to Kade’s house to get to her spaceship. They arrive at Kade’s to find he hasn’t yet returned from work. They go to the back and Suzy and Ethan are confused to find the spaceship nowhere in sight. Ethan walks slowly and slams into the invisible spaceship. Down to Earth Chapter 100 ends with Zaida turning off the cloaking device of the ship.
Down to Earth Chapter 101: Zay’s Spaceship
In Down to Earth Chapter 101, Suzy and Ethan stare dumbfounded at the sight before them. They ask how to enter such a ship, and Zaida explains that they’ll have to fly in. She then realizes and says it is a small space and couldn’t possibly fit all three of them. Suzy understands and jabs Ethan when he protests. Zaida takes Suzy’s ID and flies into the ship. Suzy jabs Ethan again in Zay’s wake and tells him to read the room. She explains Zaida is obviously uncomfortable with the situation and does not like to be reminded of home. Ethan apologizes for not considering that. He then asks Suzy if she ever wondered about Zodians coming back for Zaida and hurting them, to which Suzy reluctantly agrees.
The scene changes to Zaida inside the spaceship, memories of fleeing Zodia flooding her mind. She pushes them away and gets to the task at hand. She finds the converting device and, not knowing how to operate it, pushes some buttons and holds the IDs in front of the device. Zaida, overjoyed, watches her fake ID turn into a real one.
The next scene shows Zaida at Spender’s, submitting her ID proof to Stace. Stace accepts it, barely checking twice and tells Zay all she needs now would be a portfolio. Down to Earth Chapter 101 ends with Stace informing her she’ll be all set once her portfolio is accepted.
Chapter 102: Restlessness
In Down to Earth Chapter 102, Zaida, nervous, asks Suzy if she will be accepted, and if she will, would Earthlings find her different and weird. Suzy tells her to relax and that looking out of place would be the least of her worries. Zay watches Suzy working when suddenly a girl approaches her. Kade’s stalker girl (from Down to Earth Chapter 13) introduces herself as Anita and says they had met fleetingly at MallMart. After the introductions, Anita asks if Zay shops at Spender’s often, to which Zay gives a mediocre reply. Anita, hesitating, asks if Zaida and Kade are still together. Before Zaida can reply, Stace comes over. Stace announces that the agents love her, and Zaida can’t contain her excitement and nervousness. Stace informs Zaida of the date and time of her first photoshoot, and Zaida is overjoyed.
Zaida is restless due to nerves back at Suzy’s place. She asks if she can see Kade, and Suzy says it’s too late and that he’s probably asleep. That night, Zaida texts Kade, asking if he’s up. At his reply, she looks over at a fast-asleeping Suzy and sneaks out. She flies over the sleeping city, and Down to Earth Chapter 102 ends with Kade opening the door to a glowing Zaida.
Down to Earth Chapter 103: Zay’s Job
Down to Earth Chapter 103 starts with Kade fumbling and asking Zaida a stream of questions. She throws her arms around him, exclaiming, ‘I MISSED YOU!’, causing Kade to trip and fall backwards. Zay apologizes, and Kade says he, too, had missed her. The two then catch up over pizza, and Kade scoots closer to Zaida as they talk. Kade is pleased to hear she likes his home better than Suzy’s and blushes when she says the main reason is him. She then tells him she got the modelling job and is about to explain her love for it when Kade interrupts her. He says he’s proud of her, making Zay glow again, and explains he was worried about her safety. Down to Earth Chapter 103 ends with Zaida asking if now was a good time to move back in with him.
Chapter 104: Kade’s Me-time
Down to Earth Chapter 104 opens with Kade glowing, telling Zay it would mean the world to him if she moved back in. However, he says he’s thought over it, and this way, Zaida gets the girl-time she needs and him, his me-time. Despite wanting her to move back in, he tells her it would be better if they continued this for a while longer. Zaida says she’s proud of Kade for growing so much and making Kade smile. He then decides it’s time to take her back to Suzy.
Suzy exclaims her panic at Zay’s absence and asks if she flew to him. Zaida says that though it might not have been the best idea, she had desperately wanted to see Kade. Suzy, realizing this, apologizes to Zaida and tells them she will take her next time no matter what. They say their goodbyes, and Kade returns to his car, thinking of how happy Zaida seemed at seeing him. Once in bed, Zaida apologizes to Suzy again and tells her Kade had asked for more time apart. This surprises Suzy, and she notes that Kade’s me-time had worked out well.
The next day, Kade sees Delilah and Stace talking and quickly turns and walks away when Delilah notices. Stace informs Delilah about a new model for Spender’s and jokingly advises her not to let the newbie outshine her. Down to Earth Chapter 104 ends with Delilah smirking and thinking to herself, ‘Yeah, right’.
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