In Down to Earth Chapter 85-94, Zaida seeks help from a friend of Kade’s past. She then makes a huge decision on how to help Kade, which will greatly alter the story. A new character who is very much like Kade is introduced and, as always, is charmed by Zaida.
How Are They Doing?
Down to Earth Chapter 85: A Convenient Accident

In Down to Earth Chapter 85, Zay decides to contact Ellie for help with Kade. She tries to get her contact from his phone when he’s in the shower. Disappointed, she realizes it is locked with a password. Suddenly, he comes out of the shower, all ready for work. He leaves, asking her to feed Cosmo. In his wake, she returns to her bedroom and finds her phone missing. She realizes Kade took her phone by accident, and Down to Earth Chapter 85 ends with Zay taking Kade’s phone.
Chapter 86: Kade’s Yearbook
Following Down to Earth Chapter 85, Chapter 86 opens with Kade at work, watching Delilah with the customers. Suzy asks if she could ask about Delilah and him, and Kade agrees. She asks who broke up with whom, and he replies that it had been him. Suzy says that’s hard to believe since he hasn’t even moved on. He admits to not wanting to talk about it further. He looks over at Delilah again, and this time, Stace notices and waves. Kade, wanting to go home already, checks his phone for the time. He stares at the Cosmo wallpaper, realizing it is too late.
Back at home, Zay is getting Kade’s pink box, desperate to find any number series. Suddenly, a book falls on her head, and she notices Cosmo on the top rack of Kade’s cupboard. The book happens to be a yearbook, and Zay goes through it. Down to Earth Chapter 86 ends with Zay finding Ellie’s number in it.
Down to Earth Chapter 87: Advice
In Down to Earth Chapter 87, Kade comes back home to an excited Zaida. She greets him, takes her phone and flies off to the bedroom to text Ellie. They call, and Zay says how she’s worried about Kade and tells her how Delilah’s back. She admits how he’s more needy for hugs and that it feels like he isn’t looking for comfort when he does so. She says it’s like he wants her to be Delila, which is why Ellie says she should break up with him. Ellie says that Zay should give him some time to get his head together and move on from Delilah. At this, Zay recalls how Suzy had suggested the same. She thanks Ellie for her advice and decides what to do.
Zaida goes over to Kade the next day and says they need to talk. She hugs him tight and asks what he feels when he hugs her. Kade doesn’t have an answer to it, and Zay is about to tell him about her decision when a woman bangs open the front door. Her greeting to Kade is halted midway when she sees Zay half on top of Kade, who is lying on the sofa. Down to Earth Chapter 87 ends with Kade, blushing red, saying, ‘Hey Mom’.
Chapter 88: Kade’s Mother
In Down to Earth Chapter 88, Kade introduces Zaida to his mother and Zay, still blushing, goes off to make tea. During tea Kade asks the reason for his mother’s sudden visit. She whines about her rich date being married, which doesn’t surprise him as this is the third guy she has dated who’s ‘happened to be’ married. She then asks about him and Zaida, and having no other reasonable explanation, he proclaims them to be dating, shocking Zay. His mother and Zay start talking, and she shows Zaida his baby photos. She praises her for being so genuine and kind-hearted and tells Kade to take good care of her. Kade’s mom then asks for some alone time with him, and Zay goes into the bedroom. Down to Earth Chapter 88 ends with Kade’s mother asking him if he finally got over Delilah.
Down to Earth Chapter 89: Decisions
In Down to Earth Chapter 89, Kade pauses before lying and saying he doesn’t even think of Delilah anymore. Kade’s mother shows her concern by saying it wouldn’t be fair to Zaida if he weren’t. She then plops down on the sofa and surprises Kade by announcing she will stay the night.
He enters the bedroom to catch Zaida eavesdropping. She asks if they are dating now and if they will kiss or mate. Shocked, Kade says that that was just a lie. She is disappointed that he lied to his mother, and Kade explains that there is no option. He says he didn’t want his mother worrying. She suggests they continue their talk from earlier.
They sit on the bed, and Zay starts by saying that she isn’t sure whether she’s making the right decision. She asks if he remembers Suzy’s earlier offer to her. Kade realizes this and asks if she wants to go live with her now. Zay says how she thinks it would give him the alone time he needs. This distresses Kade, and when Zaida says how her presence might be affecting him too, he mumbles, ‘That’s not it’. Zay, not hearing him right, asks him to repeat, and he covers his mood and says that it’s alright if it’s what she wants. Down to Earth Chapter 89 concludes with them going to bed and Kade pondering over the matter.
Chapter 90: Nightmare
In Down to Earth Chapter 90, Kade has a nightmare about not finding Zaida anywhere. He wakes up, startled, then relaxes at seeing a sleeping Zay beside him. He reaches over and touches her hair, thinking how she wouldn’t be there anymore, at least for a while.
The next morning, Kade’s mother confronts Kade about how she doesn’t believe he has gotten over Delilah. Kade buffers at that, and his mom assures him he doesn’t have to talk about it. She wishes he would be more honest with her about it and asks him not to break Zay’s sweetheart. She asks him to call her whenever he needs to talk and leaves. The bedroom door opens to a drowsy Zaida asking why his mom left without telling her goodbye. Kade assures her she will visit again. He then hesitantly asks if she would like to go out with him.
Chapter 91: Not A Date
In Down to Earth Chapter 91, Zaida is at a mall, happy they are hanging out again. As they walk together, Kade thinks of Zay moving out and how he would be alone again. He then looks over at Zay and notes how it feels like a date. He looks down at Zay’s hand and wonders at her reaction if he held it. Gently taking his hand in hers, he waits for her reaction, heart beating fast and loud. Seeing her as red as him, he quickly withdraws and apologizes, claiming it is an attempt to blend in. Suddenly, they are interrupted by her belly growling.
The two go over to a burger place, and as Zay orders, a guy checks her out. Kade, noticing this, pulls her against him, shocking her. While eating, Kade asks when she will be leaving and asks if there’s any hurry. He is dismayed to hear that she plans on leaving tomorrow and how if she leaves sooner, she could return sooner. She says he needs time alone and that he has changed since meeting Delilah. The words jumble and morph into noises for Kade as he grows more desperate. She asks if she gets him, and he looks up and sees Ellie in Zay’s place. Down to Earth Chapter 91 ends with Kade thinking to himself how he doesn’t understand any of this.
Down to Earth Chapter 92: Moving Out
In Down to Earth Chapter 92, Zaida and Suzy are loading Zay’s stuff into Suzy’s car. She goes over to Kade and tells him to call her whenever he feels like it. She asks him to promise her he would be fine. He, in turn, asks her to stay safe, and she runs into him, hugging him tight. She assures him she’ll be back soon and leaves.
In the car, Suzy is excited and tells Zay they will have so much fun together. She goes on about what they would do till she notices Zaida crying. Upon asking, Zay admits to how she would miss Kade. The scene changes, showing Kade at home, doing chores blankly. As he folds the laundry, one of Zay’s t-shirts falls, and when he bends to pick it up, tears roll down his face. The next scene shows Kade despairing at work. Suzy offers to take over the register, but he refuses. She goes off, asking him to let her know if she needs anything. As she turns, he reluctantly asks how Zay’s doing, and that is the end of Down to Earth Chapter 92.
Down to Earth Chapter 93: New Living Condition
Down to Earth Chapter 93 opens with Zay waking up and processing where she is. She is greeted by Suzy’s dog, Charlie, and realizes. She feeds Charlie and notes how different Suzy’s house is. Looking around the house, she finds familiarity in Suzy’s collection of lewd magazines. She spends the day watching movies, reading manga and sleeping. Suzy returns with sushi and asks how Zay’s day went. She admits to missing video games, at which Suzy reveals she isn’t much of a gamer. She says how she finds it a waste of time making Zay contradict that it’s a fun waste of time. Zay pouts and calls her silly for thinking so. At that, Suzy pulls out a Tendi (Nintendo) for Zay to play. She is overjoyed at this, and Suzy says it was his idea to keep her entertained.
Down to Earth Chapter 93 ends with Zay’s phone vibrating with unread messages from Kade.
Chapter 94: Missing
In Down to Earth Chapter 94, Zay is about to call Kade, and Suzy asks her to tell him to keep it short since they have fun girl stuff planned. Zay calls him, and after an awkward pause, she asks what he wishes to talk about, at which Kade admits there was nothing in particular. After another pause, Zay asks if he has a reason to call her, and he says he just wants to check in on her. She asks if he’s doing alright, and he admits to not being used to loneliness. He notes how that’s weird since loneliness was his norm and that now he’s barely adjusting. They hang up with her, thanking him for the Tendi.
Zay and Suzy watch a movie, during which Kade’s message pops up. Suzy asks if she should pause, to which Zay says she’ll respond later. After a while, her phone vibrates with another text from Kade, exasperating Suzy. She apologizes, at which Suzy says it’s not her fault.
Throughout the night, she gets random messages from Kade, and finally, the next day, Suzy confronts her. She asks if she has even opened the Tendi yet, and Zay admits to not finding time to play it. Suzy asks if she has been texting him all this time, and Zay expresses his concern for him. She explains how he won’t be getting ‘Kade time’ if he keeps texting her and if she keeps responding. Down to Earth Chapter 94 ends with Zaida giving Kade the needed time.
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