In the previous chapters of Down to Earth we saw how Kade and Zaida’s bond grows as they adjust to their new lives. As they continue to learn from each other, both face challenges that test this new bond of theirs. These chapters are filled with moments of growth, discovery, and the subtle development of their relationship, setting the stage for future revelations and adventures. Now, let’s dive in and see how Down to Earth Chapter 9-16 unfolds.
Kade And Zaida’s Growing Bond
Down to Earth Chapter 9: Zaida’s lessons

Down to Earth Chapter 9 begins with Kade instructing Zaida on how to feed Cosmo. It shows how, over the days, Kade teaches Zaida essential skills such as healthcare and cooking. One day, he shows her how to prepare spaghetti, and through their interactions and gestures, it becomes evident how close and comfortable they have grown with each other. After dinner, Zaida shares that she never had the freedom to choose her food or clothing in Zodia, and she expresses her gratitude by preparing her favorite dish from her planet. Although wary of its appearance, Kade reluctantly tries it and is pleasantly surprised by its delicious taste, ending Down to Earth Chapter 9.
Chapter 10: Realizations
In Down to Earth Chapter 10, while playing Mr. Money (Monopoly), Kade realizes at first that Zaida cannot read or write. He introduced her to television, explaining that he had learned most things from it. As he teaches her how to use the controls, he notices their close proximity and reflects on how quickly they have grown close. He is reminded of someone from his past whom he is trying to forget and is determined not to go down that path again. She senses his tension and apologizes, thinking she is to blame. Kade reassures her, saying he got lost in thoughts, and they return to watching TV.
Eventually, Kade falls asleep, curling up on Zaida’s lap. Understanding how exhausted he must be, she lets him rest there. He wakes up to the warmth and quickly realizes where he is. He jolts upright and, in an attempt to distract himself, hurriedly asks her what she has learned. By the end of Down to Earth Chapter 10, it dawns on him that introducing her to TV might not have been the best idea.
Chapter 11: Zay’s First Drawing
Down to Earth Chapter 11 opens with Kade at work. As usual, Kade’s manager, Stace, pesters him at work and tries to engage him in chitchat. Kade, feeling annoyed, questions Stace’s unusual intrusiveness, at which Stace blushes but is saved from answering by an ‘urgent’ phone call. Although unsettled, he lets it be.
The next scene shows Kade returning home and finding Zaida excitedly holding one of his romance mangas, curious about what it is. He becomes defensive and tries to explain anime to her. Realizing that she is more interested in the artwork, he encourages her to try drawing. Her first attempt is remarkably impressive, and Kade praises her, affectionately calling her “Zay,” a nickname she instantly loves. He falls asleep on the sofa, and before going to bed herself, she leaves a drawing of the two beside him. This touching gesture underscores their growing bond, ending Down to Earth Chapter 11.
Chapter 12: Zay’s Day Out
In Down to Earth Chapter 12, Zaida is awoken by Kade getting ready at 2 in the morning to go grocery shopping. Upon her inquiry, he admits that he goes at such an odd time to avoid people, and she perks up at the prospect of exploring the outside world. Kade reluctantly agrees with a set of instructions on dos and don’ts. While shopping, he notices someone watching them and anxiously hurries to finish it. Upon reaching the top rack, Zaida’s mind get busy with plushies and floats to reach them. He reacts by grabbing her by the waist to make it seem like he’s lifting her. Immediately, they hear a shriek, and he accepts their doom. Down to Earth Chapter 12 ends with the shriek, leaving readers hanging and wanting to know what happened next.
Chapter 13: Stalker
Down to Earth Chapter 13 opens with Kade’s mind racing with the potential consequences of being caught. He is about to accept their fate when he realizes the shriek came from a girl stalking him. Seeing Kade’s arms wrapped around her, she assumes they are dating, reacts dramatically, and runs away. Nearly fainting from relief, he goes over to the electronics section and resumes shopping, already done with the day. While there, she is captivated by something on the TV, but when she asks him about it, the scene changes, and Kade, excited by a gaming console on sale, doesn’t notice Zaida’s curiosity.
On the way back, Zaida thanks Kade for taking her shopping, and Kade warns her not to fly in public again; he relives the memory and finds himself liking the feel of her against him. He pushes those thoughts away and asks her if she feels trapped by being unable to fly, to which she replies she has never felt more free. When they return home, he teaches her how to play video games using his new console, which she quickly masters. As they play, Kade wonders about Zaida’s life on Zodia and wants to ask her about it. However, they both fall asleep together on the sofa mid-game, concluding Down to Earth Chapter 13.
Chapter 14: Heatwaves and Pancakes
Down to Earth Chapter 14 opens with Kade waking up to find Zaida asleep on his legs, drooling. After taking a moment to process the situation, he jumps up and rushes to get ready for work. Zaida, still drowsy, complains about the heat and begs for pancakes. On the other hand, Kade expresses annoyance, having no time to take a shower. He dashes off to work, leaving behind a pancake-craving, sweaty Zaida.
At work, Kade is desperate for a shower and realizes that their body heat while sleeping has caused them both to sweat. He feels a familiar flutter of butterflies but quickly suppresses it. His manager, noticing him on edge, approaches and surprises him by expressing a desire to be friends, leaving Kade speechless. Back home, Zaida feels refreshed after a bath, and while sorting through clothes, she notices the previously abandoned pink box. Down to Earth Chapter 14 ends with the curiosity about the contents of the mysterious pink box.
Chapter 15: The Pink Box
Down to Earth Chapter 15 shows Kade stunned at his manager’s request. He avoids answering and tries to busy himself with work. Stace stops him and demands a reply, which Kade declines, stating that they barely know each other’s names. He tells Stace to stick with the friends he’s got and goes back to work. Stace, on the other hand, is happy that he got something out of ‘brooding Kade’.
The scene shifts to Zaida sitting on the bed with a pink box in hand. She decides not to open it, respecting Kade’s privacy, and leaves the box on the bed. She goes about her day and belatedly realizes she never put the box back in the cupboard. While doing so, she hears Kade come in and rushes to put it back, causing a Polaroid to slip out, concluding Down to Earth Chapter 15.
Down to Earth Chapter 16: The Polaroid
Down to Earth Chapter 16 opens with Kade entering the bedroom; he finds Zaida lying face down on the floor with her arms spread out, effectively concealing the polaroid beneath her. When asked about dinner, she said she was exercising and got tired. Although Kade finds this explanation odd, he decides to let it go. During dinner, Kade asks Zaida how old she is by having her draw a mark for each year, as they don’t understand each other’s number systems.
Once she finishes, Kade warns her that he would have to kick her out if she were too young. This causes Zaida to panic and try to snatch the paper, but she is 20 and, therefore, old enough to stay. After dinner, they go to bed. Once in her room, Zaida retrieves the Polaroid, revealing a photo of Kade kissing a pink-haired girl on the cheek with “Happy 4 years” written below. The joy on Kade’s face in the photo shows that he wasn’t always as gloomy as he is now. This keeps readers on edge, wanting to know what exactly happened to Kade, ending Down to Earth Chapter 16.
What do you think about Down to Earth Chapter 9-16? What could have possibly happened to Kade? Let us know in the comment section below. Subscribe to Animemangatoon for more insightful chapter reviews and popular watch recommendations!