In Down to Earth Chapter 135-144, Kade and Zay are off to a theme park whose theme, coincidentally, is romantic. Ethan, knowing how Zay feels, follows the two around with an unwilling Dustin as his partner-in-crime. The two try to orchestrate the couple’s day out so as to give them a ‘push in the right direction’. They confess to each other, resulting in an eventful journey. These chapters alter the relationship of Zaida and Kade as well as the whole plot. Without much delay, let’s get into Down to Earth Chapter 135-144.
Kade And Zaida | Theme Park
Down to Earth Chapter 135: Wingmen

In Down to Earth Chapter 135, Ethan basically squeals with excitement, knowing the two were made for each other. He then sees the text was meant for Suzy, the same moment Zaida realizes it. She quickly deletes it and puts the phone away, wondering if Ethan could’ve seen the message. She then imagines Ethan telling Kade and his reaction. Panicking, she texts Ethan, asking if he saw the message she deleted. Ethan, feeling sympathetic, thinks how a message cannot be deleted once sent. However, he assures her he didn’t get any message. Zay then says she and Kade are going to an amusement park and that she’s going to sleep. Ethan, excited, wishes her a fun time and a good night. Going back online, he asks if Dustin is interested in being his wingman, confusing him.
Zay wakes up to Kade making pancakes, shirtless. She expresses her excitement for their day out and Kade says he feels the same way. He brings her pancakes and she is distracted by the sight before her. Down to Earth Chapter 135 ends with Zay hoping the day goes well.
Chapter 136: Weak Spots

Following Down to Earth Chapter 135, Chapter 36 starts with Kade thinking how close Zay was the previous night and wanting to ask her so badly. He remembers the last time Zay’s curiosity (Down to Earth Chapter 72) had perked up and thought about what he could do this time. They get done with breakfast and Zay goes off to get ready. As she gets ready she feels silly for thinking the way she is. She wants to look good for him and wears makeup and outfits to get his attention. She remembers how Kade has a weak spot on her neck and wears a sleeveless top with a shrug.
The moment Kade sees Zay he notices the top and quickly pulls up her shrug, trying to cover her neck, saying it will be too cold outside. She thinks to herself how caring Kade is, then remembers her agenda and shoos him away. Insisting she’ll be fine she wears the shrug off-shoulder.
On their way to the amusement park Zay is unable to contain her excitement. Kade plays a metal song and she vibes to it, making him laugh. They reach the theme park and the two look at the romantic theme park. Down to Earth Chapter 136 ends with Kade warily thinking the theme changed from the last time he visited.
Down to Earth Chapter 137: Romantic Theme Park

In Down to Earth Chapter 137, Kade apologizes for the awkwardness and Zay insists it’s fine. Meanwhile, peeking over the walls, Ethan is excited to find the two standing in line for the tickets. Dustin asks how he knew they would be here and Ethan explains that is the only theme park in the area. Wondering, Dustin asks why they would be here if they are just friends and Ethan says he knows that Zay is in love for sure. Dustin remembers how Kade had said he would miss Zaida if he and Delilah got back together. Feeling pumped, he helps Ethan.
They get their tickets and Zay laughs at how they got a couple discount. Kade says most of the people here probably pretended to get the discount. She then looks around and is mesmerized by the sight. They decide to play games before the rides which Ethan, hidden from the two, eavesdrops on. Dustin complains about feeling like a true stalker while Ethan says winning cute prizes for your partner is way more romantic than slow rides.
The two try a lot of games and while playing whack-the-mole, they are called by a suspicious game vendor. The guy offers the couple a free first try at picking a special duck from a pond of regular rubber ducks. Whoever gets a special duck wins a prize. The guy persuades Kade, saying how it’s a nice chance to win his girl a prize. At that, she expresses her need to win one for herself. Kade insists on letting him try first and says he wants to win her something. Down to Earth Chapter 137 ends with Zay’s heart skipping a beat and letting Kade go first.
Chapter 138: Cute Prizes

In Down to Earth Chapter 138, Kade carefully picks a duck and turning it, finds a red dot underneath it. The vendor, congratulating him on getting the special duck, proceeds to show the variety of prizes. Kade asks if he could pick one for Zay and chooses a pancake plushie. As he gives it to her, her eyes start glowing and Kade quickly pulls her to him, covering her face with his chest. He covers it up and Dustin (the vendor) thinks she cried from joy. The moment they walk away, Ethan appears, applauding their idea to mark all the ducks. Dustin, surprised it actually worked, says she had started crying. Ethan however, knowing the truth, dashes off to follow the two.
Zay asks to ride in the ‘Big Wheel’ and watch the huge line in front of them. Deciding to wait for a while, the two stand in line. Ethan, watching them, comes up with an idea to reduce the line. As Kade and Zay wait in line, she tells him how well a lot of couples are ‘pretending’. Kade explains there are real couples out there too and she suddenly asks if they too can pretend.
The next scene shows Ethan and Dustin, standing at the front of the line. Ethan suddenly removes Dustin’s scarf and cap, and yells, “HEY! IT’S THE FAMOUS Q-TUBER GUY”. The crowd starts screaming Dustin’s name and runs after him, Dustin takes off, feeling back-stabbed. Suddenly, a hand falls on Ethan’s shoulder, and Down to Earth Chapter 138 ends with him thinking he’s caught.
Down to Earth Chapter 139: Rule Three

Down to Earth Chapter 139 starts with Ethan slowly turning around, accepting his fate, just to find Jessica, his classmate (and crush). The two exchange greetings and Ethan, hesitantly, asks who she is with. Jessica says she’s here with friends and that they got on a ride she was too scared to go on. Just then Dustin returns, yelling at Ethan, all scratched up with a lipstick mark on his cheek.
Kade giddily smiles at the idea, he is about to ask her to explain when Zay points out the line disappeared. The two get on the Ferris wheel and Zay covers her eyes. Kade, hesitating, confronts Zaida about the tension between them and asks if she wants to talk about it. Zay notes how he calls her by her full name and asks him to explain what he means by tension. Kade warily explains how she is too awkward around him and asks if she wants to move back to Suzy’s. She rejects the idea and says she’d much rather move back in with him.
He then says he knows she’s curious about romance and insists he’s not worth it, reminding her of rule three. He says he doesn’t mind pretending but wouldn’t want to add to the awkwardness. At Zay’s silence, Kade panics and explains he does not want to lose their friendship the way he did with Ellie. At that, she asks what would he do if she became romantic with someone else. Her face is still covered, her voice breaks and she starts trembling. Kade pulls her hands away to see her tear-stricken face. Down to Earth Chapter 139 ends with Zay apologizing and confessing she broke rule three.
Chapter 140: Zay’s Confession

Down to Earth Chapter 140 shows Zay crying and explaining how she cannot control her feelings for him. Kade, shocked, tries to form words when both his good and evil side pops up, urging him to confess. Just then his dark past appears, saying he will mess this up and completely ruin their friendship. Broken, Kade falls onto Zay, hugging her and she apologizes, holding him close.
The next scene shows Ethan, Jessica, and a gloomy Dustin having cotton candy. Jessica asks what’s Ethan and his friend up to and upon finding out, chides him. She says that if it’s true love, it will bloom by itself and that he shouldn’t interfere with it. Ethan, feeling guilty, agrees with her. Once Jessica’s gone he tells Dustin about what she said. He agrees with her and asks him why he wants them together so badly. Ethan explains they both deserve happiness and that they’ll be happy, once together. He cries and tells how, if Dustin had seen their chemistry, he too would feel the same. Confused, Dustin says they’ll just sit back and see how the rest of the day goes. He then notices Zay and Kade going into the tunnel of love and takes it as a good sign.
Inside the Tunnel of Love, Zay apologizes for the ride being too intimate and Kade brushes it off. She regrets telling Kade her feelings since he hasn’t said a word since then. Kade on the other hand is ignoring the devil’s side telling him to place his hand on her thigh. It then reminds him of her trying to kiss him when he was asleep. At that, Kade takes Zay’s hand in his. Down to Earth Chapter 140 ends with him asking if she tried to do so.
Down to Earth Chapter 141: Confrontation

In Down to Earth Chapter 141, Zay turns her head away from his question. Hesitating, she says she tried but stopped herself. As she asks for forgiveness, head turned away, Kade notices her neck and collarbones. Immediately his evil side appears, reminding him how those could be theirs if he just confessed. She faces him and asks if he would have hated it if she kissed him. As he is about to reply, his past looms behind him, reminding him of Ellie, but the good and bad sides vanquish it by saying this time it’s Zaida. Kade, blushing hard, turns and admits he wouldn’t have hated it.
Zay’s eyes glow bright at that and Kade warns her. She quickly covers them and Kade asks what she sees in him. She starts listing out everything, from the moment he bandaged her from her crash-landing, ending with how his physical appearance too has been on her mind. The evil side chants ‘TOLD YA’, in Kade’s head. He says he’s glad she crashed into his life and Zay asks what his honest feelings are. Down to Earth Chapter 141 ends with his evil side yelling, ‘DO IT’.
Chapter 142: First Kiss

Down to Earth Chapter 142 opens with Kade leaning close to Zay. Just as he does so, the ride ends. Once outside, Kade needs another ride to tell her how he feels and the two go on the skyline. However, they notice the seats are too small and the staff at the ride emphasizes the ride is for couples only. Zay hesitates but Kade takes her hand and asks to ride it. They get in, Zay sitting between Kade’s legs. Zay turns around to face Kade and thanks him for taking her out. He asks to continue their talk from before but is distracted by Zay sitting on his lap. Swallowing hard, he bends down pulls Zay close, and touches their foreheads.
Kade shows her their time together and how he loved every second of it. He lists all the things he loves about her, and how empty he felt when she moved out. He pulls away from her, tears forming in his eyes, and says how, even now, he’s too scared of losing her. Zay cups Kade’s cheeks, wiping his tears away, she leans close, lips almost touching, and assures him it will be alright. Down to Earth Chapter 142 ends with their lips meeting and Zaida and Kade lost in their first kiss.
Down to Earth Chapter 143: Pending Relationship Status

In Down to Earth Chapter 143, Kade pulls away and Zay admits to not knowing what she’s doing. He is surprised at how confident she seems to which Zay confesses she’s shaking all over. Pausing for a moment, she says how she’s caught glimpses of Kade wanting to kiss her neck. Lowering her shrug, she asks if he wants to try. Hot all over, Kade bends down, making sure she’s fine with it, and bites in.
The ride ends and the two-step out, blushing deep red, deciding to head back home. Meanwhile, Ethan is disappointed he lost them and hates that he missed the ending. Dustin cheers him up saying their plan may have worked out and tells him to go home and play some games.
Zay and Kade have an awfully quiet ride back home and, upon reaching home, Zay quickly changes and wishes him a happy night. Kade wonders if he screwed up again, his head replaying what had happened in the skyline, over and over again. Just then she flies over to him, and slams into him, hugging him tight. She thanks him again and says that day was one of her best days on Earth. Looking away she says she’ll never forget the moment they shared. Then, kissing him on the cheek, she flies back into the room. Once inside, she thinks of everything she and Kade did. Down to Earth Chapter 143 ends with Zay wondering if they are dating now.
Chapter 144: Zay Seeks Help

Down to Earth Chapter 144 opens with Zay and Kade sitting cuddled on the sofa, pancakes on the table before them. Just as she says she feels complete now, someone knocks at the front door. She goes to get it and finds Delilah, saying Zay doesn’t belong on Earth or with Kade. She yells, “Get lost FREAK” and Zay backs up. He apologizes to her, saying he wants to be with Delilah and they cannot do this anymore. Zay, startled, wakes up, panting hard from the nightmare.
Suzy and Sara are at the beach when Suzy gets a call from her. Zay suddenly asks her if two people kiss, would they be dating? Suzy pauses, processing, and yells, “ZAIDA I’VE BEEN GONE FOR TWO DAYS!!” surprising her sister. She quickly interrupts her, saying she’s watching a movie and trying to understand. Suzy asks if Zay just called her for a movie and Zay, embarrassed, quickly apologizes and hangs up. Suzy then texts her, explaining how there usually is a verbal agreement before two people date and asks if this is about Kade. Zay, not wanting to disturb her, doesn’t reply to her message and decides to confront Kade herself.
At work, the skyline moment plays in Kade’s head and he accidentally drops a box of clothes. Stace approaches him, asking if he’s fine. He brushes him off and bends down to pick up the clothes. Stace, remembering Zay’s request, gets down and takes care of the mess. Down to Earth Chapter 144 ends with Stace telling Kade to take a break.
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