Wendy Lian Martin’s world-building and character development in Season 2, Castle Swimmer Chapter 69-75, takes us to a higher level. We are on a captivating plunge into this story that will have the highest stakes ever and unravel deep mysteries of the sea in unexpected ways. These chapters put us at the edge of our seats as Siren and Kappa face new challenges on their dangerous journey. The suspense is killing me! The last chapter sees dramatic events unfold, upon which Castle Swimmer Chapter 69-75 builds, promising to go deeper into the heart of those enigmatic conflicts.
Castle Swimmer Chapter 69: The Thieves Return

Castle Swimmer Chapter 69 starts with Siren and Pagoon following a voice of help as it leads them toward a substantial strangling plant. The voice comes from within the fearsome botanical creature, preparing for an anticipated confrontation. Taking charge, Pagoon tells Siren to stay behind while he goes around searching for where the voice came from. He makes the plant open up in his efforts, revealing two familiar faces: the thieves who had previously stolen Siren’s bag.
Recognizing these thieves, Siren prepares himself for battle, but they don’t give in easily either. However, when things look grim, Pagoon appears and fights fiercely with them. His interference causes the thieves to retreat, swimming away defeatedly. Suspense still hangs in as Siren keeps going up alongside Pagoon. He hears a whisper saying, “cursed,” but no one is down there when he looks. This vague clue gives the reader the impression that something is wrong as the chapter ends and carries us on to the next.
Castle Swimmer Chapter 70-73: Octalia
Chapter 70 starts with Kappa being dragged by a mighty Mini God. This opening scene sets the stage for what promises to be an intense confrontation, where Kappa is held by evil witches who have him tied up on a rock. They intend to keep Kappa in place while they fight against the Mini God.
The fighting scenes in this chapter are top-tier. Martin’s art shines brightly with dynamic angles and vivid details that capture the intensity and fluidity of combat. The witches’ clash with the Mini God is depicted with a fierceness that draws one into a battle, highlighting Martin’s talent for action sequences.
Kappa finds himself drawn back to the Mini God again, so he tries to talk to the Mini God in an attempt to solve things once and for all. Kappa claims they mean no harm. They want to speak, hoping for a compromise between them and the Mini God. Nonetheless, his plea is despised. However, the Mini God tells Kappa he has no right to say its name. This mysterious answer leaves Kappa in frustration and intrigue as the chapter ends.
Fighting Continues
Castle Swimmer Chapter 71 begins with a dramatic confrontation when the Crab Mini God attacks Kappa. In a surprising turn of events, the Evil Queen saves him from being destroyed by the mini god’s anger just before his attack. The Crab Mini God starts going away, but not before making a hurtful comment.
Mono and Mucku are confronted by the Queen, who tells them she has three hearts and a lot of magic. She wants them not always to try to save her, hinting at the possibility of dire consequences if she overuses her powers. Arguing against this fear, Mono suggests that using too much magic could kill her, and it portrays how power can eat one up and make one forget about self-preservation.
This prompts an essential dialogue between Kappa and Mucku as Queen goes with Mono for recovery. They recall their talk with Herm and deduce that those witches were so desperate to find Mini God because they may be the only survivors of Octalia, people whose land was destroyed by Mini God.
Lost Something Permanently
Kappa reminds Mucku of how uncertain she is regarding their current situation, as she seems to need to learn what led them there. Despite firmly believing that the mini-God destroyed their castles, she tells Kappa that all details escaped her memory. This disclosure introduces frustration tinged with mystery since Kappa does not understand why Mucku can’t testify more clearly, considering her close relation to the case. The day their castle was destroyed, significant sacrifices were made. Queen Nethimir lost her arm. Mono lost her voice. And Mucku no longer remembered anything about Octalia.
The story then goes into a flashback, in which Mucku’s memory is cleared up. Mucku remembers nothing, while the Evil Queen and Mono grieve for what they have lost but remember that those losses were enormous. Their painful remembrances highlight the themes of sacrifice and the high costs of power in this chapter.
In a poignant scene from their past at the end of the chapter, an exhausted Evil Queen says, “I have decided. I am giving up.” This moment is dark in its tone and content and talks about all they have lost together in life. Moreover, it reflects desperation and defeatism around their struggle, marking a significant emotional low point for everybody involved.
New Goals
Following the conclusion of Chapter 72, this chapter begins with Mucku confronting the Evil Queen about her cryptic statement about giving up. The Evil Queen silently and determinedly walks away with Mucku’s words hanging between them. If the Evil Queen insists on dying, she must acknowledge that it is now up to them to avenge their fallen comrades by killing the creature responsible for the destruction.
At once, this assertion starts a flicker of determination inside them both. Queen and Mono look toward Mucku to tell her how they can do something so formidable. Inspired by Mucku’s fiery determination and sense of purpose, the others understand how serious their task is. Now that revenge has become part of their lifestyle, they can no longer be called Octalia.
Mucku’s suggestion of “Evil Witches” as the group’s name came to them in a moment of inspiration and will forever resonate with them. From then on, this name stuck with these heroes as it became synonymous with their transformation and unwavering loyalty to their course. The chapter ends with the trio making a vow. They swear that until death comes upon them, they will not stop tracking down and killing Mini God, who is behind everything.
Chapter 74-75: Danger of God’s Mouth
Castle Swimmer Chapter 74 starts with Pagoon, Pim, and Siren settling down for the night after finding a spot to rest temporarily. Pagoon’s mother raises her head from sleep when an unfamiliar sound surrounds them. Pim tells Siren not to make any noise. The reason behind all those strange feelings becomes clear after Pim discloses that someone from within one of these trenches has come to visit them.
They woke up to find claw marks near their sleeping place, at the entrance to a cave where they had spent the night before. This last event creates unease in readers’ minds since they expect adversity ahead. The chapter effectively achieves its objective by building suspense and increasing the tension surrounding the characters, thus upholding its reputation for skillful storytelling blended with atmospheric suspense.
The Claws
Chapter 75 starts with Siren, Pagoon, and his mother venturing into the wild again. While they journeyed further, Pagoon insisted on consistent training to improve Siren’s skills. His constant practice reinforces his devotion to Siren’s growth and strengthens their friendship. After some time traveling together, the group comes across another cave where they could temporarily take shelter. Sunset falls, and the chapter takes a startling twist.
Pagoon’s mother detects her son attempting to leave the cave. He calls out to her from the direction of the cave, momentarily taking her aback. While turning around to confront him, two claw-like hands emerge from the darkness and seize her before dragging her down into the God Mouth. Siren and Pagoon are now in a dangerous position, isolated and unprepared, after this shocking twist that has claimed one of their own and left them vulnerable to immediate danger.
Personal Reflection
Castle Swimmer Chapter 69-75, Wendy Lian Martin’s magical creativity continues. Each page in these chapters brings palpable suspense and tension. That way, readers get to meet fresh faces and uncover secrets that were until now unknown to them. Every new chapter holds my breath, expecting what comes next in this thrilling tale. The journey through “God Mouth” and the hunt for the Mini-God guarantees exciting surprises you can’t afford to miss out on! Please tell us what you think about it in the comments below. Also, I look forward to other reviews and insights into this fantastic webtoon.