Castle Swimmer Chapter 118-125: Who is Lord Ogo?

Finally Kappa, Siren, and Queen Nethimir meets Lord Ogo!

Castle Swimmer Chapter 118 To 125: Who is Lord Ogo?

Castle Swimmer webtoon continues to unfold fate, love, and sacrifice, leaving its readers in amusement; this is especially true for Castle Swimmer Chapter 118-125. They are deep into season 2, with higher things at risk than before. This follows up on chapter 117, which ends with Siren outside the mini-god’s lair trying to stop some small crabs from calling Mini-God. There is so much tension in the air, and just as he is about to say something, an alarming voice breaks him out of his thoughts.


Castle Swimmer Chapter 118: Lord Ogo Returns

Castle Swimmer Chapter 118-125: The plea of Kappa
Kappa and Queen Nethmir

Castle Swimmer Chapter 118 begins with Kappa desperately pleading with Queen Nethimir not to continue her destructive actions. Eventually, after multiple attempts, Kappa manages to reach Nethimir, who agrees to return to her original self. It seems like a big victory but leaves a sour taste in your mouth. She admits that she has no control over herself when she uses her magic, and if this kind of loss ever happens again, it could be fatal. Her confession that the last time this happened, she lost her hand adds another level of sadness to her character, showing that rather than being evil, she is fighting against an internal force much greater than herself.

Nevertheless, as they prepare to leave, Castle Swimmer Chapter 118 suddenly descends into chaos with an unexpected voice. This cliffhanger leaves readers on edge, eager to know who or what is behind this mysterious voice.

Chapter 119: Real Prophecy of Lord Ogo

Lord Ogo with Kappa

In Castle Swimmer Chapter 119 after returning to his lair, Lord Ogo finds Kappa and the Evil Queen present before him. But just before he can kick them out and assert his dominance, Siren arrives to make the situation even worse, which leads him to enter a fight with Lord Ogo.

Kappa boldly steps before the Mini God, interrupting the intense fight between Siren and Lord Ogo. The Mini God falters momentarily before recognizing him and explains that he has been waiting for Kappa, a child of the Surface God. However, the Mini God’s acceptance doesn’t make Kappa move an inch. He reminded him of their previous meeting, during which he was referred to as a nuisance. In this instance, the Mini God, infected and unable to control his thoughts, apologized to him.

Kappa asks him about the fossil that transformed Lord Ogo into the mini-god, suggesting that it might change his thought patterns. He says that the real Lord Ogo would not have hurt the Beacon. The chapter’s climax is when Kappa implores what Lord Ogo needs. Mini God’s response is heartbreaking and desperate, revealing that he wants Kappa to fulfill a prophecy that other crabs have made for him. “Beacon, I beg of you to please destroy me.” Castle Swimmer Chapter 119 ends on a sad note, bringing up several questions. 

Castle Swimmer Chapter 120: Abyssal God

Lord Ogo with Kappa

In Castle Swimmer Chapter 120, Lord Ogo takes us from reality to a sad flashback. He speaks of the steps he took to become what is now known as a mini-god. This revelation adds more depth to Lord Ogo’s character and helps weave the past and present together in a story marked by destiny and despair.

Returning to the current time, Lord Ogo’s predicament becomes even more severe. Blood is the line separating him from the monster, as evidenced by his plea, “I’d rather die myself than live as that.” Because of this revelation alone, it was obvious that he wished to die not as a creature he feared but as himself.

Kappa learns that the energy source of a mini-god came from a place beyond any being’s comprehension – a god named ‘Labbu,’ who dominates all others. It stands taller than mountains and larger than hills, with red eyes covering its body. Labbu, the creator of all mini gods, is an actual god-like one on the surface, underscoring how treacherous and ancient these forces are. Castle Swimmer Chapter 120 comes to an explosive climax with the shocking news that shocks Queen Nethimir and Kappa. 

Chapter 121: Killing Lord Ogo


In Castle Swimmer Chapter 121, Kappa asks Lord Ogo how the Mini God could have such an extensive storehouse of knowledge. When a person becomes a mini-god, it gains insight into things that are invisible to other beings. This insight also includes Labbu’s corrupting influence pervading the seas and their dwellers. The mention of the dark rock within him adds gravity to the situation, revealing Labbu’s influence.

Kappa’s resolve is soon tested when Lord Ogo instructs him how to kill him. But Kappa’s morality and refusal to take any life stop him from following this instruction.

Siren, Worm, and Queen Nethimir are apprehended at this point by Lord Ogo, who aims to have his way. Unless Kappa follows his instructions, all three will die. Knowing full well that his friends’ lives are at stake forces him to follow Ogo’s request. As he enters Mini God and touches the fossil as directed, you can feel despair and hesitancy in him. Castle Swimmer Chapter 121 ends suspensefully since, contrary to what Lord Ogo expected, Kappa touching the fossil doesn’t lead to Mini God’s death.

Castle Swimmer Chapter 122: The Fight

Lord Ogo vs. Siren

Castle Swimmer Chapter 122 opens with an intense confrontation between Kappa and Mini God. He furiously asks what Kappa has done. On the other hand, Kappa calmly replies that he is following the instructions. But, the mini-god remains unconvinced and unleashes wrath upon everything around them. Suddenly, during the destruction, Queen Nethimir is freed from the hold of the mini-god. She uses powerful spells against Mini God while Siren blinds him with his blade.

The Mini God’s remaining eye perceives the threat that Queen Nethimir poses, and he attempts to crush her. Yet before he can do so, Mucku arrives at the right moment. Queen Nethimir, Mucku, Mono, and Siren combine their powers to fight Lord Ogo, giving Siren a chance to move toward Kappa. This makes the scene emotionally intense, as Siren is in a hurry to get Kappa out and save him, thus reinforcing the depth of their bond. The Mini-God tries to stop them, but his attempts are fruitless as they both escape.

Chapter 123: New life

Siren and Kappa

In Castle Swimmer Chapter 123, Kappa and Siren wake up from their unconscious state, baffled, with bandages all over their bodies. They found themselves in an unfamiliar place, with no memory of how they had survived. They cried out for help, and soon enough, Mono, Worm, Mucku, and Queen Nethimir appeared.

Kappa asks Queen Nethimir how she saved them using her magic. She states that their magic speeds up minor wound-healing processes. However, it cannot save a life once a fatal injury has been caused. The climax of this chapter happens when she reveals that both Kappa and Siren had died from their injuries all along. Both individuals react differently when hearing this for the first time. As a result, they become confused, wondering how they are still alive. Finally, another twist comes in Castle Swimmer Chapter 123—two of her hearts were sacrificed to bring these two back to life.

Castle Swimmer Chapter 124: Buying Time

Lord Ogo

In Castle Swimmer Chapter 124 Kappa and Siren are shell-shocked but grateful for what Queen Nethimir has done. Suddenly, they hear a familiar voice explaining who brought them here. It turns out to be Lord Ogo again in his normal crab size. He expresses gratitude to Kappa for giving him time before death overtakes him. As the characters begin to make sense of this, Queen Nethimir warns Kappa and Siren that their hearts are trying to reject them.

Castle Swimmer Chapter 125: Complications with the Heart

Nethmir, Siren and Kappa

Castle Swimmer Chapter 125 begins with Queen Nethimir’s warning to Kappa and Siren. To survive, they must convince the hearts that they belong in different bodies than hers. She had no other option but to implant her heart into them. At this critical moment, Mono suggests that love might be the answer. The Queen says she doesn’t feel any romantic feelings herself but thinks Siren and Kappa do, especially towards each other; therefore, “if we can make those damn hearts respond to love, then maybe.” In addition, she suggests that more attraction means faster magic sticking on them instead of her.

In the next scene, Mucku asks the Queen what she should do next. She claims that it is almost impossible for them to destroy the real god, but maybe they can find out why he killed their home and people. She also says that she doesn’t want them to address her as Queen anymore.

Siren shows Kappa a picture of his father. Meanwhile, Lord Ogo appears before them, saying he has met the man in the image. It turns out that Shoal gave him some blood in exchange for information on certain whales. The two devise a plan to look for the whales with potential answers to their curses. Following this, Kappa heartwarmingly asks Siren to be his boyfriend, and Siren happily accepts. This scene relieves some tension, allowing readers to soak in its sweetness.

At the end of Castle Swimmer Chapter 125, another surprising development exists. The scene changes abruptly to Shark Castle, where someone comes to ask for the Beacon at the gate.

Personal Reflection

Castle Swimmer Chapter 118-125 have been more emotional and captivating than any other section of the webtoon. Their sweet and terrifying moments continue to make Kappa and Siren’s interactions stand out among others. In these last chapters, we also learn much about Lord Ogo, especially Queen Nethimir, and how she is anything but evil. So plunge into “Castle Swimmer” as Kappa and Siren go through trials by water filled with sacrifice, fate, and love. While waiting for an intriguing next chapter, let’s discuss your thoughts or theories on this storyline in the comments below!

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