The intricately told Castle Swimmer webtoon and the richly developed characters continue to make the enigmatic water world captivating. By the end of Chapter 132, Pim apologizes to Pagoon for her major decision without his input. Pagoon accepts the apology but still wants to be independent, saying, “When I am older, I will go where I want.” Consequently, the Castle Swimmer Chapter 133-139 review offers a comprehensive summary, personal reflections, and an explanation of why this part of a segment in the webtoon was unforgettable.
Castle Swimmer Chapter 133: Saying Goodbyes

In an emotionally charged scene, Kappa says goodbye to Lord Ogo at the beginning of Castle Swimmer Chapter 133. The words seem sincere, making one feel how close they have become throughout the storyline. The goodbyes are quick, but their depth makes it clear there will be challenges ahead. Similarly, Siren says goodbye to Pim, who equally battles farewell emotions from her heart. Pim has supported Siren all along, so the separation is bittersweet, though necessary.
Onwards through the chapter, Siren, Kappa, and three evil witches embark on a new journey together. With anticipation around their trip, the narrative alters, and readers are left wondering what happens next after they meet each other. Finally, Castle Swimmer Chapter 133 ends with a cliffhanger as the crew ventures into unknown territory.
Chapter 134: A New Place
Castle Swimmer Chapter 134 starts with new surroundings as Siren and Kappa swim together while admiring everything around them. These early scenes are filled with playful banter and warmth, showcasing their profound bond. However, another side of the chapter is where an evil witch, accompanied by the Worm, appears.
The chapter becomes grave when Siren, sensing Kappa’s inner struggle, asks him a sad question about whether he hates his scales: “Kappa, do you hate your scales?” Kappa replies that he hates his scales and that when someone calls them beautiful, it makes him feel weird.
Chapter 135: The Kelp Dragon
In Castle Swimmer Chapter 135, Kappa openly tells Siren he does not like his scales. This is an important moment since it touches on Kappa’s insecurity. Siren’s reaction to this revelation shows a growing understanding of Kappa.
To lighten the mood, Kappa surprises Siren by showing him a kelp dragon that initially scares him. Suddenly, faith gives way to astonishment as Kappa approaches and caresses the animal. While watching as the dragon begins responding to Kappa’s presence, all anxiety dissipates from Siren’s face. Their dialogue is particularly poignant when Siren asks if kelp dragons are generally friendly. He humorously replies that this is because he is present there; if he weren’t, the dragon would be eating Siren up.
The chapter ends with a thrilling twist: As Kappa and Siren swim on the back of a dragon, a presence suddenly appears and abruptly shatters the peace.
Castle Swimmer Chapter 136: Flyfin People
In Castle Swimmer Chapter 136, Kappa starts by explaining to Siren that the dragon is annoyed by new people coming. The situation escalates when three Flyfin people appear who are happy to see the Beacon, but this immediately puts Siren on alert. They introduce themselves as flyfins who inhabit the woods. This dialogue becomes more serious when they ask why Kappa and Siren have come here, leading to Kappa telling them about their mission to locate the Whales.
As they discuss among themselves, one of the other Flyfins speaks out against allowing outsiders into their sanctuary. Fizz says that Kappa, being the Beacon, is an exceptional case and claims that he will show him where the whales live, provided Siren stays behind. However, Upon hearing this suggestion, Kappa becomes reluctant, arguing that there is no way he could leave Siren alone.
Ultimately, Fizz manages to persuade the other Flyfins that they should both accompany them. The choice is risky as it will have consequences for all involved. At the end of this chapter, Siren whispers to Kappa that he has a bad feeling about Fizz, which Kappa also has, although he doesn’t have any immediate prophecy. However, their choice to follow along with Flyfins despite everything sets up the future conflict and unsettles readers.
Chapter 137: The Whale Sanctuary
Castle Swimmer Chapter 137 starts with Kappa and Siren following behind Flyfin people, who have led them through a gloomy, enigmatic entranceway. Kappa and Siren are surprised to find many whales sleeping deeply for eternity inside. Fizz, his sister Fean, and his younger brother Finley reveal more about what is happening with the whales. The majestic creatures have been in slumber for hundreds of years. Unlike regular mers, their sustenance is from surface energy; therefore, their lack of access to this power source has kept them in an eternal state of rest. At the end of this chapter, three mysterious figures appear, encircling Siren and Kappa.
Chapter 138: Galoon The Seer
Castle Swimmer Chapter 138 starts with an encounter between the newcomers and Fizz, whom they accuse of bringing outsiders to their hideout and violating their laws. Fizz is not allowed to explain himself before Kappa interrupts, stating that he already knows where the sanctuary is and has only met them while they are travelling. However, the new people remain sceptical, saying no one gets special privileges here, even if it’s the Beacon.
The Seer will determine whether these strangers can be trusted based on their intentions toward the whales’ safety. When one of them goes to get a Seer, the evil witches arrive. Nethimir leads the witches and demonstrates how she traced them using magical connections. A prophetess named Galoo arrives and shares her unusual talent of delving into people’s pasts. She mentions that though this may be intrusive, she can visualize a person’s whole life just by a touch. He will only use this power to determine if there is a threat to the sanctuary if the person is willing to share their memories.
Galoo reveals Siren’s past and concludes that the group poses no immediate danger. She also labels Octalia, Nethimir, Mono, and Mucku as evil witches and verifies Siren and Kappa. The chapter ends with a cautious sense of optimism as she endorses their reliability, emphasizing Siren’s connection to Shoal, who had previously saved the whales from disease.
Castle Swimmer Chapter 139: Shoal the Saviour
Castle Swimmer Chapter 139 starts with Siren questioning Galoo about his father, Shoal’s whereabouts. In a moment of vulnerability and truthfulness, she reveals that a mysterious illness in the Flyfin community almost wiped out the Whales four years ago. He stepped in and helped stabilize them, saving them from extinction. They remained uncertain about the cause of their sickness. But he gave them medicine to give to the Whales when they showed symptoms again so they could be cured. Siren begs Galoo to provide him with his father’s address. However, Her response is quite disheartening. Shoal left and didn’t indicate where he went, so it is unknown where he might be.
After this conversation, Galoo makes them an attractive proposition: She allows Kappa and Siren access to a sprawling database in Flyfin society. It is not a traditional library but rather a chamber full of knowledge that might house answers to some questions plaguing the main characters in this book. On top of that, she wants them to look after whales; Kappa and Siren cannot accept such an offer voluntarily.
Castle Swimmer Chapter 139 takes a dramatic turn when one of the Flyfin members sternly tells Kappa off for trying to touch the whales. In response to Kappa’s query, the Flyfin member explains that the Whales are beings of the upper side and are now weak. Considering Kappa’s divine nature, the action might have unforeseen results for them.
Personal Reflection
The characterizations are so detailed and dynamic that every chapter is a must-read. Examining various topics such as freedom, forgiveness, and personal evolution further complicates the plotline, making it interesting and keeping one interested in them. New characters and changing storylines keep the Castle Swimmer series fresh for fans even after many seasons. We would love to know your opinions on these chapters! Feel free to leave your comments below as we explore the thrilling world of Castle Swimmer.